Now playing artist/song not always updated (1 Viewer)



Nobody is having this problem?

Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9100 met Tapatalk

I've seen this happen on my setup too. I thought it was just something related to the StreamedMP skin. It wasn't a big deal, it usually gets back in line after a few songs or me just moving around, but it *does* happen.

It usually reverts back to normal after 1 song but it just doesn't look nice :)

Good to see I'm not the only one :)

Can you also post some logs?

Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9100 met Tapatalk


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  • February 25, 2008
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    AW: Now playing artist/song not always updated

    just wanted to confirm, that this also happens on my system. if you guys need more logs i could post them this evening.


    just wanted to confirm, that this also happens on my system. if you guys need more logs i could post them this evening.

    I guess that more logs are better! So please post. :D

    Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9100 met Tapatalk


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  • February 25, 2008
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    Austria Austria are the logs. i just browsed my music collection and started playback by pressing ok on my remote. very easy to reproduce on my system. in my case it happened when i started to play the third album (console). track #2 and track #4 were not correctly updated.


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  • August 7, 2005
    Cardiff, UK
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom are the logs. i just browsed my music collection and started playback by pressing ok on my remote. very easy to reproduce on my system. in my case it happened when i started to play the third album (console). track #2 and track #4 were not correctly updated.

    Right, so we need detailed steps to reproduce.

    "it happened when i started to play the third album" is not a step to reproduce, since we don't know how you are playing the album (moving the focus to the album and hitting 'play' on your remote?).

    Clearly since there is a random element to this, it won't be straightforward to explain, and if you have to play 30 tracks before it happens, there is a chance that a developer will miss it. I suspect that this is something that is always there, but no-one is looking at the screen constantly while music is playing.

    Do you have to stay on the 'now playing' screen, or can you exit and then go back without it sorting itself?



    Guest are the logs. i just browsed my music collection and started playback by pressing ok on my remote. very easy to reproduce on my system. in my case it happened when i started to play the third album (console). track #2 and track #4 were not correctly updated.

    Right, so we need detailed steps to reproduce.

    "it happened when i started to play the third album" is not a step to reproduce, since we don't know how you are playing the album (moving the focus to the album and hitting 'play' on your remote?).

    Clearly since there is a random element to this, it won't be straightforward to explain, and if you have to play 30 tracks before it happens, there is a chance that a developer will miss it. I suspect that this is something that is always there, but no-one is looking at the screen constantly while music is playing.

    Do you have to stay on the 'now playing' screen, or can you exit and then go back without it sorting itself?



    steps to reproduce:

    Load 20 tracks (or more) and let it play. Go to the now playing screen. Wait until the problem occurs (usually within 10 played tracks).

    Switching to other screens will not solve the problem, only skipping to the next track manually our automatically.

    Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9100 met Tapatalk


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  • February 25, 2008
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    Austria Austria
    AW: Re: Now playing artist/song not always updated

    Right, so we need detailed steps to reproduce.

    "it happened when i started to play the third album" is not a step to reproduce, since we don't know how you are playing the album (moving the focus to the album and hitting 'play' on your remote?).

    Clearly since there is a random element to this, it won't be straightforward to explain, and if you have to play 30 tracks before it happens, there is a chance that a developer will miss it. I suspect that this is something that is always there, but no-one is looking at the screen constantly while music is playing.

    Do you have to stay on the 'now playing' screen, or can you exit and then go back without it sorting itself?


    Hi Mark!

    Sorry, for not explaining detailed enough :oops:

    I browse my music collection in database mode - genre view. I navigate to genre/artist/album by pressing cursor keys and ok key on my remote to open the subtrees. i never use the play button. i then start playback by pressing the ok key on any track. i pressed exit on my remote to navigate up, select any other album, track and start playback again by pressing ok etc.

    I let the songs only play for some seconds, before playing back another one. After very short time (like i said in my case the third album) the error occured.

    toggling the now playing screen does not help.

    i hope this is better explained now...




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  • January 27, 2005
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    Could people experiencing this issue (I think it is possibly a timing issue which is more prevalent on faster machines) try the attached. Not sure if it will make a blind bit of difference but just want to rule something out

    (as always, rename the existing DLL in C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Windows and pop this one in its place)


      425.8 KB


    Could people experiencing this issue (I think it is possibly a timing issue which is more prevalent on faster machines) try the attached. Not sure if it will make a blind bit of difference but just want to rule something out

    (as always, rename the existing DLL in C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Windows and pop this one in its place)

    Will try this tomorrow!

    Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9100 met Tapatalk


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  • February 25, 2008
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    Austria Austria
    Could people experiencing this issue (I think it is possibly a timing issue which is more prevalent on faster machines) try the attached. Not sure if it will make a blind bit of difference but just want to rule something out

    (as always, rename the existing DLL in C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Windows and pop this one in its place)

    i just tried it out. unfortunately still the same behaviour with this new dll.

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