New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate (2 Viewers)


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    sorry i need to clarify from earlier

    the ad detective itself works but when i start to "Save File" it errors out


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    AW: New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate

    A New version is Online.

    It brings a new xml file. "MyVideoRedoProfileDetail.xml".
    @all Skindesigner and Tester. I can only test with the Blue3 and Blue3Wide. Please edit the file for other Skins and send me the edited file and the images if it needed other images.

    The news are on the first Thread.

    For a bugreport PLEASE attach the debuglog here.



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    Thanks for the latest beta.

    The ability to select profiles for TVSuite4 is excellent. I have attached an new en language XML which translates the configuration text in the TVSuite4 configuration tab.

    I am using the streamedMP skin within the X-Factor skin and it seems to work OK. Can you do a copy of the StreamedMP skin files into an xfactor skin directory so that it doesn't need a manual copy on install? At the moment, things don't quite line up perfectly, I will play with the settings in the skin xml and let you know the best values to set.

    I will do a full test on the latest version soon, however currently there are 2 issues which stop this plugin from being used every day (which means I still use the normal VideoRedo application instead of using your plugin). I thought I would let you know these issues so you can look into them.

    1) If I use the work around for stopping the flashing timeline and thumbnails, I get video "tearing" when watching videos in normal MP. Will there be a full fix to this bug which allows the exclusive vmr9-mode to be ON? If not, then I must edit my MP configuration to change settings each time I use the Videoredo plugin, which is not ideal.

    2) I currently have no method of identifying if my recordings are Standard Definition or High Definition when I am editing them using the plugin. This means that I don't know which profile to use when I save the edited video. Usually I would know from the Channel Logo (if it is recorded from BBC HD then it is clearly going to be HD video, so I select the .ts profile, rather than the .mpg profile). Could the Channel Logo be put next to the recording title on the left of the screen in the recording list. Or could the channel name be written in the video information area above the series information button?

    I will continue testing.




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    AW: Re: New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate


    Thanks for the latest beta.

    The ability to select profiles for TVSuite4 is excellent. I have attached an new en language XML which translates the configuration text in the TVSuite4 configuration tab.

    I am using the streamedMP skin within the X-Factor skin and it seems to work OK. Can you do a copy of the StreamedMP skin files into an xfactor skin directory so that it doesn't need a manual copy on install? At the moment, things don't quite line up perfectly, I will play with the settings in the skin xml and let you know the best values to set.

    I will do a full test on the latest version soon, however currently there are 2 issues which stop this plugin from being used every day (which means I still use the normal VideoRedo application instead of using your plugin). I thought I would let you know these issues so you can look into them.

    1) If I use the work around for stopping the flashing timeline and thumbnails, I get video "tearing" when watching videos in normal MP. Will there be a full fix to this bug which allows the exclusive vmr9-mode to be ON? If not, then I must edit my MP configuration to change settings each time I use the Videoredo plugin, which is not ideal.

    2) I currently have no method of identifying if my recordings are Standard Definition or High Definition when I am editing them using the plugin. This means that I don't know which profile to use when I save the edited video. Usually I would know from the Channel Logo (if it is recorded from BBC HD then it is clearly going to be HD video, so I select the .ts profile, rather than the .mpg profile). Could the Channel Logo be put next to the recording title on the left of the screen in the recording list. Or could the channel name be written in the video information area above the series information button?

    I will continue testing.



    Hy Rob

    THX for the language XML and for the info that the X-Factor Skin woking with the screenfiles of StreamedMP. Is it real? 1:1?

    OK, i can`t test the Flickerproblem in my Maschines (only Win7). Please try the attached dll of the Plugin and test it. Now i set the "exclusiveMode" ConfigKey at the Pluginstart to "no" and on PageDestroy i set it back. But Only if it was set to yes on plugin-startup.

    Can you test it??

