MyTVSeries - Plugin that organizes TV Video Files (4 Viewers)

Should I implement an automatic file organizer to move and rename files?

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Portal Pro
April 11, 2006
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England England
Yeh, my server is still available, but recently I have gone back to Meedios because the tvseries plugin over here kinda died for a bit :) You can catch me over at the meedios forums mostly.

Szsori is still working hard on the tvdb, and its looking really good at the moment, but I dont think he's started on the replication stuff yet for multiple mirrors.

I'm not sure but I think its ok to program the plugin to work with the tvdb first, then when its working and people want to use it mirrors can be setup.

This is how my setup looks at the moment using meedio, I hope media-portal can do the same eventually.



Portal Member
November 2, 2006
Would you mind explaing how you managed to get that to work- I have spent quite some time tonight trying to get medio to do somthing like that and have not come close.


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    Hi Inker & zeflash

    great to see you're working on this great plugin.

    Thx for spending your free time for it.

    After renaming some files the fileparser (only enabled part 4now i think) is working really well. All filesnames are parsed correctly.

    First i had this issue:
    Import path: I:\Serien
    my folder structure: \<Series>\Season <Season>\<Series> - s<Season>e<Episode> - <Title>
    used simp.Exp: <series> - s<season>e<episode> - <title>

    i renamed my file and now i use this, which parsed all episodes correctly:
    Import path: I:\Serien
    my folder structure: \<Series>\Season <Season>\<Episode> - <Title>
    used simp.Exp: <series>\Season <season>\Episode <episode> - <title>

    great work, and nice setup form easy to follow step by step, i noticed some tooltips these would help many users.

    Keep up ya good work
    and take your time


    btw: don't hit me for trying the source but i could not wait to follow latest changes ;)


    Portal Member
    October 4, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America
    Just some clarification and answers to a few of your questions.

    zeflash has been working with me to get my interfaces working perfectly for his purposes. Once this is done, I'll be contacting zag2me and a few people on the Meedio end that have offered to host mirrors. The reason this hasn't been done yet is because I want to limit the amount of work they need to do, so I'm making sure everything is working properly first. My server can easily handle all of the traffic it's getting, but mirrors are still important to provide redundancy.

    For the comments about relying on a single source and how that can backfire, I agree completely. That's why soon after the mirrors are working properly I'll be open sourcing the entire website and adding it to sourceforge. That, combined with the database mirrors, should provide a complete set of data and files that would allow someone to get it all running properly in the event my server becomes unavailable.

    The most important part of this is that I'm trying to provide a single source for all of the different HTPC software, which gives us a bigger user group for adding/updating information and banners. Meedio (via a plugin) is already using the database. MP should soon be following suit, since zeflash has been putting in a LOT of time working on this. XBMC has contacted me about the interfaces and I contacted the programmer of the xlobby tv plugin, so hopefully there will be even more users.

    If anyone has any other questions about the database, please ask.


    Portal Member
    October 4, 2006
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    United States of America United States of America
    Quick update. I signed up for a sourceforge project and am waiting on approval. The website code will be uploading immediately upon approval, with the project moving from beta to stable once the final bugs are worked out and a few mirrors are up and running.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004
    All of the credit should go to Zeflash, I merely bug him all the time and distract him from work.

    And yes, it is great work and I am very much looking forward to it myself.


    Portal Pro
    July 7, 2005
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    France France
    To be clear, I'm not trying to make it work again, I've been rewriting it pretty much from scratch.
    The whole configuration part is pretty much completed now, and I'm working on integrating all the data back in the MediaPortal view - reusing the existing skin items for now (I might reorganize the layout later)
    But it seems I'm running into some random issues where part of the UI are not inited yet - I don't quite understand what's happening.
    The previous code was putting everything in try /catch blocks, but I don't think that's good practice. Furthermore in that case sometimes pieces of the UI would not be displayed.

    Anyway. It's coming along, I'm putting every piece of free time I have in it, it can't resist much longer!

    As a sidenote, I think we should create a new topic for that plugin, given it's not related to the previous one(s) at all. I changed the name to MP-TVSeries. Inker my man, please do that for me! ;)

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