MyTrailers (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
February 4, 2008
Thanks, sounds like a common problem. I have two PC's and a Laptop. One with version and others with RC1 & 2. All have Matroska and Core AVC and I've loaded QT alternative on all. Tried added .mov as an extension on video's but still same message.

This plugin will be amazing when it works so please see if you can fix this issue. Sounds like something common with many machines.


Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2005
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    Italy Italy

    I've updated to the latest QT Alternative codec and klite codec full codec pack (which includes Haali Media Splitter). The same error ossurs. Also, get the same error on another PC with MP installed, so its not limited to my main HTPC either.

    Any ideas what the problem is anyone? I really want the trailers plugin to work :0(


    Have you tried to disable haali for .mov files?

    No, how do I do that

    Sorry my fault infact haali should even not support .mov container so I don't understand why is involved in your logs.


    Portal Member
    July 24, 2008
    The Haali splitter certainly supports Apples MP4 containters and in fact my experience is that it's the most reliable splitter for these files. The .mov in the filename is just the file extension.

    I'm sharing my bash script solution which runs once a night and downloads any new trailers along with the associated poster art. This script runs on my backend Linux media server but will also work under Windows using Cygwin.

    The download directory for the trailers is a share in "My Videos" in my MediaPortal client machine. The posters are displayed in "My Videos" as the thumbnails and when the preview watched I simply delete the file from the MediaPortal My Videos interface.

    To script requires bash, xmlstarlet and wget. If you're setting this up to run under windows you will need to install and setup Cygwin.

    There are a few setting to adjust. To download the 1080p version of trailers set GET1080=1. If you want to download posters to be used for thumbnails set GETPOSTER=1. SAVEPATH= is the path which the trailers and posters are stored. DLDBPATH= is the path to to store a database file of previously downloaded trailers which is used prevent re-downloading user deleted trailers.

    The script will attempt to download 1080p (if enabled and available) next fallback to 720p and finally the 640w versions for anything not available in HD. The script will keep track of the last ~2,500 downloaded trailers so once the trailer and/or poster file is deleted the script will not re-attempt to download the same trailers again. The script will also rename the file .hdmov which is desired when using Quicktime Alternative / QT-Lite.


    You might also need to change the line with the "xmlstarlet" command to "xml". It seem that some packages differ on the name of the binary for xmlstarlet.

    TRAILERS=`xmlstarlet sel --net -D -T -t -m "/records/movieinfo"\

    TRAILERS=`xml sel --net -D -T -t -m "/records/movieinfo"\

    Here's the script ( Paste2: Next Generation Pastebin - Viewing Paste 56556 ):
    tail -5000 $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db > $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db.tmp
    mv $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db.tmp $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db
    for FEEDURL in $FEEDS; do
    TRAILERS=`xmlstarlet sel --net -D -T -t -m "/records/movieinfo"\
     -v "@id" -o ";"\
     -v "info/postdate" -o ";"\
     -v "preview/large" -o ";"\
     -v "poster/xlarge"\
     -n $FEEDURL`
    for MOVIE in $TRAILERS; do
    MOVIEID=`echo $MOVIE | awk  'BEGIN { FS = ";" } ; { print $1 }'`
    POSTDATE=`echo $MOVIE | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ";" } ; { print $2 }'`
    PREVIEW=`echo $MOVIE | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ";" } ; { print $3 }'`
    	PREVIEWFILE=`echo $PREVIEW |sed 's/.*\///' |sed 's/\.mov$/.hdmov/g'`
    POSTER=`echo $MOVIE | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ";" } ; { print $4 }'`
    	NEWPOSTERNAME=`echo $NEWPREVIEWNAME |sed 's/\.hdmov$/.jpg/g'`
    if [ "$GET1080p" -eq "1" ]; then
     if `echo $FEEDURL | grep -q 720p`; then
    	if ! grep -q "###$MOVIEID.PREVIEW" $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db; then
    		PREVIEW1080p=`echo $MOVIE | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ";" } ; { print $3 }' |sed 's/a720p\.mov$/'`
    		PREVIEWFILE1080p=`echo $PREVIEW1080p |sed 's/.*\///' |sed 's/\.mov$/.hdmov/g'`
    		wget -c -O $SAVEPATH$NEWPREVIEWNAME1080p $PREVIEW1080p; PREVIEWOUT1080p=$?
                    if [ $PREVIEWOUT1080p -eq 0 ]; then
                            echo "###$MOVIEID.PREVIEW $NEWPREVIEWNAME1080p" >> $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db
    			NEWPOSTERNAME=`echo $NEWPOSTERNAME |sed 's/a720p\.jpg$/h1080p.jpg/g'`
                            echo "##### ID:$MOVIEID URL:$PREVIEW1080p FAILED -- TRYING ORIGINAL 720p URL NEXT"
    	if ! grep -q "###$MOVIEID.PREVIEW" $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db; then
        		if [ $PREVIEWOUT -eq 0 ]; then   
           		 	echo "###$MOVIEID.PREVIEW $NEWPREVIEWNAME" >> $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db
    	if [ "$GETPOSTER" -eq "1" ]; then
    	 if ! grep -q "###$MOVIEID.POSTER" $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db; then
    		if [ $POSTEROUT -eq 0 ]; then
    			echo "###$MOVIEID.POSTER $NEWPOSTERNAME" >> $DLDBPATH.downloaded.db


