My Films 6.0 beta released ! (19.10.2012) - V6.0.0.2616 (MP 1.2.x & 1.3 alpha) (1 Viewer)

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Portal Pro
December 4, 2007
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Spain Spain
So, is the script ok for you? I'm happy for that ;-) supports Hungarian translation of all the fields, it's a pity the lack of contributors in your language.


Portal Pro
April 24, 2007
Home Country
Hungary Hungary
I've tested it with a small amount of movies, it works fine, however it didn't find description for one movie, Impostor, although has it.


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    Thank you guys!


    - Language is working fine now, thanks for the hint
    - Subtitles: my mistake, sorry. But when you got this in mediainfo
    ID                            : 3
    Format                        : UTF-8
    Codec ID                      : S_TEXT/UTF8
    Codec ID/Info                  : UTF-8 Plain Text
    Title                          : english subtitles
    Language                      : English
    both Language and Title will be displayed in Subtitles field in AMCU. I think Language would be enough.

    - I starred those issues, thanks for the links
    - 'colon' issue - shall I add this to the Tracker even tough it is a skin related issue?


    I have these:
    and I just want to start a fresh config with the wizard. I touched nothing else than Begin Import button and the importer pops-up a window for every movies and I have to clear the filenames.
    And finally I got random secondary titles, but z3us' script solved this problem :)
    Great to hear you sorted it - and thanks to z3us!
    You confirmed hu script is working fine - so is it ready to be added to the release?
    I would then use this as preset for hu - thus solving the problem of bad grabber script matching!?

    Two suggestions to make this plugin easier to use for non-english users:

    - I don't know the other sites, but genres (categories) are not very well displayed on It's OK to grab them from IMDb, and I know I can localize them with 'Update Value - Replace Sting' option in AMCU, but it would be great to have a pre-defined rule set to make it automatically - like in Scorecenter plugin, because, generally, users might want to use the configurator only once.
    So basically you're talking about a "translation table" that has to be filled once and then processed on each import/update, right?
    That's for sure useful for all languages where local grabbers are not good enough - I like the idea, so I'd suggest you add that as feature request to issue tracker, so others can star it.

    - Using a secondary grabber script automatically when the first one doesn't find any possible match at all. It's very common for new films on :(
    I'd also suggest to add it to the tracker; not yet sure, what is the best way to do it, but then we don't forget about it and can discuss possible ways...


    Portal Pro
    April 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Hungary Hungary
    You confirmed hu script is working fine - so is it ready to be added to the release?
    Since it is the only one hungarian script so far :) yes, it's working fine!

    Thanks, z3us, for the update! Impostor is also working fine.

    So basically you're talking about a "translation table" that has to be filled once and then processed on each import/update, right?
    Basically, yes.

    I'll add my requests to the Tracker ASAP.

    One more issue. Probably it's two...
    How can I change grabber script using the MePo GUI?
    Because when my primary grabber doesn't find anything then I would try IMDb.

    And... I got this title, 'A beautiful life', which is an English title for a Chinese movie, and even though actually has an entry for this title (it's a completely different movie, actually, but it doesn't matter in this case), there are no Translated Title nor Description, therefore AMCU just skips this movie so I got nothing in my database nor in GUI. I'm affraid if I ran AMCU through my collection, I would bump into this issue for dozen times.


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    You confirmed hu script is working fine - so is it ready to be added to the release?
    Since it is the only one hungarian script so far :) yes, it's working fine!

    Thanks, z3us, for the update! Impostor is also working fine.
    ok, will add it to svn. As you might have noticed, we have added updater to setup - so not a problem to update scripts between release cycles :)

    So basically you're talking about a "translation table" that has to be filled once and then processed on each import/update, right?
    Basically, yes.

    I'll add my requests to the Tracker ASAP.

    One more issue. Probably it's two...
    How can I change grabber script using the MePo GUI?
    Because when my primary grabber doesn't find anything then I would try IMDb.
    I assume you're talking about changing script for the global importer.
    You currently can't change this from MyFilms GUI.
    But there as an imho better solution - see below.

    And... I got this title, 'A beautiful life', which is an English title for a Chinese movie, and even though actually has an entry for this title (it's a completely different movie, actually, but it doesn't matter in this case), there are no Translated Title nor Description, therefore AMCU just skips this movie so I got nothing in my database nor in GUI. I'm affraid if I ran AMCU through my collection, I would bump into this issue for dozen times.
    You can configure AMCU to either skip films, that cannot be properly identified - or import them without updating them.
    If you prefer importing your movies from GUI silently, I would recommend that latter.
    You would then have your movies in the DB, but without internet data.
    You could then update them in GUI - eith default script or any other script you like.
    To get an overview about movie requiring updates, you could use the global option "Incomplete Movie Data" - and take action from there for updates - see here.


    Portal Pro
    April 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Hungary Hungary
    YES! This is exactly what I was looking for... :) It's OK now, I got those problematic title in my DB, and I could update it using the IMDb script from the GUI.
    Very good.

    One more question. Is it possible to check for any new movies automatically when plugin starts (like TV-Series plugin)?

    BTW, I'll update Hungarian language file in a minute...


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    • #28
    YES! This is exactly what I was looking for... :) It's OK now, I got those problematic title in my DB, and I could update it using the IMDb script from the GUI.
    Very good.

    One more question. Is it possible to check for any new movies automatically when plugin starts (like TV-Series plugin)?
    No, that is currently not possible - at least not just with a setting "out of the box". It would be not a big problem to allow a config option to autostart an import once the plugin starts - or in certain intervalls; but as I personally prefer to initialte such things manually, I never missed that ;) (have disabled in TVseries too ...)
    So I'd again suggest to add that as feature request to tracker, so it can be starred.

    BTW, I'll update Hungarian language file in a minute...
    Thanks - as I am already working on some 6.1 features - could you please use latest language files from here:
    I would then save the time to merge/update/add missing new strings each time I commit :)


    Portal Pro
    April 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Hungary Hungary
    Request has been added.

    So from now on, I should download language files from the tracker and update them before I post them here, right? OK, I can do that.

    I noticed that when I use AMCU from GUI to add new film, any new film will be displayed with yellow color - like watched films, therefore I always have to set them 'not watched'. Is it expected?


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    Request has been added.

    So from now on, I should download language files from the tracker and update them before I post them here, right? OK, I can do that.
    Only if you intend to make many updates - :D . I usually do the merge, just mentioned it as you reposted translations right after I had merged and committed the last one ;-).

    I noticed that when I use AMCU from GUI to add new film, any new film will be displayed with yellow color - like watched films, therefore I always have to set them 'not watched'. Is it expected?
    Of course that is not expected! To investigate that one, I need your config and logs.
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