Is the plugin supposed to work with a dreambox 7025? I strictly followed the instructions how to install the plugin, Webinterface of DB and VLC_Streaming outside of MediaPortal works fine. But within the plugin i can´t see no channels, groups, recordings, timers etc... so i wonder where the problem might be, any ideas?
Is the plugin considered dead or is there still some developing going on? I would be glad to do my share to improve the MyDreambox plugin so that Enigma2 based Software gets supported.
Hi all,
after analyzing and testing the MyDreambox-plugin serveral days and with the help of David66 (who sent the sources of GaryW) I think I'm now able to do some modifications. I will promise here nothing, but I'm interested for a good working Dreambox-player by myself, so the chance is good to get new versions and of course, I will publish these here.
OK, what to Do? My plan is in a first step, to decrease the channel-switching time. I think this is the most lack in the plugin but its not the plugin itself, its the VLC-component which is responsable for this behavior. Futhermore I noticed, that in more ore less cases, the dreambox is switching to a new channel correctly, but the stream output is not visible. If I press TVOn button twice, in most of the cases the stream will become visible. Can you confirm this behavior for your system?
My strategy for above problem is, to read back streaminfo after channelswitching and depending on success, repeating the VLC-player several times until streaminfo is plausible.
In a next step I will implement a function to be able for channelswitching if the TV-window is in fullscreen. At the moment, in this case only the home and previous-window functions are enabled, all other keys are delegated to the vlc-control (i.e. aspect ratio etc).
For further steps let me know what yout wishes are.
FrankMueller,nyx: if I had a DM7025 I would do so, but I own a DM7000S, so my development work will only target this device. Sorry for that,
Indeed, i have used this plugin before, but when i went dead a month ago I started working on Krokos MyDbox.
We currently have a development version capable of all functions for the Neutrino and Enigma v1 interface.
It will probably be released shortly, once we've squashed some bugs.
I had hoped to add enigma 2 support to it, but the documentation of the webinterface api is almost nonexistent. What is out there is almost useless, I might as well give up unless someone can test a few commands in their browser and send me the data the box outputs. Or someone can point me to some good docs on the enigma2 webif.
Some of the channel switchtime delay might be the buffering configured in the vlc-control.
The stream problems you have might be simultaneous connections to port 31339 on the dreambox, so check for bugs in that regard. ie. make sure vlc is not playing before trying to view a new stream.
nyx: yes, I identified this, but there is another behavior just fixed now: after channel switching on the dreambox, the plugin reads out the stream information, and sometimes not all information is complete i.e. pmt states ffffffh while vpid and apid are already valid. In this case, a simple fix is to retry after a short time so, if in normal operation, there is no need for a delay.