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 7, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Thanks for the script, gonna write one in c#(.net) with this as the example :)
    Will share it here when it's finished so that windows users can also use it.

    /edit: done, it's a console application with a config file for the folder locations.
    Here is the early code i have written, it checks if the folder or file already exists and has a settings.xml file for the folder locations and to select what version to download(hd or normal_hres):

    using System;
    using System.Text;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Web;
    namespace Apple_downloader
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                //Load settings
                XmlDocument doc_settings = new XmlDocument();
                doc_settings.Load(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\settings.xml");
                XmlNodeList nodes_settings = doc_settings.SelectNodes("/settings");
                string downloaddir = "";
                string coverart = "";
                string hd_option = "";
                string normal_hres_option = "";
                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes_settings)
                    //Download dirs
                    downloaddir = node.SelectSingleNode("save_location").InnerText;
                    coverart = node.SelectSingleNode("save_location_poster").InnerText;
                    hd_option = node.SelectSingleNode("HD").InnerText;
                    normal_hres_option = node.SelectSingleNode("normal_hres").InnerText;
                //Feed locations
                string feed_720p = "";
                string feed_normal = "";
                //Read feeds
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlDocument doc2 = new XmlDocument();
                WebClient Client = new WebClient();
                if (normal_hres_option == "1")
                    //Normal high-res trailers
                    XmlNodeList nodes_normal = doc.SelectNodes("/records/movieinfo");
                    foreach (XmlNode node in nodes_normal)
                        string preview = node.SelectSingleNode("preview").InnerText.ToString();
                        string title = node.SelectSingleNode("info/title").InnerText.ToString();
                        string poster = node.SelectSingleNode("poster/location").InnerText.ToString();
                        string folder_name = downloaddir + "\\" + title.Replace(":", " - ");
                        string mov_location = folder_name + "\\" + title.Replace(":", " - ") + "";
                        string poster_location = folder_name + "\\folder.jpg";
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(mov_location) || System.IO.Directory.Exists(downloaddir + "\\" + title))
                            Console.WriteLine("Trailer for: " + title + " already downloaded");
                            Console.WriteLine("Processing trailer: " + title);
                            //Create movie folders
                            //Client.DownloadFile(preview, mov_location);
                            Client.DownloadFile(poster, poster_location);
                if (hd_option == "1")
                    //720p trailers
                    XmlNodeList nodes_720p = doc2.SelectNodes("/records/movieinfo");
                    foreach (XmlNode node in nodes_720p)
                        string preview = node.SelectSingleNode("preview").InnerText.ToString();
                        string title = node.SelectSingleNode("info/title").InnerText.ToString();
                        string poster = node.SelectSingleNode("poster/location").InnerText.ToString();
                        string folder_name = downloaddir + "\\" + title.Replace(":", " - ");
                        string mov_location = folder_name + "\\" + title.Replace(":", " - ") + "";
                        string poster_location = folder_name + "\\folder.jpg";
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(mov_location) || System.IO.Directory.Exists(downloaddir + "\\" + title))
                            Console.WriteLine("Trailer for: " + title + " already downloaded");
                            Console.WriteLine("Processing trailer: " + title);
                            //Create movie folders
                            Client.DownloadFile(preview, mov_location);
                            Client.DownloadFile(poster, poster_location);

    Compiled version:

    /edit2: little code cleanup , less .net needed library's now.


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2005
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    Italy Italy
    The Haali splitter certainly supports Apples MP4 containters and in fact my experience is that it's the most reliable splitter for these files. The .mov in the filename is just the file extension.

