First of all Psycho Reptile, thanks for picking up the work on this skin. The screens you post look really great!
I like all of them and I think the Homescreen is really good to! It is nice and clean, looks really slick.
I'm glad to see Trevor reply in this thread also regarding a menu generator, that would be very useful. The one which comes with Streaky is perfect and it lets you place the menu bar on the homescreen for example. I hope you two can work something out regarding a menu generator.
It would be really nice if several options of the skin would be changeable through an editor. Maybe even things like the width of borders around thumbnails etc. I don't know if that will be too much work but maybe it will be a nice feature for some far release.
For now thanks and keep up the great work, I'm a big fan of the pictures you already showed us!
So, the Recently Added is only visible when Movies are selected, right? Would it be possible to have the Now Playing album cover smaller than it is in your screens, then when you highlight Music, the cover will become 2 times bigger? Personally, I think it's a bit too big right now.
Another thing that would be cool is instead of having the fanart for the Recently Added movies in a box, the current background image changes to whatever is selected in a smaller info box (see my mockup). If you select MOVIES, this box is shown, and pushing up on the remote lets the user flip through the latest additions. Pressing OK will open Moving Pictures with the Latest Added movie list. I don't know if all of this is possible (yet) though. Please ignore the font used in this very crude mockup.