New plugin - OnlineTVShows???? (hulu, joost, etc..) (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
February 16, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Are you trying to make a kind of framework in wich you can "rip/stream" video sites ? or will it be dedicated to Hulu and Joost ?

The plan was to create a framework for sites that stream TV Shows (and possibly movies) but at the moment it just supports Hulu and Joost.

It will take me a while before i can release the plugin (if i even get it working)

I don't think it is possible to stream the hulu video directly into mediaportal, so I am thinking about a solution like the firefoxintegrator or netflix plugin. Basically it would parse the hulu shows to browse in mediaportal, then open firefox to the appropriate page when you launched the show.

Well... i can play the streams in windows media player, the problem with that is that the stream doesnt start automatically (or when you press play in windows media player), you have to click play in the video (flash control). I can get it to display in MP, but cant press on the play button. I'm trying to find a way to get it to start automatically, a way to press play, or i need to find an alternative way to play it, i really dont like the idea of launching a browser.

I am using Zinc and Multishortcut to have Hulu currently.

What is zinc, can you explain?

Would the XBMC plugin help here?

It might, i have been monitoring their forum. I think they use a 3rd party flash player to play the video, can anyone confirm?

Also if anyone knows anything about flash files i could use some help


Portal Member
February 4, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
Zinc is part of zeevee (Zinc |, just allows for an easy way to work with online videos; Hulu, CBS, ESPN, etc, etc. I can launch the program from Mediaportal select what I want to watch. I then have to physically mouse select the zoom as there is currently no way to "full" screen with a universal. Im sure you already have the file from XBMC but I would be glad to send you the link.

I also have a friend that creates flash videos/websites not sure if he is a point and click or knows how to program the files. If you have questions, I can ask and see.


Portal Pro
February 16, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Just a quick update, i've got video playback working with (i'm pretty sure i can get it to work with It currently plays the standard definition video, i'm not sure how to get it to work with HD videos from hulu (why do they even offer 2 versions, just offer HD). It uses flash to play the videos and i have noticed that i do have video tearing issues. It's not that bad, I will look into that a little more later.

I have a few things that i need to add to it, but hopefully will be able to release it soon.


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Very cool keith2045, this is exciting! I look forward to your first release!


Portal Member
February 4, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
Awesome, this is the only thing missing from MediaPortal in my eyes. HD content would be nice but not all the shows have the HD content. Man I can think of numerous sites to add, if you are going to take requests once the plug-in is available. Again if you need beta testers just let me know.


Portal Member
February 4, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
bump this back to the top.


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  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
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    France France
    Hi keith2045,

    Great to know your work on this plugin. :)
    Since few (long ;)) times ago, we (cboury and I) are working on a plugin.
    May be this could interest you.
    This plugin is on the MP SVN trunk (folder OVS).
    Of course, it's not finished yet, it's still in dev but, first release is not so long to wait, now.
    What about this plugin :
    At the first begining, it was a clone of the onlinevideo plugin but now, we changed almost all.
    With it :
    We can play stream videos on internet and use 3 differents players :
    - The internal MediaPortal Player (WMP 11 actualy).
    - The MPlayer plugin from MisterD.
    - The new VLC 0.9.x plugin.

    Then, it's possible to add a "service" (we called it like that but, it's like a sub-plugin in the plugin) for adding a new website to stream.
    And you can choose the dedicaced player for this service.
    Also, we have a generic RSS service and, users will be able to add websites with rss contents.
    If it is a website wich provide real rss stream then, just by adding it in config, will give the stream ability.
    Also, we decided to use VLC because, for a famous provider in France (Free provider), TV diffused by boxes (French 3X PLAY : Internet, phone, TV) can ONLY be played with VLC, with nothing else.
    Services are French services, for the moment (like all providers TV, etc) but, as you can enable/disable services, finally, you can have a specific configuration by users.

    For the moment, we didn't find a way to read flash player on websites.
    Then, if you are working this way, may be it could be interesting to add this ability instead of creating (another one) webstream plugin ?

    Well now, you are aware of existance of this plugin and, I suppose it's better to work together than working each alone.

    Best Regards.

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