My Event Guide (4 Viewers)


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  • June 21, 2010
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    im an aussie here also!

    Id be keen on making some 3d models with blender/expression blend which end up using Xaml/WPF ..i hope MP2 compatible?

    From videos/tutorials ive watched it would be possible to attatch a playing video to a surface like a cube or something afterwards..i hope this is the ay MP2 will head in the future!

    We won't be able to call ourselves Team Kiwi any-more. ;)


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  • June 21, 2010
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    So hows this all going? Hate to think this team has fallen already. Anyone started a project we can all get involved in? :D


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  • April 23, 2004
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    i dont know if this helps or not ( prolly ) but i made this 3d model in blender the other day

    im still learning as until yesterday ive never done anything like this before so u can have a go at me and ill take it as constructive criticism!

    it took me 6 hours as i know nothing about this stuff..i think i already said that...but i thought it was just a big thing i thought it was worth mentioning twice ( lol )

    its more for my own personal hobby if nothing else and ill continue to try new things

    as far as i can tell ...i believe a 3d progect can be exported out into a WMF project in expression blend and thus making it usable in MP2's skin system?????

    as far as that info goes im pretty sketchy


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  • March 3, 2009
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    Kia ora,

    I have started the plugin base, But we need to sort out what we are doing.
    I will add comments to the code so people wanting to learn C# can understand what each line of code does.

    Will post plugin here when we have a game plan, eg: do we need a process plugin + window plugin or are we gonna keep it simple an use a window plugin only. Do we only want a GIG guide only or more??

    Chur Sa_ddam213


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    If we are doing a gig guide then a process plugin is only needed if we want the information available on the home screen like how in streamedmp you can see the weather/rss/twitter/latest tv episodes/latest mov pics movies on the basic home screen via the infoservice process plugin. However because the gig guide is likely to be intitially only an NZ plugin, we are unlikely to get basic home support from the popular skins that use a basic home editor. Therefore maybe only a window plugin is needed at this stage.

    However we might want to actually do both (process + window) so that in the future if we move to include other gig guides from other countries, then we don't need a big re-write if in the future the popular skins decide to implement the feature into the home screen. The other alternative is just to do a windows plugin, but have a database that can easily be accessed by a process plugin in the future (eg. our own, or infoservice plugin). Infoservice would probably be the better option of the two, but I think the infoservice plugin author would only consider it if the gig guide was popular and supported a large user base. eg. USA/NZ/AUST +/- EUROPE.

    Your thoughts?


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  • March 3, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: Kiwi Development team

    I think we should go with a Process+Window plugin setup, As I would like to see notifications etc. on any window.
    Basicly we should build for NZ at the moment but will try keep all setting (Web,RSS and language) configurable via XML .
    Due to the simplicty of the plugin IMO database will not be needed.

    Also I think we should pull all information ourself's and not use the "Infoservice plugin" as then we have to keep up with that plugins development also.

    So basicly we want a plugin that can get any info from any Web,RSS and display in a format we all agree on (do not leave that to me) as I dont want to change every version because some people dont like the layout of the info.


    Edit: My idea for the gig guide layout is like the TV guide with City's instead of channels ad gig's instead of programmes


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    I would like to handle all the conceptual layout and conceptual user interaction with the plugin as well as graphics.

    If we want notifications on any window in the skin, then wouldn't that require us to have code on every skin file? Also are you thinking pop up dialog box, or icon in the corner of the skin. I would imagine that if the notification in every window requires us to edit every skin file then that feature is not sustainable?

    my msn live address is my forum user name @ gmail, however it's good to keep written record of discussions.

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