My Films 6.0 beta released ! (19.10.2012) - V6.0.0.2616 (MP 1.2.x & 1.3 alpha) (1 Viewer)

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Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    My Films 6.0.0 beta released!
    (supports MediaPortal 1.2.x and 1.3 alpha)

    My Films combines the powerful features of movie catalog software with the superb media center features of MediaPortal. It incorporates many advanced movie catalog features into MediaPortal. Eight different movie catalog apps are supported out of the box.You do NOT need to re-scan your data and you can continue to use your current movie catalog app with My Films. Import from Moving Pictures and XBMC (via XML export or NFO), or MediaPortal Videos 1.3.x (via NFO files).

    My Films offers:
    • extended features for the popular Ant Movie Catalog (AMC) or for new catalogs created in My Films (AMC XML database format):
      • update in real-time (since they both use the same XML database)
      • update by field or multiple fields but never overwrite the data you wish to keep
      • batch/global updates for some/all records by field, value, etc using AMC Updater
    • built-in support for networks (centralized data, covers/posters, fanart and configs)
    • multiple databases - as many as you wish for different types of videos such as documentaries, home videos or even to keep your kids videos separate if you prefer (you can switch database easily within My Films)
    • multiple users - watched status, date watched user ratings (and thus favorites) are supported per user.
    • multiple configs (like profiles) for the same database with different filters/settings for different users
    • advanced search, sort, view or update by ANY field
    • integration with Trakt, Sub-Central, Online Videos (Trailers), and Browse the Web (to view related web pages for movies, cast and crew)
    and much, much more! See the extensive My Films wiki for an overview of all the features and many tutorials how to setup/use them.

    <div align="center"><a href="" title="My Films Slideshow" target="_blank" class="LbTrigger " data-href="misc/lightbox">
    <img src="" class="LbImage" alt="Captiontext"></a></div>
    Click the image above for slideshow.​

    What's New in v 6.0.0
    A lot - and too much to mention everything here! See What's New > Version 6.0 for all the details. Here are just a few of the major new features:
    • Create a new catalog (using AMC XML database format) - you don't need to have one already
    • AMC4 support with extended fields - see Upgrade to AMC4 tutorial
    • Ember Media Manager (EMM) support
    • NFO import/export and delete (including covers/posters and fanart)
    • Networks - new features including auto sync of config/settings to clients
    • Views/Menu - customizable even within MyFilms GUI
    • Blu-ray support in MP 1.3.0 + External Player for formats not supported by MediaPortal
    • Persons/Actors info and images
    • Group/Collection support group/ungroup your movies from inside the GUI
    • Search, sort or view by any field with new search features to find all related persons by role
    • Cover manager to download and select the covers/posters you prefer
    • Settings can be selected and changed within MyFilms GUI (in most cases)
    Plus for AMC users, or XML catalogs created in My Films (where updates are possible within My Films):
    • Multiple Users - in addition to watch status - user ratings, date watched, favorites and more are now supported per user
    • Groups and Editions - auto detection and display features
    • Scan/Import - improved auto matching - plus display of covers, IMDB IDs and links for manually matching films that cannot be auto matched more easily, plus many new options for importing such as fanart limits/resolutions, persons images or info downloads and more!
    • 38 different grabbers - with online updates and major enhancements to Grabber Tool to modify or create new ones
    • update by any field - even select multiple fields to update within MyFilms GUI (and avoid updating those you edit manually)
    Skin Support
    Default skin files are provided for both 16x9 and 4x3 screen sizes. MyFilms auto detects the MP version you are using (1.2.x or 1.3.0) and installs the compatible Default skin files for you.

    Skin Version check
    If your skin is not compatible, or not fully supported, MyFilms will now give you a warning message the first time you start MyFilms after loading MediaPortal.

    Skins supporting My Films 6.0.0
    My Films 6 requires skin updates to fully support all new features.
    Also, you have to make sure, the skin you want to use does support the MP version you are using (MP1.2.x vs. MP1.3alpha)
    @Skinners - See Skinning My Films or Skin Changes. Please leave a PM to add your skin to the supported skin list.

