Is it possible to control aspect ratio during playback, like when watching My Videos or My TV?
Because when I play e.g. CT's "Burianuv den zen" it has black bars all around the picture (left, right, top & bottom) on my 16/9 TV screen -- and I have no control over it.
My remote's button for aspect ratio does nothing, neither does right mouse button.
Maybe it's just my ignorance, please help.
I'm trying to correct this plugin to work with actual web structure of TV Nova. It is impossible to do this generic. TV Nova has really bad NEW web structure. Each program has different URL and different location of it's episode. The only one chance is create configuration file. This file will contains URL to each program archive. If I know this URL - I can search archive for episodes (seems to be).
TV shifting clause switched Web sites and videos are in Flash. CT PT = PHYSICAL TRAINING has file new ,but at the same time be functional and old on...... iVysílání — ?eská televize stare/ .Be enough only change web address....
May be satisfied with plugin.
TV shifting clause switched Web sites and videos are in Flash. CT TV has file new ,but at the same time be functional and old on...... .Be enough only change web address....
May be satisfied with plugin.
in English:
Here is a version, which operates STV, CT, and Nova. Nova played Macromedia Flash through enough and the bites. If someone comes to how to do better, they add their release.
in Czech:
Zde je verze, ve které funguje STV, ČT a Nova. Nova přehrává přes macromedia flash a dost se kouše. Jestli někdo přijde na to jak to udělat líp, ať přidá svojí verzi.
Čaute. Ako sa ten plug-in inštaluje?
Ja som to rozbalil, prekopíroval do zložiek /plugins a /skins, ale nejako sa mi to v menu vôbec nezobrazí.
Používam MediaPortal 1, skin Blue3, Windows Vista 32bit.
Vďaka za pomoc.
Pokud máte plugin povolený v configu, tak se standartně zobrazuje v menu pod položkou my plugins (další moduly), lze v configu také nastavit, aby se zobrazoval přímo v hlavním menu.