[Original Thread] "My NetFlix" Plugin with Watch Now Support (4 Viewers)

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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    Neflix confirmed the Queue management features have been restored.

    I expect to have the new release out soon, Keith found a few issues I am working on now...Stay tuned :)

    Okay guys & gals, the new version 0.4.8 Beta is available for download. Please take a few mintues to read the readme.pdf file, it will save you a lot of trouble in the end.

    If you have a previous version of MyNetFlix installed, you will NEED to DELETE YOUR OLD MyNetFlix DATABASE. It can be found in the folder where all the databases are stored (On Vista its located at C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database)

    Try it out and give me some feedback.There are a lot of changes in this version, so please be gentle.. :)

    Wile E.


    Portal Pro
    August 8, 2007
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    Just wanted to say that I am glad that you have this plug-in up and running. I currently have my netflix account on hold until after a move, but I am really looking forward to trying this plug-in out.


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    Just wanted to say that I am glad that you have this plug-in up and running. I currently have my netflix account on hold until after a move, but I am really looking forward to trying this plug-in out.

    I hope you're moving soon! :)


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  • October 14, 2008
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    What are the shortcut keys in the new web browser?

    Hey Ridewithme,
    Are you using the silverlight or old NetFlix plugin? If you are using the old plugin, any shortcut keys you used before should work now.

    The script in the 0.4.8 version is from a developer in the Sage forums. He developed a script that will allow FF, RW, Chapter/Episode skip, pause and stop with the sliverlight plugin. Thus far the only commands we have been able to send successfully is the fullscreen on startup and stop. Rest assured we are working hard to get this working correctly....

    Wile E.


    Portal Member
    April 22, 2009
    What are the shortcut keys in the new web browser?

    Hey Ridewithme,
    Are you using the silverlight or old NetFlix plugin? If you are using the old plugin, any shortcut keys you used before should work now.

    The script in the 0.4.8 version is from a developer in the Sage forums. He developed a script that will allow FF, RW, Chapter/Episode skip, pause and stop with the sliverlight plugin. Thus far the only commands we have been able to send successfully is the fullscreen on startup and stop. Rest assured we are working hard to get this working correctly....

    Wile E.


    When you say blueray support do you mean in instant play? Stream Bluray?


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    When you say blueray support do you mean in instant play? Stream Bluray?

    Hi Brickman,
    When I refer to Bluray it is strickly in the sense of "See New Releases on Bluray" or "See Upcoming Releases on Bluray". The Netflix viewer takes care of all the streaming either in the silverlight player or the 'old player' and adjusts the quality automatically based on your internet connection.

    I hope that answers your question.
    Wile E.


    Portal Member
    April 22, 2009

    When you say blueray support do you mean in instant play? Stream Bluray?

    Hi Brickman,
    When I refer to Bluray it is strickly in the sense of "See New Releases on Bluray" or "See Upcoming Releases on Bluray". The Netflix viewer takes care of all the streaming either in the silverlight player or the 'old player' and adjusts the quality automatically based on your internet connection.

    I hope that answers your question.
    Wile E.

    Ah okay, Thank you Wile. Great Plugin!


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  • August 14, 2007
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    Having trouble with .48 - when I first run the new Netflix Movie viewer, I'm prompted to install Silverlight. When i attempt to do so I'm taken to a page that says it cannot be used by browsers running in 64bit mode.

    I am running x64, of course, but not the x64 browser, as far as I am aware - and Silverlight works in regular IE/Firefox on my PC. Bug?

    Checked it on my x86 box - works, so it's a x64 issue. I'm guessing that the webbrowser wrapper by default is calling the Internet Explorer located in c:\program files\internet explorer and not the one in c:\program files (x86)\internet explorer - the latter being the 32 bit version.

    Speaking of the 32 bit version - it works great for me. This is so close to being there; having pause, ffw/rwd working is about it and it'll be perfect. I can see this being used for Hulu next, which would probably vault it to one of the top plugins for all of MP. Good job :)


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  • October 14, 2008
    Cary, NC
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    Having trouble with .48 - when I first run the new Netflix Movie viewer, I'm prompted to install Silverlight. When i attempt to do so I'm taken to a page that says it cannot be used by browsers running in 64bit mode.

    I am running x64, of course, but not the x64 browser, as far as I am aware - and Silverlight works in regular IE/Firefox on my PC. Bug?

    Checked it on my x86 box - works, so it's a x64 issue. I'm guessing that the webbrowser wrapper by default is calling the Internet Explorer located in c:\program files\internet explorer and not the one in c:\program files (x86)\internet explorer - the latter being the 32 bit version.

    Speaking of the 32 bit version - it works great for me. This is so close to being there; having pause, ffw/rwd working is about it and it'll be perfect. I can see this being used for Hulu next, which would probably vault it to one of the top plugins for all of MP. Good job :)

    Hey Ixian,
    Thanks for all the great feedback!

    Somehow I knew this custom browser would come back to bite me in the butt. :) I have done some quick research this morning to no avail. I will continue to search, but worst case scenario I can just allow a browser location to be entered in the in config instead of the folder location of the custom web browser. In other words, you can enter "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" instead of the default "C:\Program Files\NetFlix_Remote\". I can simply check to see if the string ends in ".exe" and if it does use it instead of the custom. I will do another build and send it to your personal email to test....

    :sorry: for the issue...
    Wile E.

    Scratch what I said above (at least for now.) I have built a new version 0.4.8a as a test for 64 bit users. I built the custom browser using x86 affinity only and posted the new version 0.4.8a, so lets see if that fixes the issue. Again, no modification to the config is neccessary as mentioned above, just copy the new WebBrowser.exe to your NetFlix_Remote folder...

    Wile E.

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