Maxtrash's high score has highlighted a problem with my plans to have a community scoreboard. People with remotes will never get a look in so I'm after some suggestions on how we can do this.
The plugin doesn't know or care how its being told to perform a move, rotation or drop. Adding a boolean property named Remote to Action should resolve the problem, I can't think of one of the top of my head but I'm sure there will be other situations where knowing the origins of an action would be useful.
When it comes to the MCE remote it's a no brainer to add this functionality. Am I correct in assuming that the code for supporting other remotes uses the same Action/OnAction paradigm?
Work and personal matters are preventing me from allocating much time to MP. Shame as I really enjoy working with the app and have lots of ideas so ya'll have to wait a bit I'm afraid but I'd still like to know what direction I'll be going in. However, if the changes to Action sound reasonable then I'd like to get that done prior to the next release?
You'll need to delete your copies of mytetris.dll if you are creating your own builds from CVS or when you download the next release. My Tetris now appears to be part of WindowPlugins.dll which causes a conflict with mytetris.dll since they both try to acquire the same window ID.
MP and later sees the tetris control having 4 new attributes that allow skinners more flexibility in the placement of the playing area within the control. The new attributes are self-explanatory and are as follows:
One idea to improve it. When line is full and it disappears, could it blink for a while and then disappear. Then you would know which line is going to leave.
Nicer visuals are definately on my todo list. The code already supports making blocks within a 4 row block glow, it only does so for a single frame so we don't get to see it. I'll fix this and will use it as the basis of the feature you've requested.
It could be a little wait though, until I can reproduce the moving block problem the new virtual keyboard is receiving most of my free time at the moment.
I've also got the basics of multiplayer support working. He he .
I got a problem with tetris. Cause when i launch and play tetris it requires a 100% CPU Usage and other programs and MP start stuttering. I use the Blue Two Mod Skin i have no idea if that has something to do with it. I guess it cant be my 2.8 GHz CPU P4 Am i the only one with this problem?