My Films 6.0 beta released ! (19.10.2012) - V6.0.0.2616 (MP 1.2.x & 1.3 alpha) (1 Viewer)

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  • November 26, 2006
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    Thx @Alesfrancor - we are happy to see it finally released too :p

    Fixed links - stupid copy/paste :( Hope I caught them all! Nice to know someone uses them! Thanks for catching that!
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  • February 9, 2011
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    What does the "you myfilms skin should be updated" message means?
    Means it that I've to wait for an update of StreamedMP?


    Portal Pro
    April 24, 2007
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    Hungary Hungary
    I tried this beta on a dev machine. I have built a new DB.
    Some notices:

    * Init
    - looks like the updater doesn't handle original release names.
    - I chose Hungarian language first but I got random Secondary Titles (French, Spanish...)
    - no Hungarian grabber script :( altough AMC have a great one (

    * DB
    - languages and subtitles info come from IMDb, not from Mediainfo - they are usually false since I definetly don't have Russian dubs

    * GUI
    - when I try to change display options, there is an option to set a field to 'empty' but after have it applied, a 'colon' still displayed
    - I found 'Cover Manager' but I couldn't find 'Fanart Manager' - I got only options to do several settings but I expected a GUI to choose fanarts to delete...

    I like the actor portraits :)


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
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    Hi vrm42 - thanks for the feedback!

    There is a new option in AMCU > Database fields tab to select Internet data (default) for Languages - disable that and save your settings to get languages from media info. I didn't know IMDb even provided subtitle info - can you provide a link? AFAIK My Films never grabbed that and media info does not always include it (depending on media type) - so you will see in Issue tracker: 192: Auto update Subtitles field when Subtitles are available - if you 'star' the issue it might get added to an earlier release ;)

    RE the colon in display items - yep that's a skin bug and can be corrected for final - could you add an issue to the Tracker? I don't think anyone ever tested leaving a field empty ;)

    Yes 'Fanart Manager' does not have a separate GUI window .... YET - it's mainly the same as it was in 5.2 - but that is planned see (and star!) Issue 128: Feature to preview fanart and select which fanart is downloaded

    Glad you like the actor portraits - there is even more features for 'persons' (cast/crew) coming soon (relatively ;))
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    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
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    I tried this beta on a dev machine. I have built a new DB.
    Some notices:

    * Init
    - looks like the updater doesn't handle original release names.
    Not sure, if I understood right - but if you're referring to search, it should, but of course depends on the grabber and thus source used. If the grabber supports AKAs - like IMDB does - it will also use them for lookup.
    - I chose Hungarian language first but I got random Secondary Titles (French, Spanish...)
    Please post examples, so we can check if it is a bug or if it is caused by data provided by the respective grabber/website.

    - no Hungarian grabber script :( altough AMC have a great one (
    I hardly can create grabbers for each language - especially, if I don't speak/understand it ;-)
    I suggest you create an issue, so if there is demand, we can add it. I can help with basics, details should be done by someone who knows the language and knows what he/she does .... :)


    Portal Pro
    December 4, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    - no Hungarian grabber script :( altough AMC have a great one (
    Here you have a + IMDB grabber. It´s probably not very good, because I don´t know hungarian and the api of is a messy, but I did my best. Give it a try.


      21.2 KB
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    Portal Pro
    April 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Hungary Hungary
    Thank you guys!


    - Language is working fine now, thanks for the hint
    - Subtitles: my mistake, sorry. But when you got this in mediainfo
    ID                            : 3
    Format                        : UTF-8
    Codec ID                      : S_TEXT/UTF8
    Codec ID/Info                  : UTF-8 Plain Text
    Title                          : english subtitles
    Language                      : English
    both Language and Title will be displayed in Subtitles field in AMCU. I think Language would be enough.

    - I starred those issues, thanks for the links
    - 'colon' issue - shall I add this to the Tracker even tough it is a skin related issue?


    I have these:
    and I just want to start a fresh config with the wizard. I touched nothing else than Begin Import button and the importer pops-up a window for every movies and I have to clear the filenames.
    And finally I got random secondary titles, but z3us' script solved this problem :)

    Thank you very much for this quick response! Your script works almost perfectly. I got correct Translated Titles and Hungarian descriptions as well.
    There is one issue. Actors list come from IMDb and even I checked not to grab actor roles, grabber grabs them.
    Edit: I've just found the option to override grabber settings... :)

    Two suggestions to make this plugin easier to use for non-english users:

    - I don't know the other sites, but genres (categories) are not very well displayed on It's OK to grab them from IMDb, and I know I can localize them with 'Update Value - Replace Sting' option in AMCU, but it would be great to have a pre-defined rule set to make it automatically - like in Scorecenter plugin, because, generally, users might want to use the configurator only once.

    - Using a secondary grabber script automatically when the first one doesn't find any possible match at all. It's very common for new films on :(
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    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
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    - 'colon' issue - shall I add this to the Tracker even tough it is a skin related issue?
    Not yet. When I tried to confirm it was not actually a skin bug so Guzzi is looking into it - thanks for catching that!
    both Language and Title will be displayed in Subtitles field in AMCU. I think Language would be enough.
    OK I understand now thanks. However, there are many use cases for different media - sometimes the subtitles and language are the same, but often there can be multiple audio tracks and subtitles. So we'll have a look at it and see what we can come up with. ;)
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