Thanks for the excellent plugin. I am going to try the latest version (that starts utorrent if it isn't running). If you want to enhance that even further, a version that launches utorrent on a remote PC would be very cool as this is my setup. That may require a "sysinternals" tool to remote execute an app?...
copy %1 \\othercomputer\TorrentsAutoloadShareName
Tack så mycket riro
However you misunderstood my request. I actually already have the Autoload feature working (thanks to an earlier post of yours) however I requested an update that runs/executes the uTorrent application remotely when it isn't running. The new update will run uTorrent but only on the local machine, not start it on a remote PC. When I get a chance I thought might try replacing the commandline for the local uTorrent.exe with a CMD file that executes it remotely
Option Explicit
Dim oWmi, oProcess, oProcesses, oShell
Dim strList, bIsRunning
Const cComputer = "MYOTHERCOMPUTER"
Const cProcessName = "uTorrent.exe"
bIsRunning = False
Set oWmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & cComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set oProcesses = oWmi.ExecQuery ("Select Name from Win32_Process where Name = '" & cProcessName & "'")
For Each oProcess In oProcesses
bIsRunning = True
If bIsRunning Then
WScript.Echo cProcessName & " is running..."
WScript.Echo cProcessName & " isnt running, starting process on " & cComputer
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.Run "psexec \\" & cComputer & " -u Username -p p@s5w0rd -d -i X:\mypath\to\uTorrent.exe", 1, False
End If
cscript.exe theNewVbScript.vbs
copy %1 \\server\autloadpath