    So I think it's possibile to disable it for .mov files by reinstalling it and disabling it for mp4 files.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 6, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Possible solution

    Apart from the current looks of the gui the basics are already in place. I have "copied" the navigational structure like it is on When you click on a movie title it will discover all the clips linked to the movie (each clip showing multiple qualities from low to 1080p, i filter the ipod format ;) ). The trailers play perfectly up to 480p (some even 720p) on my connection without buffer/download. I don't use the current.xml and current_720p.xml feeds but a combination of the JSON feed and the backend movie specific xmls (with some tricks here and there.. practically no regexp but pure xpath). Currently all the fetching is done on demand (so fetched when needed for display) and then cached for next views (movie files are currently not being cached but that will be a feature soon)

    I would really like to know the cause of the fact that some can't play the trailers from inside MP. I want to request the people than CAN play the trailers to post a graph (with graphedit connected to the remote graph of mp when playing the trailer) and their movie codec configurations (as listed in the MP Movies Configuration page).

    I have two machines that both play the trailers. One is an test 32bit XP SP3 machine running RC2 with DScaler as the MPEG2 Codec and the second one is a Vista Ultimate 32bit running RC2 with the MPC Video filter (not the MPV!). Both also have Haali Media Splitter and QTLite 2.6.0 installed. I'll will posts the graphs shortly.


    my machines are using the following graphs (listing only relevant part):

    XP: HAALI MEDIASPLITTER ==> MainConcept H.264/AVC Codec (video) + ffdshow audio decoder (audio)

    for the vista machine it's keeping the video codec but using another for the audio part. The xp machine shows that it's not using the setup from mp at al (the codecs on the XP machine are from a Adobe Premiere installation btw).

    So my guess is that if you at least register an AAC codec (you should already have MONOGRAM by default) and a codec that can handle the video part like MPC Video Codec it would work.


    So let's first try this:

    1 if you don't have it download the MPC Video Decoder Filter: HERE.
    (if you already have MPC player you still need to register this codec!).

    2 Register the filter using your favorite tool or try these instructions:

    Unpack the file and place it in a folder.
    At the command prompt, register the filter using "regsvr32 <drive:foldername>"
    for example, "regsvr32 C:\Codecs\"

    3 If you've done this correctly the "MPC Video Decoder" will show up in the dropdown list from within MP Codecs Configuration screen. You don't have to select it as the default codec because if the default codec you selected can not play the content it will find it automatically.

    Test and report good news to me... ;)


    Portal Pro
    June 2, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Differences in the way MP handles local .mov files vs streamed .mov files on my pc:

    Logs from local files.....

