The notifications are already working.And maybe have the ability to send a notification to the screen. like an outdoor camera detects motion, HASS can send MQTT notification with url of captured image to be shown in Notification window in MP.
The plugin is on the path of development, if you have ideas, then tell me, we will try to implement them.This is great stuff - will look to installing this and seeing what it is currently providing. I am mainly interested in what are MP is in, like Live TV or Moving Pictures, TV Series, etc.
In general it is possible, but so far I have not added it, because I did not see the need for it. Right now I turn off the lights when I start watching Mediaportal and turn them on when I finish. I also turn off Mediaportal from Google Home. But if it's necessary, I'll try to add it.From a dashboard controling the different parameters of the house (temperature, humidity, etc...) thru Home Assistant, is it also possible to control MP? (to launch the radio, a song, a movie, etc...)
It is now possible to display a message in the Media Portal that the car has arrived. If I implement the first point, it will be possible to run the song.Is it possible to use MP on an event? Example (stupid, ok, but just to understand) : my outdoor camera detected that Jane's car is arriving (because the camera read its licence plate) so MP plays Jane's favourite song!
Perhaps this is the reason, there were changes in the installer, but in which version I do not remember ... I can try to give you ready-made library files, but I'm not sure that they will work with 1.22.My version of MP is 1.22 Final