MyDreambox and VLC (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 5, 2005
Holbaek, Denmark
Hi there....
Really nice plugin i think.....

Just one question thoug......

Is it somehow possible to "install" the plugin 2 times, as i have 2 dreamboxes that i would really like to be able to use from my mediaportal...... (one DB7020 and one DB500)

I have tried to rename a set of .dll files and copy them in to mediaportal also, but it don´t seem to work.... :-(

I see there is source-codes, but i have no idea how to use them.....
- so if it is at all possible, then pleace help me a little.... :)



Portal Pro
February 5, 2005
Holbaek, Denmark
@ Pshdo: If it were possible, how would you use it? How would you expect it to work?

Hi there.... Thanks for the reply.... :)

Actually the only thing i use the plugin for, is to change channels from an other room....... ;)
I have a X10 remote in the bedroom, and sometimes we have to use the DB500 to watch TV (if the DB7000 is recording something else), and sometimes we use the DB7000 to watch TV.......

We actually don´t need the recivers to be able to record anything from within MP, and no EPG eigther......

If we could reach the two plugins from the main screen (and they was called eg. MyDreambox and MyDreambox2) that would be really great.......:)

Actually the only thing i need now is for the plugin to be able to switch between one (or for me more than one) login.......

As i said in my first mail in this thread, i have tried to rename and copy an extra set of all the .dll files into mediaportal, and the only thing i now miss is to be able to log onto two different recivers from eg. those two plugins.....
In the main window of MP i actually now have two instances of the mediaportal plugin, but as i am only able to supply them with one login (in the Mediaportal config program), they both connect to the same DB......


Portal Member
October 29, 2007
Home Country
Sweden Sweden

I've installed the Dreambox plugin and I've got it to work (sort of).
I can see the channel (streaming from my Dreambox) in Media Portal but the picture is distorted (lots of jitter).

I'm running RC3 and the latest version of VLC (dowloaded from yesterday).
The streaming works great from the Dreambox webgui using VLC. The Dreambox is running Gemini.

Does anybody know what I can do to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance.




Portal Member
September 30, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Same problem as dsd here, i figure it is VLC that's hogging too much cpu on my box running as an external player from MP, have a pretty sub par P4-1800.
Cpu is flat out at 100%, VLC is a recource hungry beast ;)


Portal Pro
June 18, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
dsd and Dukeelam: Have you tried changing the standard Video Output in VLC?

pshdo: I think it should be possible to to add a second DB and toggle between them, but I think we should wait until Java.Long posts his changes.


Portal Pro
February 5, 2005
Holbaek, Denmark
Hi there......

@Pshdo: I think it should be possible to to add a second DB and toggle between them, but I think we should wait until Java.Long posts his changes.

Thanks alot for your answer......

I´ll wait (and hope) to see what happens.......

That would be really great if it will be possible in the future to control 2 DB´s from MP.



Portal Pro
June 18, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
pshdo: I only have one Dreambox, so I can't guarantee a thing but try this dll (back up the old one). Replace the two sections in mydreamboxmainxml with the three in the text file. Configure the plugin, and good luck.


New Member
November 15, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
Just wanted to say, Keep up the good work.
itching to try, and if possible help out. I do some coding so maybe I can help in some way once i get my box up and running again. Some parts had to be scavenged to save wifes pc...

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