My Launch (yahoo launch videos) (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
October 27, 2005
Source code

As i said before, huge thanks for a lovely plugin!

I just wonder if there is any chance that u may share the source code for version 1.0.2? Im not a programmer, but my only reason is to change the name of the plugin in home menu to "Mina Musikvideon" (swedish).

I guess i could manage that with MS visual studio .net 2003...or at least i could try ;)

Thanks in advance!


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 6, 2006
    Re: Source code

    MrMartin said:
    change the name of the plugin in home menu to "Mina Musikvideon" (swedish).

    you can have that a lot more easy by editing your strings.xml in your used language folder of mediaportal. there i edited "radio" to be "radio & internet tv"

    edit: HEEEY! PLEASE SAY MY -->100th<-- post was helpful... (-; proud to be aspecial ed *g*


    Portal Member
    October 27, 2005
    Re: Source code

    smnnekho said:
    You can have that a lot more easy by editing your strings.xml in your used language folder of mediaportal. there i edited "radio" to be "radio & internet tv"

    Thanx for the advice, but thats not possible, and i have already tried to do that way. Unfortunately the plugin-name seems to be hard-coded and therefore there is no string such as "My Musicvideos" or even "Musicvideo" in either the default strings.xml or the swedish one.

    Thats why i guess recompiling the source is the only solution...

    I wish the dev could be here a little bit more often :( Hard to reach him...



    Portal Member
    December 3, 2005
    This is a great plugin! I do have a few problems with it on my setup though...

    * Changing the bitrate/country setting seems to do nothing
    * Changing the bitrate/country setting prevents the plugin from working anymore... I can't do any searches, and the popular listing sits there "downloading" forever. I have to restart MP for it to work again

    Assuming the bitrate thing is fixed, does setting it to a higher bitrate mean higher resolution video? The default looks really blocky in full-screen ;)


    Portal Member
    October 27, 2005

    nem2k2 said:
    This is a great plugin! I do have a few problems with it on my setup though...

    * Changing the bitrate/country setting seems to do nothing
    * Changing the bitrate/country setting prevents the plugin from working anymore... I can't do any searches, and the popular listing sits there "downloading" forever. I have to restart MP for it to work again

    Assuming the bitrate thing is fixed, does setting it to a higher bitrate mean higher resolution video? The default looks really blocky in full-screen ;)

    I have a simple solution for this...
    First of all, i dont think you ever need to change the bitrate once you set it to 768kbit, and secondary, I guess USA is the only option for us all because USA has the largest collection of videos.

    So here is whay you can do:
    Browse to the MyMucisVideoSettings.xml file, and edit this:

    bitrate default =N 56
    bitrate default =N 128
    bitrate default =N 300
    bitrate default =Y 768

    Then make this file READ-ONLY.

    Once you have done that, edit the MyMucisviceos.xml in your Skin\Bluetwo folder and find this line:

    <description>Play all button</description>
    <label>Spela Alla</label>

    As you can see i changed the <ondown> to number 2, which means that when you are highlightning the "Play All"-button and puch one step down, you just back to the "Top Videos" button on top.

    This way you wont even touch the bitrate/coutry settings (as long as you use a remote oc keyboard) And even if you change the bitrate value by mistake with mouse - the next time you start MP, the value will still be 768bitrate and USA as country because the READ-ONLY file was not overwritten!

    Good Luck!


    A simple, but working method.


    Portal Pro
    October 30, 2005
    Great plugin!!!

    Hi have some problems with this plugin...

    I can download "Top Videos" and "New Video" lists and I can see all the music videos in the list but when I try to play any of them it doesn´t work!?
    The screan beacomes black and thats it, no video.

    It seems like all the links to the video-files were wrong or something...

    Tried to change the biterate but it does not help:(
    When I look at my internet-connection after the list is downloded, and choose a video nothing happends.
    Nothing is downloading...???


    Portal Pro
    May 31, 2006
    Hey, very nice plugin . Can i save some videos for my personal usage?

    thank's for your hard work too


    Portal Pro
    May 31, 2006
    Deco said:
    vanessa_cl said:
    Hey, very nice plugin . Can i save some videos for my personal usage?

    I use the VideoDownloader Firefox plugin - pretty nifty:

    Haven't tried it with Yahoo videos yet though ...


    Thank's. But I don't need solutions out of mediaportal

    Can anyone say me if i can save some video files for my personal usage?

    rgs :wink:

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