New Ambient Lighting system - no knowledge (1 Viewer)


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  • April 5, 2005
    Damnit...wanted to start, but missing the cables for connecting the Pi. Probably someone put them to the waste with all the christmas packages...damnit damnit damnit.


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  • January 7, 2006
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    If you have some spare UTP / CAT5 cable around you could Macgyver the Pi cables :p , just cut and solder the ends a tiny bit.


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  • April 5, 2005
    428 I am totally unexperienced on soldering its too dangerous for me. Waiting for the spare parts now...


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  • April 5, 2005
    428 magically appeared in between the dirty laundry o_O but vacation is over...lets wait for the weekend.


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  • April 5, 2005
    Is there a reason why one should start center down on the TV with the stripes? I mean with starting e.g. in lower left corner its less cutting and soldering...

    EDIT: And: what is the best way to multiply the power connection to the middle of the leds strip? Just solder the cables together and put a shrink sleeve over it?
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  • January 7, 2006
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    Is there a reason why one should start center down on the TV with the stripes? I mean with starting e.g. in lower left corner its less cutting and soldering...

    Should be the same amount of soldering as you have to cut 4 zones total and connect 3 corners together, start and end point might already have connectors with a sleeve and sometimes even a power connector.

    EDIT: And: what is the best way to multiply the power connection to the middle of the leds strip? Just solder the cables together and put a shrink sleeve over it?

    Would try power the start and end point first and see if it can do full white, with my 218 WS2812 led setup only that is required.
    If you can't do full white the method @Lightning303 used recently with connecting power in the middle for every zone is the best way to go about it, with 5V it all comes down to length as the longer it gets the more the voltage is gonna drop.

    Would shrink wrap the open connection points where it can touch something else (back of tv / other cables), normally only do it for the start / end points as that can flex a bit when connecting everything up (heavier cables / jack connectors).


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  • April 5, 2005
    Should be the same amount of soldering as you have to cut 4 zones total and connect 3 corners together
    Hrm, 3 corners to connect?
    | |
    | |
    x2----x1 x6----x5

    X's are marking the connecting points. x1 and x6 has connectors. Still 4 corners to connect/solder.

    | |
    | |
    x1 x5-----------x4

    EDIT: Second vertical line should be on the right side...doesn't work here in editor.

    So one corner less. So again, any reason not to it this way?
    start and end point might already have connectors with a sleeve and sometimes even a power connector
    So I can use whatever part of the LED-strip? E.g. cut LEDs 1-34, use 35-67 for something else, and then use 68 to end of the strip? Sorry for all this dumb questions, I just don't want to make something wrong.

    Would try power the start and end point first and see if it can do full white, with my 218 WS2812 led setup only that is required.
    Sounds good. Will do. Gotta read a bit more, how I do all these tests and colour adjustments...


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  • April 5, 2005
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    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
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    Btw you can use my image of post #49 how to connect the stripes and all other things to the pi.

    On the edges I also used those wire connecters, but from another manufacturer.

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