Netflix for OnlineVideos (7 Viewers)


Portal Pro
November 21, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
Another thing I just found out. I have two profiles in Netflix. One is mine and one is a friend of mine. If I select my profile in OnlineVideos it shows my list and what I have watched. But when I start a movie I can see the IE Windows is opened and the other profile is selected (The Color of the Profile is wrong). I started a movie yesterday and stopped it on half. Now the movie is in the list of my friend. And it is not on my list. If i want to watch the rest of it I have to select her profile in OnliveVideos and start it from there. Maybe it has something to do with the problems I had before and with the fact that I erased my Cookies in IE. I looked at the Logs but I cant see which profile is selected in Browserhost. I attached it anyway.



  • OnlineVideos.WebAutomation.BrowserHost-DEBUG.log
    2.8 KB


Portal Pro
January 29, 2005
Halle (Saale)
Home Country
Germany Germany
Its hard for me to beliebe we have the same problem but different root causes. What happens if you open the IE on your HTPC and open Are you already signed in or do you have to login yourself?

As I wrote before I am not logged in - and never was before in IE directly ...

Another thing I just found out. I have two profiles in Netflix. One is mine and one is a friend of mine. If I select my profile in OnlineVideos it shows my list and what I have watched. But when I start a movie I can see the IE Windows is opened and the other profile is selected (The Color of the Profile is wrong). I started a movie yesterday and stopped it on half. Now the movie is in the list of my friend. And it is not on my list. If i want to watch the rest of it I have to select her profile in OnliveVideos and start it from there. Maybe it has something to do with the problems I had before and with the fact that I erased my Cookies in IE. I looked at the Logs but I cant see which profile is selected in Browserhost. I attached it anyway.


The issue of the Kodi plugin I linked before suggests that Netflix changed the login process and does this country by country. That could be the cause why it still works for some users and for some not.
What I don't understand though is that the login itself works but the profile selection not. But maybe that's what was changed by Netflix ...


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    That sure sounds like that could be the cause.. should I wait until the netherlands is changed too?

    Hm, just had a thorough read through that issue for kodi, and made some changes.
    Can you test attached dll?


    • OnlineVideos.Sites.ministerk.7z
      73.8 KB
    Last edited:


    Portal Member
    September 25, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Nice to hear ... Thx for your work, will test this evening.

    Sorry to say, but does not work for me ...

    Disabled loading spinner, so i could see IE output. First the login screen followed by the red circle showing the right icon for chosen profile. Than switch back to MePo.

    Tested with IE everything works. Log attached.


    • OnlineVideos.log
      8.3 KB
    • iexplore.4.log
      237 bytes
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    January 29, 2005
    Halle (Saale)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    After an intense cooperation with @Steve.Rayner61 (thanks a lot for your efforts and patience!) I think I've solved all the issues.
    Please let me know if there's still some things that escaped my attention.
    My first test on Tuesday evening was not successful. But another (short) test this morning was. Between both I did a windows update including a restart. Maybe the later was essential (@MovieJack).
    Thanks for your efforts (also to @Steve.Rayner61)!


    Portal Member
    September 25, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Still does not work ...

    Installation of all Windows updates including restart did not do the trick.
    As user DaBrain81 suggested i deleted cookies within IE. Did not help either.


    Portal Member
    September 25, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Did another test. Still no success ...

    Blue loading spinner ist disable, loging enabled.
    IE cookies are deleted.

    Here a despripction of what happens, step by step:
    - starting MePo, navigating to OnlineVideos\Netflix
    - choosing 1 of 3 profiles, bug depends not on which profile i choose
    - navigating to a movie and start play
    - the login mask of Netflix appears
    - screen where you normally choose your profile appears
    - the red loading cicle used by Netflix appears, in the middle the icon of the former chosen profile
    - after less than 2 seconds the loading circle disappears, now you can see the Netflix website
    - back to OnlineVideos

    Attached logs again.


    • OnlineVideos.log
      10.2 KB
      846.5 KB

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