Music Trivia (1 Viewer)


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    Not working for me

    Attached is my mediaportallog. I am using BlueTwo for the skin. I am using RC2 SVN 16029, 21.05.2007

    I go to the plugin and press start, four songs appear (Big Icon List view) in the list, but no music is played and the timer does not count, I press the tracks and then press stop and then four new songs and I press start and no music again and I repeat by pressing the tracks and still no music and the timer doesn't move from :00

    I can listen to music fine.

    Should I be using a newer SVN?


    Portal Pro
    August 24, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America
    Attached is my mediaportallog. I am using BlueTwo for the skin. I am using RC2 SVN 16029, 21.05.2007

    I go to the plugin and press start, four songs appear (Big Icon List view) in the list, but no music is played and the timer does not count, I press the tracks and then press stop and then four new songs and I press start and no music again and I repeat by pressing the tracks and still no music and the timer doesn't move from :00

    I can listen to music fine.

    Should I be using a newer SVN?

    Yeah, you'll have to be running an SVN from Oct 9th or later.

    2007-10-11 16:24:50.677120 [Info.][MPMain]: OnMessage exception:System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean MediaPortal.Music.Database.MusicDatabase.GetSongsByGenre(System.String, System.Collections.Generic.List`1<MediaPortal.Music.Database.Song> ByRef)'.
       at MusicTrivia.Class1.OnPageLoad()

    That's the problem and it's caused by the major changes to the database. I contemplated whether to release a version for RC2 but came to the conclusion that RC3 or final would be out soon. The last version should be ok as long as you aren't using an SVN from between around 10/1/07 and 10/9/07.


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  • February 23, 2005
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    jburnette - Thanks, I will try the newer SVN today and try again!

    I installed SVN#16189 (12.10.2007/0:59) and it behaves the same. Attached log. Started MP, when straight into your plugin pressing start, waited for a few seconds then exited MP.


    Portal Pro
    August 24, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America
    Strange that it is not working for me!

    Are you getting the same error as before?

    I attached the log file again, up a couple of posts.

    STRANGE - I thought I did!

    Very odd. I'm not sure what's happening there but it looks like you have a weird value in the saved settings. You should be able to open your MediaPortal.xml and remove the entire "Music Trivia" section. That was put there by the plugin so it won't effect anything else.


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    THAT WAS IT! Removing that section fixed it!

    OK - I have played it till I got a score of 538 (correct 130, wrong 8) but what does it take to "win" or "lose"? Does it go on forever?

    I only have 23 tracks total in my music list (only as a test) and I noticed that only some songs are selected over and over again and many of the tracks are NEVER played. I was wondering if maybe the first time through if after randomizing the track list if the plugin shouldn't go through the entire randomnized list before going back through and repeating? Yes I know that when it does repeat that it selects different times along the tracks, but for a sake of more randomness I was wondering about this?

    Thanks for a very nice family based plugin!


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