My Anime 2 (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 17, 2008
Re: Is this project still alive ...?

I was wondering - as this project had a rather high activity in the past it has become very very quit now. Except Craig there is not much response any more and when looking at the Google codepage the activity also has decreased dramatically.

As I understand there were a lot of open points and bugfixes outstanding. Also I don't understand why there are attempts to put the whole project to a different host (discussion forum) instead leaving it at at team mediaportal - it's a mediaportalplugin after all. I see a lot of effort putted in the new forum but - sorry - splitting the base is useless. Even if the alternate forum is much more beautifull I don't see any benefit in having two of them. And removing it from team mediaportal is not going to work (ok - this is my opinion).

So - the simple question is - is this project still alive - and where - and who is participating?



I was wondering this as well. Hope you guys are still working on this plugin. For me personally, it's the only thing keeping me from switching to Windows Media Center.


Portal Pro
January 14, 2008
Home Country
Australia Australia
Re: Is this project still alive ...?

I was wondering - as this project had a rather high activity in the past it has become very very quit now. Except Craig there is not much response any more and when looking at the Google codepage the activity also has decreased dramatically.

As I understand there were a lot of open points and bugfixes outstanding. Also I don't understand why there are attempts to put the whole project to a different host (discussion forum) instead leaving it at at team mediaportal - it's a mediaportalplugin after all. I see a lot of effort putted in the new forum but - sorry - splitting the base is useless. Even if the alternate forum is much more beautifull I don't see any benefit in having two of them. And removing it from team mediaportal is not going to work (ok - this is my opinion).

So - the simple question is - is this project still alive - and where - and who is participating?



Yes Craig has been holding the fort for quite a while now.
Both him and mpiva were recently busy doing some major low level re-writes of the Database code.
While there is quite a huge amount of work done by them, most of it is not noticeable to the end user (except for performance improvements)

Myself and bert_r have been virtually inactive since the last release.
Essentially I have had no time to work on the plugin, but hoping that things will quieten down soon, and I can get back to it.

The plugin is certainly not abandoned :)

Once the bugs are ironed out in the code refactor there should be another release, just can't say when that will be.

This forum will always be the main place for the Anime plugin. Craig is just trying to spruik the other forum because it is easier to dev's to answer individual questions there. We may get a FAQ going on the other site, and point you there for previously answered questions.


Portal Pro
November 17, 2008
I am very happy to hear this. Once again, I'd like to express my gratitude to all the devs for all the work you do on this plugin. Thanks for enhancing my anime viewing!


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  • May 14, 2007
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    AW: Re: Is this project still alive ...?

    I was wondering - as this project had a rather high activity in the past it has become very very quit now. Except Craig there is not much response any more and when looking at the Google codepage the activity also has decreased dramatically.

    As I understand there were a lot of open points and bugfixes outstanding. Also I don't understand why there are attempts to put the whole project to a different host (discussion forum) instead leaving it at at team mediaportal - it's a mediaportalplugin after all. I see a lot of effort putted in the new forum but - sorry - splitting the base is useless. Even if the alternate forum is much more beautifull I don't see any benefit in having two of them. And removing it from team mediaportal is not going to work (ok - this is my opinion).

    So - the simple question is - is this project still alive - and where - and who is participating?



    Yes Craig has been holding the fort for quite a while now.
    Both him and mpiva were recently busy doing some major low level re-writes of the Database code.
    While there is quite a huge amount of work done by them, most of it is not noticeable to the end user (except for performance improvements)

    Myself and bert_r have been virtually inactive since the last release.
    Essentially I have had no time to work on the plugin, but hoping that things will quieten down soon, and I can get back to it.

    The plugin is certainly not abandoned :)

    Once the bugs are ironed out in the code refactor there should be another release, just can't say when that will be.

    This forum will always be the main place for the Anime plugin. Craig is just trying to spruik the other forum because it is easier to dev's to answer individual questions there. We may get a FAQ going on the other site, and point you there for previously answered questions.

    Good to here that the team is still there ;) - I normaly check after the Google updates if the project is still moving - and as the input there had big gaps I asked the question - so happy waiting for the futurereleases.


    Portal Member
    July 1, 2010
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    United States of America United States of America
    Problem with RC5?

    The plugin has stopped working for me after I upgraded to MediaPortal RC5. I can open it, but my series list does not show up. I can go to the utilities screen and run an import, but going back to the main plugin screen causes MediaPortal to crash. I tried this on two different PCs and got the same thing. Here is an error log if it helps:
    2010-07-01 17:45:23.493950 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: OnMessage exception:System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void MediaPortal.Hooks.Hook..ctor(MediaPortal.Hooks.HookType)'.
       at MyAnimePlugin2.KeyboardHook..ctor()
       at MyAnimePlugin2.MainWindow.OnPageLoad() in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\Windows\MainWindow.cs:line 476
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnMessage(GUIMessage message)
    2010-07-01 17:45:33.296511 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: OnMessage exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at MyAnimePlugin2.MainWindow.OnPageDestroy(Int32 new_windowId) in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\Windows\MainWindow.cs:line 407
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnMessage(GUIMessage message)
    2010-07-01 17:46:15.732938 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: OnMessage exception:System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void MediaPortal.Hooks.Hook..ctor(MediaPortal.Hooks.HookType)'.
       at MyAnimePlugin2.KeyboardHook..ctor()
       at MyAnimePlugin2.MainWindow.OnPageLoad() in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\Windows\MainWindow.cs:line 476
       at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnMessage(GUIMessage message)


    Portal Pro
    January 14, 2008
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Re: Problem with RC5?

