MusicEvolution - a new music plugin for MediaPortal (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
October 4, 2008
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
It isn't too expensive, you pay once and get unlimited updates, the developer even modified the program to run on a 800 x 480 touchscreen because I asked if it was possible (back in the version 4 days)
I use it with my remote (Zalman / imon) and there is a plugin to allow use of MCE remote control

The things I like about it are:-

The look:- large album covers that when selected open as a CD case with the track listing enabling you to play the whole album or individual songs

Party mode - lock down all controls (user defined) except queing songs to the playlist, allowing guests at a party to choose the music without messing anything up.

Database shuffle:- Plays songs randomly from all your collection instantly or from a predefined collections of albums.


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
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    • #42
    While your discussion is somewhat interesting, please continue in this thread instead, as this thread is about an actual plugin in development. I don't have issues with off topic talk in general, but there's already a thread for "different direction" talk. Thanks for understanding.

    niblet: That party mode with most controls locked sounds like a good idea. I'll make a note of it and see if it's possible to implement in MusicEvolution.



    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
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    • #46
    Coders are busy with life AFAIK. The lead coder is also busy with the MyTorrents plugin, so keep your eyes on updates of that as that's bound to happen sooner than updates of this plugin. I'm always around though, but I can't code to save my life unfortunately, or the plugin would be in beta right now.

    In the meantime, do check out kiwijunglist's great guide on setting up MediaPortal for the best browsing of your music collection:


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