    2008-08-09 12:35:49.353500 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayer:play E:\My Videos\Music Videos\
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: added Video Mixing Renderer 9 to graph
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: SetDeinterlacePrefs()
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Enabled YUV mixing - No DX Error
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Debug][MPMain]: VRM9: Turning on nonsquare mixing - No DX Error
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Debug][MPMain]: VRM9: Set filter mode - Gaussian Quad Filtering No DX Error
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Now active
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Renderer successfully added
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Received DX exclusive mode switch message. Fullscreen && maximized == True
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Debug][MPMain]: Main: Goto fullscreen: True
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switch to exclusive mode - Playing media: False
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.431625 [Info.][MPMain]: D3D: BuildPresentParamsFromSettings using 60Hz as RefreshRate
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.541000 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switched to exclusive mode successfully
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.541000 [Info.][MPMain]: fonts.SetDevice()
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.541000 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer Default DirectSound Device
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.541000 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.541000 [Debug][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: added filter:Default DirectSound Device to graph
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.587875 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.587875 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.587875 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.587875 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.587875 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.587875 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.587875 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.587875 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.619125 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.619125 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.619125 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:35:49.619125 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.228500 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: add normal vob sub filter
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.228500 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: SetDeinterlaceMode()
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.228500 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: SetDeinterlaceMode - FormatType = VideoInfo2
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.228500 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: progressive mode detected - no need to de-interlace
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.228500 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayer:Duration:213.733337402344
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.244125 [Debug][MPMain]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Video; Name=Apple Video Media Handler, Filter=E:\My Videos\Music Videos\, Id=0, PDWGroup=0
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.244125 [Debug][MPMain]: VideoPlayer: FoundStreams: Type=Audio; Name=Apple Sound Media Handler, Filter=E:\My Videos\Music Videos\, Id=1, PDWGroup=1
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.244125 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.OnStarted() E:\My Videos\Music Videos\ media:Video
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.244125 [Debug][MPMain]: GUITVCropManager.g_Player_PlackBackStarted: media: Video tv:False ts:False
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.244125 [Debug][MPMain]: g_Player: ShowFullScreenWindow
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.244125 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player: ShowFullScreenWindow switching to fullscreen video
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.259750 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles deinit
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.306625 [Debug][MPMain]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.306625 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFullscreen init
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9Helper: Playing -> Repainting, Frames 51
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: PlaneScene: crop T, B : 0, 0
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: PlaneScene: crop L, R : 0, 0
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: video WxH : 320x240
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: PlaneScene: video AR : 4:3
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: screen WxH : 800x600
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: PlaneScene: AR type : Stretch
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(320,240)
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: PlaneScene: dst : (0,0)-(800,600)
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: g_Player.SeekAbsolute() - Preparing to seek to 0:0:4
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.322250 [Info.][MPMain]: seekabs:4
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.337875 [Info.][MPMain]: seekabs:4 done
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.337875 [Debug][MPMain]: Successfully set rate to 1
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.337875 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayer:confused:etRate to:10000
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.337875 [Info.][8]: planescene: PresentSurface() frame:51 enabled:True allowed:False 320x240
    2008-08-09 12:35:50.353500 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Repainting -> Playing, Frames: 52
    2008-08-09 12:35:57.916000 [Debug][MPMain]: Windowmanager: Goto previous window
    2008-08-09 12:35:57.916000 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFullscreen deinit
    2008-08-09 12:35:57.916000 [Debug][MPMain]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
    2008-08-09 12:35:57.947250 [Debug][MPMain]: Window: MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles init
    2008-08-09 12:35:58.119125 [Debug][8]: PlaneScene: crop T, B : 0, 0
    2008-08-09 12:35:58.119125 [Debug][8]: PlaneScene: crop L, R : 0, 0
    2008-08-09 12:35:58.119125 [Info.][8]: PlaneScene: video WxH : 320x240
    2008-08-09 12:35:58.119125 [Debug][8]: PlaneScene: video AR : 4:3
    2008-08-09 12:35:58.119125 [Info.][8]: PlaneScene: screen WxH : 150x113
    2008-08-09 12:35:58.119125 [Debug][8]: PlaneScene: AR type : Stretch
    2008-08-09 12:35:58.119125 [Debug][8]: PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    2008-08-09 12:35:58.119125 [Debug][8]: PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(320,240)
    2008-08-09 12:35:58.119125 [Debug][8]: PlaneScene: dst : (96,427)-(246,540)
    2008-08-09 12:36:02.525375 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Stopping media
    2008-08-09 12:36:02.525375 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.doStop() keepTimeShifting = False keepExclusiveModeOn = False
    2008-08-09 12:36:02.525375 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.OnStopped()
    2008-08-09 12:36:02.525375 [Info.][MPMain]: GUIVideoFiles: OnPlayBackStopped idFile=1233 timeMovieStopped=16 resumeData=

    Logs from streamed .mov files using My Trailers.....


