MyVideo 1.3.0 Feedback (3 Viewers)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    So how do you sort by 'Date Added' in Titles view? AFAIK there is no skin property for date added and it is not displayed in skin when you display/sort by date in Videos Titles view and sort is not totally accurate though it is in Recently Added. (see screenshots). Unwatched and other views are the same as Video Titles.

    Obviously date added is stored in DB and used in Recently Added DB View. Wouldn't it be consistent to always use Date Added for Date in any DB view?


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    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Date added and date watched are from database. And about sort thing..... This is a story to be told how not to do things like it is now in MP.

    Who ever done WindowsPlugins inside MP, did everything to kill any fun for future coding. Many of internal plugins shares code, variables, methods, functions so what happens? Imagine yourself as pizza delivery boy and you need to deliver pizza to point A. You happily ride your bike and put smile on your face how easy task you have. But suddenly while you travel, boooom, you've been pulled by some dark hidden force to point B with demons inside which poo your pizza and kick you to point X,Y,Z where hungry angels are and they took your pizza, but as it is filled with demons poo they poo it too and throw it in you face and teleports you back to demons which kick your ass because you're annoying. Finally, with ruin pizza you arrive to point A and you're wonder what the hell I'm holding in my hands.

    I must admit that I'm in war with Music plugin because it constantly mess up everything in MyVideos even you did not open any MyMusic screen. Just remember the case when you click on MyVids button and suddenly you end in MyMusic view. I killed myself to find out the problem and do a workaround. Now I just found while trying to find a cure for RicohHTPC problem, that changing views cause hidden code crash in music sort (not visible in logs) because sort for all internal plugins lives on the same foundation with same variables. So when you do something in some plugin, that task is processed by all plugins and if we're lucky, good thing happens. Actually, WinPlugins is one deep shit code pile.

    And sort in MYVideos.... Share view and database views are actually one view with the same sort for all, and if you add one rule sort to shares (which is absolutely not applicable to database views [ie. lets add sort by hidden file attribute]) you see it also there database views. To hide that there is almost but impossible and as share view is based on physical files on your HDD/CD/DVD... and database views are based (obviously) on database with movies info they are totally different things, so sort by date works in share perfectly because code for sort by date was done for files but that code can't work on movie information because there is no files. And this is only 1% of problems with views and sort.

    So now, I'm trying to find a Ricoh problem but can't locate demons which ruins everything and I'm actually drowning in poo.
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    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Just for fun, enjoy in this, this is what actually define your movie views (the same thing is for music :) but with different alien language)

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    <defaultView id="ref-134">List</defaultView>
    <defaultSort id="ref-135">Name</defaultSort>


    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Croatia Croatia
    Isn't working for me either and can someone confirm my bug from the post above?
    Sort by years in user groups leads to getting sorted by viewed...

    Found a problem. Will be fixed in next release (1.3.0.RC) -> just lost 5hours to detect that :)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    @Deda - sorry for the aggro we are causing you :( - I fully understand the issues you are facing, and I don't want you to end up 'drowning in poo'!

    Your post above is better than a comedy show - I laughed so hard - even though I am sorry for you, and I am sure it is very exasperating (I have often felt the same when skinning!). But you express it with so much good natured humour. As I often say, 'you can't make a silk's purse out of a sow's ear'. So thanks for checking. I am sure I won't die if I cannot sort all db views by date (I always find a workaround eventually :)) You don't need to hear my comments about Shares view and Database views sharing the same methods! :censored:
    Last edited:


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  • February 4, 2011
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    I'm feeling quite ab bit guilty now for causing so much trouble and I hardly dare to ask but I was actually trying to find out something
    different as I discovered this sorting by year problem. What I wanted to do was to display the movies by year and in case
    they are all from one year to have them sorted by name. Will this work then too?

    I guess you Deda will be especially happy once mp2 is released where those problems will be much easier to solve as I understand it.
    But be assured that we really appreciate your hard work!


    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Croatia Croatia
    I'm not angry :) I was just frustrated that I could not find a cure for a problem even I obviously looking at single code line which cause a problem but origin was not on that place but elsewhere and was actually (as always) stupidly simple to fix on the end.

    I will post here fixed dll for 1.3.0B so you can test sorting.


    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Croatia Croatia
    Ok @RicoHTPC, here's the dll for 1.3.0B. Sort should be ok now (except "by date" in database views for all except [Recently added/Watched], this can't be solved before 1.4.x because I need to do big changes for sorting in code)

    Backup original file before overwrite :)


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    MP Donator
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  • February 4, 2011
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    Sorting by year works without problems now.
    Sorting with different priorities (first priority: sort by year, second: sort by name) does not work but I guess that's not possible either
    without turning everything upside down...


    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Croatia Croatia
    Well, your case (changed to),
    1.usergroup by year (titles not added to groups should be sorted by year)
    2.Title by Name

    should work (I just try it on beta release with this fix) but

    1. Actors by year->this fail
    2. Title by year


    Problem is that in views designer you can choose whatever you want but sort code can't swallow that and also views designer is "stupid" and does not work on database logic (all inside is hardcoded) so you have to guess with try & error how to design your custom view so it should work. That's why I add more views there as defaults but all can be solved with simple SQL builder which can follow database logic (there is some internal work on music views for this but it's hard work on current MP design) and drop this view designer completely or leave it (as light version without actors, rating...) only for share views.
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