    In this dll ist also an idea to fix the HD/SD "bug". Now i set the Listlabel of the Recordinglist to "Recordingtitle - BBC HD".
    Now you can see on what Channel you have Recorded this Video. Is it OK?



    :D for your super testing


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  • May 5, 2009
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    THX for the language XML and for the info that the X-Factor Skin woking with the screenfiles of StreamedMP. Is it real? 1:1?
    - The timeline/thumbnail positioning isn't perfect in xfactor, but it is only in error by a small amount. I will play with the xml file and send you the corrections.

    OK, i can`t test the Flickerproblem in my Maschines (only Win7). Please try the attached dll of the Plugin and test it. Now i set the "exclusiveMode" ConfigKey at the Pluginstart to "no" and on PageDestroy i set it back. But Only if it was set to yes on plugin-startup.
    - Unfortunately that did not work, the problem is the same. It looks like your code does not disable exclusivemode correctly yet. - Please tell me if you want any log-files from me.

    EDITED: I assume the devs who wrote the code for the On Screen Displays within basic MediaPortal would have had this problem? Is there anyone who might be able to help from that community that you know?

    In this dll ist also an idea to fix the HD/SD "bug". Now i set the Listlabel of the Recordinglist to "Recordingtitle - BBC HD".
    Now you can see on what Channel you have Recorded this Video. Is it OK?
    - Perfect. Nice and simple, but effective solution.




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    • #76
    AW: New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate

    Ok, please attach log. Thx

    OK, i have edited die dll now with another workaround. Maybe this help. It`s a very bad situation when i can`t test it live.

    Please load the dll again and test it now. Now i set the new Mode and save the Cache.

    Please give Feedback. THX



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  • May 5, 2009
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    I tried the newest dll and that did not worth either. I set MP to debug level logs and did the following sequence.

    1) Started MP
    2) Select the VideoRedo plugin
    3) Selected a programme to edit
    4) Selected "Cut it"
    5) The video automatically plays and the timeline flashes and thumbnails are not visible.
    6) Selected the on-screen-menu and changed the TVSuite file profile.
    7) Selected the on-screen-menu and selected the option to "Edit end-filename"
    8) Exited the VideoRedo plugin
    9) Exited MediaPortal.

    One thing to note is that the plugin would did not respond to the "Edit end-filename" command and did nothing.



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    I am far from being an expert, so this comment may be wrong. However, when I look at the debug MP log, is shows that every key press is registered against both "[MPMain(1)]" and "[MyVideoReDo]" even before I have started the MyVideoReDo plugin within MP.

    It looks like MyVideoReDo is always active in MP and the code is taking key presses in some way, when surely is should only be the main MP application.

    2010-12-29 16:25:30.921875 [Debug][MPMain(1)]: [MyVideoReDo] :: Form KeyDown. Key: Return

    I don't know if this is significant or not.



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    • #79
    AW: New Plugin - MyVideoRedo - Cut your Recordings frame accurate

    Sorry for my late anwere.

    One thing to note is that the plugin would did not respond to the "Edit end-filename" command and did nothing.
    Yes, i use an interface for the Onscreenkeyboard what is only in 1.2 Alpha aviable. Sorry for this. I will fix it @ the next version.

    It looks like MyVideoReDo is always active in MP and the code is taking key presses in some way, when surely is should only be the main MP application.
    This is normal, each plugin is always active. i log the Keyboard/Remote press for a later feature. I will in the first stable version add the feature, if a recording is finished a popup ask you "Do you like cut the video with videoredo?", but only if user has pressed a key for the last 5 Minutes.

    The flickerproblem is a big problem. And there is no way to fix it. But is can try other solutions.
    Read this: Set the WMR9 ExlusiveMode from plugin - MediaPortal Forum



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  • May 5, 2009
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    Happy New Year

    Have you been able to investigate other possible solutions to the WMR9 Exclusive Mode problem since we last spoke?

    What is the current development plan for the plugin?

    Is there any testing help I can give you?


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