Trevor - great to hear that you are creating a new plugin for music videos. Cul8er is building a music artist thumbnail scraper into the fanart handler plugin, you might want to consider to utilise this for getting artist thumbnails rather than using scraper.
Feature requests
1. rate music videos 1->5 stars
2. smart playlist - play random songs with star rating > X (user definable)
3. weighted playlist - play random songs, probability of track being played increased with 1. higher star count 2. greater time since last played 3. more recently added to database
Feature requests
1. rate music videos 1->5 stars
2. smart playlist - play random songs with star rating > X (user definable)
3. weighted playlist - play random songs, probability of track being played increased with 1. higher star count 2. greater time since last played 3. more recently added to database