My Event Guide (5 Viewers)


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  • March 3, 2009
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    I was thinking more of a Dialog window to show notifications that way no skin mods would be necessary.
    The plugin will handle the Dialog Show/Hide.


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    My idea for the gig guide layout is like the TV guide with City's instead of channels ad gig's instead of programmes

    I would propose a different gig guide layout, because (1) often the user is only interested in their own city, (2) there are multiple gigs in each city every night. I'll post a screenshot of my concept layout after lunch.

    I was thinking more of a Dialog window to show notifications that way no skin mods would be necessary.
    The plugin will handle the Dialog Show/Hide.

    Sounds good. What kinda of information did you have in mind that would be useful for dialog box notification?

    I can only think of two situations currently.

    1. Tag an event in the gig guide as a favourite, then you get a dialog box reminding you that your favourite gig is coming up, set the notification time to 24 hrs or 48 hrs in advance etc...

    2. Have a user definable list of keywords, eg your favourite DJs name or favourite bands name or your favourite genre of music. If an event in the gig guide comes up that includes a keyword then you get dialog notification of the gig, with option to 1. view gig guide, 2. add gig as favourite event.


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  • March 3, 2009
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    Sounds good. What kinda of information did you have in mind that would be useful for dialog box notification?

    The idea I had was that you could select a gig from the guide and the plugin coul remind you that that the gig is starting soon.

    Eg: "Remember Katchafire is playing at the Civic tomorrow night"
    Eg: "Your friend "Hemi" is attending Katchafire at the Civic tomorrow night" (from twitter of facebook events)

    LOL you type fast than me :)


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  • June 21, 2010
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    Is it going to be a gig only plugin or will we make it adaptable to add other sites? So its a "what's On" plugin which the user can adjust it to suit themselves? I think its use might be limited if we kept it gig only.


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    I would see gigs being any event that is listed

    eg. Club DJs, Bands playing, but i guess it could also cover christmass in the park stuff like that, it all depends on what sources you use to get events.


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  • June 21, 2010
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    Re: Kiwi Development team

    Hmm just wondering if we include sports events or just keep it simple? I know there are sites out there that log cancellations and what not. Not sure if this would be easily done?


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Retired Team Member
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  • March 3, 2009
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: Kiwi Development team

    We should be able to add anything we want, I think I'm throwing the word gig around to much.
    I want sport listing, Music gigs, Movie listings etc


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  • June 21, 2010
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: Kiwi Development team

    That event finder covers quite a bit, Is that the source you are planing on using?

    Maybe we should name the plugin? .......


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Re: Kiwi Development team

    Sounds good. What kinda of information did you have in mind that would be useful for dialog box notification?

    The idea I had was that you could select a gig from the guide and the plugin coul remind you that that the gig is starting soon.

    Eg: "Remember Katchafire is playing at the Civic tomorrow night"
    Eg: "Your friend "Hemi" is attending Katchafire at the Civic tomorrow night" (from twitter of facebook events)

    Facebook events definitely do able, as the information is there if you know how to access/process it, but I can not imagine how it would work for twitter. (I don't use twitter myself), but i thought twitter was just a simple text string update with a time/date stamp that may or may not include a url?

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