    Although 6.0 beta installer includes 8 language files, only German and English have been fully updated for v 6.0. If you are able to help or provide translations for new languages - please see My Films 6 - Language (string) files/Translations. Thanks!

    WARNING - see Upgrade 5.1 to 6.0 for important info before installing!
    • If you enable Trakt for MyFilms - be sure to enable AddOns in Installer for Trakt v which supports MF 6.0.0. This will no longer be required once a new official version of Trakt is released, that includes the enhanced features.
    • See Sample Movies DB for important changes if you installed it previously.
    • New Users - See Getting Started. If you have never used MediaPortal before: MediaPortal Setup.
    Download Link

    Please read the Support guidelines before submitting Bug Reports and Feature Requests.

    Before reporting any bugs, check the My Films wiki, My Films FAQ and the Issue Tracker (to see if it has already been reported/fixed).
    Make sure all necessary information is included in your report - remember, that My Films supports many very different use cases and it is impossible to get support without that info!
    Always include logs and steps to reproduce!

    Feature Requests
    New Feature requests are evaluated based on:
    • the number of users who request them, star them in the Issue Tracker, or will benefit from the feature
    • how much testing/support you provide to My Films
    • and of course the difficulty in adding and maintaining the feature
    • Developer: Guzzi Original Developers: zebons, titof, Orion Hall (AMC Updater)
    • Wiki Docs: Dadeo, Guzzi
    • Skinning: Dadeo, ysmp, Guzzi
    • MF logos: Dadeo
    • Genre images: Carlos 'Fiinix' Nabb (Fiinix Design)
    • Testing: Dadeo, z3us, ncoH, TLD
    • Project Management and Design: Guzzi, Dadeo
    • Grabber Scripts: Guzzi, z3us
    • All contributors and everybody who helped making MyFilms better
    Special thanks to Dadeo ! - without him, MyFilms would still be at version 4.8 !
    THANKS to the many users for testing previous releases, test releases and reporting issues in the forum. :love:


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    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
    Home Country
    South Korea South Korea
    Hey guys (Guzzi & Dadeo) :p
    Congratulations , on the long a whited MF 6.0 :)
    Version 6.0 got a such a big upgrade ... amazing work you guys did ... (i know as i help a little... ;))
    Very Cool ... :)
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    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Canada Canada
    What's the latest? Were there any changes to XML export format (which is what My Films uses)? You can see what is supported on the MyMovies page in MyFilms wiki.
    There has not been much testing for MyMovies or even some other catalog types, hence the beta release ;).


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi guys,

    great job.. I'm still using MovingPictures wich is working great, but I will give myfilms a try.. :)

    Is there btw a dutch data grabber availible? Or is myfilms using the same grabbers as myvideos; in that case it don't ;)



    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
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    • #7
    Hi guys,

    great job.. I'm still using MovingPictures wich is working great, but I will give myfilms a try.. :)
    Is there btw a dutch data grabber availible? Or is myfilms using the same grabbers as myvideos; in that case it don't ;)
    No, there isn't such grabber and it is not using myvideos grabber scripts. If you want to create one, z3us and me can give you a helping hand - or you just tell me the site you want and I can provide you a base script. However, I can't fully create such grabbers due to language reasons ;-)
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    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    @powermarcel10 - You can check out the Supported Grabbers in Wiki to see if any existing grabbers might meet your needs or provide a base to work from.

    MF provides a GUI for the Grabber Engine so you can modify an existing grabber pretty easily for the site you prefer and we will add it to MF. Probably the best place to get an overview is the Test Grabbers wiki page (and then ask Guzzi and z3us for help in the Grabber Scripts thread/sticky ;))

    If you are interested to test the conversion from MovingPictures to MyFilms using Scroungers new MovPicNFO add on, it would be great to get some feedback on that. I haven't documented it yet as it hasn't been tested.
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    Portal Pro
    December 4, 2007
    Home Country
    Spain Spain
    Thanks, Dadeo and Guzzi!
    If anyone needed a customized grabber or one for a particular site, I'll be pleased to TRY to make it.


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Thanks! The Dutch site for moviedetails is

    I have to wait on a new motherblard for my testmachine.. Than I can test and see if myfilms is for me better than movingpictures.. If it does, I will help you with adding a Dutch info grabber..
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