    The plugin has stopped working for me after I upgraded to MediaPortal RC5. I can open it, but my series list does not show up. I can go to the utilities screen and run an import, but going back to the main plugin screen causes MediaPortal to crash. I tried this on two different PCs and got the same thing. Here is an error log if it helps:

    Try the patch


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • November 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: My Anime 2


    with MP 1.1 RC6 it seems to me, that the Hasher is broken.
    I have a clean Win7 x64 installation with MP 1.1 RC6
    Under RC5 I had no problems.
    I'm using the hot fix für myanime.

    00000001 - 04.07.2010 19:50:19 - dlg.SelectedLabel: 0
    00000006 - 04.07.2010 19:50:19 - DownloadWebPage called by: GetData -[Offline-Subs]Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na - 01[2E346838].avi&fsize=281020416
    00000006 - 04.07.2010 19:50:22 - Got media Info: FileName: G:\Drop Box\[Offline-Subs]Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na - 01[2E346838].avi | ED2KHash: 8d78bc8a80c827fed97209f8ce39ab73 | FileSize: 281020416 | videoResolution: 704x396 | IsWatched: 0 | AnimeEpisodeID: No Episode | DateTimeUpdated: 04.07.2010 19:50:19
    00000006 - 04.07.2010 19:50:22 - HASHERROR: System.InvalidOperationException: Beim Generieren des XML-Dokuments ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. ---> System.InvalidCastException: [A]MyAnimePlugin2.DataHelpers.FileHashRequest kann nicht in [B]MyAnimePlugin2.DataHelpers.FileHashRequest umgewandelt werden. Der Typ "A" stammt von "Anime2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" im Kontext "LoadFrom" am Speicherort "C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\windows\Anime2.dll".. Der Typ "B" stammt von "Anime2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" im Kontext "Default" am Speicherort "C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Anime2.dll"..
       bei Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationWriterFileHashRequest.Write4_FileHashRequest(Object o)
       --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
       bei System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter xmlWriter, Object o, XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces, String encodingStyle, String id)
       bei System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter xmlWriter, Object o, XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces)
       bei AniDBAPI.XMLBase.ToXML() in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\AniDBAPI\XMLBase.cs:Zeile 22.
       bei MyAnimePlugin2.DataHelpers.XMLService.Send_FileHash(FileLocal data) in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\DataHelpers\XMLService.cs:Zeile 44.
       bei MyAnimePlugin2.DataHelpers.VideoHasher.GetFileData(String fileName, CDSummary cdSumm) in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\DataHelpers\VideoHasher.cs:Zeile 235.
       bei MyAnimePlugin2.DataHelpers.VideoHasher.ProcessFilesToBeHashed(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args) in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\DataHelpers\VideoHasher.cs:Zeile 113.
    00000006 - 04.07.2010 19:50:22 - Error in ProcessFilesToBeHashed: System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
       bei AnimePlugin.AniDBLib.UpdateFileInfo(FileLocal fileDataLocal, Boolean forceRefresh) in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\DataHelpers\AniDBHelper.cs:Zeile 1336.
       bei MyAnimePlugin2.DataHelpers.VideoHasher.ProcessFilesToBeHashed(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args) in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\DataHelpers\VideoHasher.cs:Zeile 126.
    00000006 - 04.07.2010 19:50:22 - Error in ProcessFilesToBeHashed: System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
       bei AnimePlugin.AniDBLib.UpdateFileInfo(FileLocal fileDataLocal, Boolean forceRefresh) in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\DataHelpers\AniDBHelper.cs:Zeile 1336.
       bei MyAnimePlugin2.DataHelpers.VideoHasher.ProcessFilesToBeHashed(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args) in C:\Projects\SVN\animeplugin2\branches\Release_2.3.0\MyAnimePlugin2\DataHelpers\VideoHasher.cs:Zeile 126.
    00000001 - 04.07.2010 19:50:22 - workerHasher_RunWorkerCompleted


    Portal Pro
    August 17, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Okay that leeds to my question before i upgrade to RC6 from RC2 is the Anime Plugin compatible to RC6?
    Because this plugin is the mostly used on my HTPC.


    Portal Pro
    January 14, 2008
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Re: AW: My Anime 2


    with MP 1.1 RC6 it seems to me, that the Hasher is broken.
    I have a clean Win7 x64 installation with MP 1.1 RC6
    Under RC5 I had no problems.
    I'm using the hot fix für myanime.

    Ok I'll take a look at this.

    WARNING On an unrelated note...I have recently begun testing the upcoming version of the plugin.
    Installed the latest version of the X-Factor skin via MPI, which also seems to include the fanart plugin by default.
    The plugin specifies a proxy server which also overrides any web requests done to AniDB.
    This proxy server doesn't work for me, which essentially breaks the myanime plugin.

    So if you suddenly find myanime not working, you will need to disable the proxy server.

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