Google is still quite unuseable because you get banned really fast. Or does anyone have settings that will allow you to get data for more than 15 minutes?
what happens when you reduce the thread count for google (aerial & hybrid)?
Try set it to 1. This will of reduce the download speed a bit... but it is better than getting banned all the time.
I use the new terrian maps mainly... and switch to the aerial maps style only if I'm interested in something special... That seems to avoid the ban as well.
I tried the lowest values possible i.e. 1 and it didn't work. Banned after 10-15 minutes. IMO Google earth is not useable this way.
Also the plug-in hangs MP and a reboot is needed. When it doesn't get a map there are still yellow circles on the bottom left, they remain left and there doesn't appear to be a time out so MP hangs.
Mhh... honestly I'm not sure. I remember that I had a look at it during the early development phases of this plugin... If I remember corretly they follow a different scheme as the rest of the maps... But I will have a look at it again...