MQTT Plugin (1 Viewer)


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  • August 3, 2007
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    just tried on new machine with MP1.30 and still the same error. any chance on getting the dll file put onto repo so I can manually install.


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  • February 29, 2008
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    • #22
    Very strange, maybe not enough rights or the file is broken? In the archive of the plugin library, put in "...\MediaPortal\plugins\process\".


      91 KB


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  • August 3, 2007
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    tried mpe1 and the install went perfect.... awesome work thanks.

    Now I have a new issue (Minor one) - when I send a message , in the MP log i see an error when I send a message through from HA.The message comes up and disappears as expected, just htis error is printed in the logs everytime a message comes through.

    Mediaportal.log extract

    [2022-07-02 11:46:18,932] [Error ] [57 ] [ERROR] - LoadSkin: Running on wrong thread - StackTrace: ' at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
    at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.LoadSkinBool()
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.AllocResources()
    at MQTTPlugin.QueueHandler.ShowQueue()
    at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()'

    MQTTPlugin.log extract
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message to be sent: Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Player/totaltime - 217
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message with Id: 693 published.
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message 693 sended.
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message sended: 694: Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Player/remainingtime - 8 - 2 - True
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message with Id: 694 published.
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message 694 sended.
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message sended: 695: Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Player/totaltime - 217 - 2 - True
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message with Id: 695 published.
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message 695 sended.
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message received: [Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Command/message]: {"header":"Motion Detected - Front Yard","line1":"line1","line2":"line2","timeout":120,"image":""}
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message to received...
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Add Message to Queue...
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Dialog is not busy, fire ShowQueue Thread
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Mark message dialog busy
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Number of messages in queue: 1
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message Header: Motion Detected - Front Yard
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message Line 1: line1
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message Line 2: line2
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message given image: http://someserver/api/frigate/notifications/1656725115.26113-vf2zg7/snapshot.jpg
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message processed image: C:\ProgramData\team mediaportal\mediaportal\thumbs\MQTTPlugin\MQTTPluginIcon.png
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message timeout: 120
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Showing Message Dialog
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message to be sent: Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Message/Displaying/message - Motion Detected - Front Yard
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Displaying Message Trigger: Motion Detected - Front Yard
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message sended: 696: Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Message/Displaying/message - Motion Detected - Front Yard - 2 - True
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message with Id: 696 published.
    2/07/2022 11:46:18 AM[Debug] Message 696 sended.
    2/07/2022 11:46:19 AM[Debug] Message to be sent: Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Player/playtime - 210
    2/07/2022 11:46:19 AM[Debug] Message sended: 697: Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Player/playtime - 210 - 2 - True
    2/07/2022 11:46:19 AM[Debug] Message to be sent: Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Player/remainingtime - 8
    2/07/2022 11:46:19 AM[Debug] Message to be sent: Mediaportal/HTPC_J3710/Player/totaltime - 218
    2/07/2022 11:46:19 AM[Debug] Message with Id: 697 published.
    2/07/2022 11:46:19 A


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  • August 3, 2007
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    Another question - do you know if the image can handle a url or does the image need to be stored on the cleint itself?. Reason is I can have HA send a notification message when there is motion detected by Frigate (Video Security) and it has a snapshot of the object it has detected. It would be good to show this in the GUIDialog but jsutt need to know what the image paramter supports.


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  • February 29, 2008
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    • #26
    Thank you, it's good when there are those who use it, i can catch more errors. I'll try to see.
    Regarding pictures, MP dialog, as far as I remember, supports both local and URL. But it is not exactly. We must check.


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  • February 29, 2008
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    • #27
    It seems to me that we solved the problem of calling the dialog box from another thread, but I can't find where or how.
    Can you remember where? :) Or maybe you have an idea how? To avoid the error: LoadSkin: Running on wrong thread - StackTrace


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
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    Ukraine Ukraine
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    • #29
    If I remember I'll post it here, but don't hold your breath...
    Maybe i need add Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(somemethod); and in this method try show Dialog?

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