I made some checks. So far the date is everywhere according to system settings.
I presume with english you do nou mean US date convention vs. European (i.e. MM/DD/YY vs DD/MM/YY), right?
Neverteheless I tried something different:
I manually introduced in the Naruto-Group as series a movie dated this year. And now the whole group is visible.
My guess is that in groups, there needs to be at least one series entry having explicitly the year requested
Still, using my own defined filter rules (shows for year 2009 & 2010 enabled) generates a subset of the shows running in these years. But maybe this would be resolved when the cause for the year filter is found.
I presume with english you do nou mean US date convention vs. European (i.e. MM/DD/YY vs DD/MM/YY), right?
Neverteheless I tried something different:
I manually introduced in the Naruto-Group as series a movie dated this year. And now the whole group is visible.
My guess is that in groups, there needs to be at least one series entry having explicitly the year requested
Still, using my own defined filter rules (shows for year 2009 & 2010 enabled) generates a subset of the shows running in these years. But maybe this would be resolved when the cause for the year filter is found.