My Usenet (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
No, you shouldn't need multiple clients running - only one. The configuration changes will be written to the config file and then reread by the client.


New Member
December 28, 2007
Finding this plugin made my day! Thanks for all the hard work you've put into it. Any idea on when the next fully fledged release will be?

Also, I'm having some trouble getting it all working with the Project Mayhem skin. Either things won't download, or the layout is all wrong and I can't see everything, any suggestions? I'm pretty new to Media Portal, so sorry if I sound like a total newb :)

Thanks again

So, I've decided to switch over to xface which you included xml for, and it's a pretty slick skin overall anyway.

But now I'm experiencing a whole new problem.

If I click Select Feed, and select Movies, TV, or Music, I can download just fine.

If I do a custom search, or try to search by attribute, I get the search results back, it *says* it saves the nzb, but it never gets added to my sabnzbd queue. Any ideas?

This is with sabnzbd / newzbin.

Thanks a lot!


sorry for the triple post, but it looks like my responses are getting automerged, that's good :D


so, after a little experimentation i found that using Post ID works! kind of curious, but at least it works.

anyway, i've said it a lot but thanks again. this plugin makes media portal an obvious choice.



Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Finding this plugin made my day! Thanks for all the hard work you've put into it. Any idea on when the next fully fledged release will be?

Glad you're enjoying it. I'd say the next actual release will come in January. I've been working on and off at adding the majority of the features that have been requested. Obviously, with Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years things have been too busy to make a lot of progress.

codexile said:
Also, I'm having some trouble getting it all working with the Project Mayhem skin. Either things won't download, or the layout is all wrong and I can't see everything, any suggestions? I'm pretty new to Media Portal, so sorry if I sound like a total newb :)

This is most likely a skin issue, though I'm not sure what the exact problem is without a log. I see that you got things working, though, so that's good.

codexile said:
If I click Select Feed, and select Movies, TV, or Music, I can download just fine.

If I do a custom search, or try to search by attribute, I get the search results back, it *says* it saves the nzb, but it never gets added to my sabnzbd queue. Any ideas?

This is with sabnzbd / newzbin.

Thanks a lot!

so, after a little experimentation i found that using Post ID works! kind of curious, but at least it works.

anyway, i've said it a lot but thanks again. this plugin makes media portal an obvious choice.


This could be a lot of different things. If you can post your Mediaportal.log after this happens (without using Post ID) then I should be able to tell what's going on. At least it's working with Post ID, though. Just out of curiousity, what version of the plugin are you using?

Again, thanks for the compliments and I'm glad you got things working in the end.


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
I've had a lot of free time (thank god for holidays) so I've been working to get everything added/updated/fixed that you all have brought to my attention. Here's what we're looking at right now, if you requested something and it isn't listed below let me know and I'll see about getting it in before the next release which will come sometime in the next couple of weeks.

  • Added the ability to add "Custom Feeds" to Newzbin/NZBMatrix. These can be pretty much anything you want. The plugin will also automatically import your Grouplists and Saved Searches from Newzbin.
  • Added support for It's somewhat limited in comparison to Newzbin (obviously) but it works just find and should suffice for those of you who use it.
  • Further support for SABnzbdplus. This includes the ability to change the post processing options.
  • I'm trying to work the kinks out of the profiles support. This is what will allow you to change the download directory in SABnzbd on the fly on a per-download basis. It's been very tricky to implement cleanly and the way it's currently written I'm sure there will be problems with it.
  • For those of you who didn't see this in the beta I posted here you can change the name of the plugin.

I think that's about it. Again, if you had requested something or want to request support for something else just let me know and I'll see what I can do. Have a good New Years everyone.


New Member
December 28, 2007
The only other feature that I can think of that I would love to have, is to be able to cancel sabnzbd downloads from within the interface. an added bonus would be the ability to reorder the priorities of downloads (but i suspect this would be a tad harder).

Thanks so much!


Portal Pro
August 24, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
The only other feature that I can think of that I would love to have, is to be able to cancel sabnzbd downloads from within the interface. an added bonus would be the ability to reorder the priorities of downloads (but i suspect this would be a tad harder).

Thanks so much!

That's already implemented though I just now noticed that I had disabled the code that actually handles it. I'm not sure why I did that but it's enabled again now. It's possible to cancel/reorder any item from within the plugin.


Portal Pro
January 12, 2008
Error Downloading NZB


Just downloaded and installed the plug-in (most recent version from ) which looks great. A couple of questions:

1) Does the My Usenet plug-in actually launch SABnzbd? Or do I have to configure SABnzbd to start automatically by adding it as a shortcut to the start menu? The problem when I did that is that SABnzbd wants to launch my browser window, but I currently start directly into Media Player and don't want the browser popping up over MP (which it does).

edit: it appears I can start the SABnzbd with the -b (or possibly -d) option to suppress the browser from popping up. Still, is My Usenet supposed to launch it anyway?

2) I've checked (by DL an NZB) that my SABnzbd configuration is right. When I tell My Usenet to download an NZB from TVNzb I get an immediate error "Error Downloading NZB." For the plug-in install, I added the dll to "plugins\windows" and added the skin files to the Blue skins. Is that all I need? What could be causing this error?

edit: just to clarify, I am using SABnzbdplus (0.3.0rc5) - is that supported?

edit: So the error seems to really mean that the NZB file itself can't be downloaded (not that it can't be passed to SABnzbd). I wonder why?

edit: Log reveals that the nzb dir can't be read from the sabznb.ini file even though I have copied the sabznb.ini file from the Documents And Settings \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Sabnzbd folder where it was originally created. Really beginning to wonder if the format of that file changed on 0.3.0rc5?



Portal Pro
January 12, 2008
Mostly working now

Ok, as a follow up to the last series of posts/edits, I got everything working by using sabnzbd instead of sabnzbdplus. Seems to work as advertized and there must be something different with 0.3.0rc5. One new problem arose. I can't change any of the folder locations in sabnzbd. For example, if I change ./downloads/incomplete to be D:\something\incomplete then it does not work.

edit: so, if I take the original download of sabnzbd and put it in my C:\Program Files folder, everything works provided I don't change any of the paths. Unfortunatley, only have 4gb on that partition. If I put it on the D:\ partition, nothing works. I'll try the sabnzbd forum

Just use altbinz, works great.

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