    2008-08-09 12:47:27.009750 [Info.][MPMain]: g_Player.PlayVideoStream(
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.009750 [Info.][CommandProcessor]: Commandprocessor: MediaPortal.TV.Recording.StopRadioCommand failed reason: time: 0 msec
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.025375 [Info.][CommandProcessor]: Commandprocessor: Card:Hauppauge WinTV Nova-TD USB Stick T1 idle
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.025375 [Info.][CommandProcessor]: Commandprocessor: Card:Hauppauge WinTV Nova-TD USB Stick T2 idle
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.025375 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayer:play
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.181625 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: added Video Mixing Renderer 9 to graph
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.228500 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: SetDeinterlacePrefs()
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.228500 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Enabled YUV mixing - No DX Error
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.228500 [Debug][MPMain]: VRM9: Turning on nonsquare mixing - No DX Error
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.228500 [Debug][MPMain]: VRM9: Set filter mode - Gaussian Quad Filtering No DX Error
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.228500 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Now active
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.228500 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Renderer successfully added
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.228500 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.228500 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Received DX exclusive mode switch message. Fullscreen && maximized == True
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.228500 [Debug][MPMain]: Main: Goto fullscreen: True
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.244125 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switch to exclusive mode - Playing media: False
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.244125 [Info.][MPMain]: D3D: BuildPresentParamsFromSettings using 60Hz as RefreshRate
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.291000 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switched to exclusive mode successfully
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.291000 [Info.][MPMain]: fonts.SetDevice()
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.306625 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer Default DirectSound Device
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.306625 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.306625 [Debug][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: added filter:Default DirectSound Device to graph
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.931625 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.931625 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.931625 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.931625 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.931625 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.931625 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.931625 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:27.931625 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.306625 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: add normal vob sub filter
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.306625 [Warn.][MPMain]: VMR9: Pin: 0 not connected: 80040209
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.306625 [Warn.][MPMain]: VMR9: Pin: 1 not connected: 80040209
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.306625 [Warn.][MPMain]: VMR9: Pin: 2 not connected: 80040209
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.306625 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayer9:cleanup DShow graph
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.322250 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Dispose
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.337875 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Inactive
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.337875 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.337875 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.337875 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 0
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.337875 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:28.337875 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.259750 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.259750 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Received DX exclusive mode switch message. Fullscreen && maximized == False
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.259750 [Debug][MPMain]: Main: Goto windowed mode: False
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.259750 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switch to windowed mode - Playing media: False
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.306625 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switched to windowed mode successfully
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.306625 [Info.][MPMain]: fonts.SetDevice()
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.306625 [Info.][MPMain]: player:ended
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.369125 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayer:play
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.431625 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: added Video Mixing Renderer 9 to graph
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: SetDeinterlacePrefs()
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Enabled YUV mixing - No DX Error
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Debug][MPMain]: VRM9: Turning on nonsquare mixing - No DX Error
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Debug][MPMain]: VRM9: Set filter mode - Gaussian Quad Filtering No DX Error
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Now active
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Renderer successfully added
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Received DX exclusive mode switch message. Fullscreen && maximized == True
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Debug][MPMain]: Main: Goto fullscreen: True
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switch to exclusive mode - Playing media: False
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.447250 [Info.][MPMain]: D3D: BuildPresentParamsFromSettings using 60Hz as RefreshRate
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.572250 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switched to exclusive mode successfully
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.572250 [Info.][MPMain]: fonts.SetDevice()
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.572250 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer Default DirectSound Device
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.572250 [Info.][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.572250 [Debug][MPMain]: DirectShowUtils: added filter:Default DirectSound Device to graph
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.650375 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.650375 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.650375 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.650375 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.650375 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.650375 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.650375 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.650375 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: add normal vob sub filter
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Warn.][MPMain]: VMR9: Pin: 0 not connected: 80040209
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Warn.][MPMain]: VMR9: Pin: 1 not connected: 80040209
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Warn.][MPMain]: VMR9: Pin: 2 not connected: 80040209
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayer9:cleanup DShow graph
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Dispose
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Debug][MPMain]: VMR9: Inactive
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Info.][MPMain]: VMR9: ReleaseComObject(): 0
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Info.][MPMain]: planescene: PresentImage()
    2008-08-09 12:47:29.666000 [Info.][MPMain]: PlaneScene: PresentImage() dispose surfaces
    2008-08-09 12:47:30.478500 [Info.][MPMain]: VideoPlayerVMR9: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode
    2008-08-09 12:47:30.478500 [Info.][MPMain]: Main: Received DX exclusive mode switch message. Fullscreen && maximized == False
    2008-08-09 12:47:30.478500 [Debug][MPMain]: Main: Goto windowed mode: False
    2008-08-09 12:47:30.478500 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switch to windowed mode - Playing media: False
    2008-08-09 12:47:30.541000 [Debug][MPMain]: D3D: Switched to windowed mode successfully
    2008-08-09 12:47:30.541000 [Info.][MPMain]: fonts.SetDevice()
    2008-08-09 12:47:30.541000 [Info.][MPMain]: player2:ended
    2008-08-09 12:47:30.572250 [Info.][MPMain]: GUITrailers: Unable to play


    Seems that the streaming media connects to pins and references my TV card? I don't understand much about the logs, but thought I would show this comparison incase someone else can see what the problem is.....


    So let's first try this:

    1 if you don't have it download the MPC Video Decoder Filter: HERE.
    (if you already have MPC player you still need to register this codec!).

    2 Register the filter using your favorite tool or try these instructions:

    Unpack the file and place it in a folder.
    At the command prompt, register the filter using "regsvr32 <drive:foldername>"
    for example, "regsvr32 C:\Codecs\"

    3 If you've done this correctly the "MPC Video Decoder" will show up in the dropdown list from within MP Codecs Configuration screen. You don't have to select it as the default codec because if the default codec you selected can not play the content it will find it automatically.

    Test and report good news to me... ;)

    The link to the MPC file doesn't work :0(



    MP Donator
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  • January 30, 2008
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    England England
    I would really like to know the cause of the fact that some can't play the trailers from inside MP. I want to request the people than CAN play the trailers to post a graph (with graphedit connected to the remote graph of mp when playing the trailer) and their movie codec configurations (as listed in the MP Movies Configuration page)

    How do I do this? I can then post the graphedit screenshots here.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 6, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Pls try downloading the filter here: Files.

    Pick from the list and install it like i described in my previous post.
    I am curious if this will fix the problem.

    The reason you see your TV card being "touched" is because the method i'm using is checking if tv/radio is on before starting the video but finally resolved to the default .play command LRFalk has mentioned.

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