Hey poppabk,
Try the attached on for size... let me know of any issues.
I will include it in subsequent builds of My Netflix.
Thanks, I will give it a try tonight.
Hey poppabk,
Try the attached on for size... let me know of any issues.
I will include it in subsequent builds of My Netflix.
I get a message when I try to watch a TV series that it is not a valid movie. I have tried with the internal browser, Firefox and IE. I get the same message. It works fine when I watch a movie. Is watching a TV series supported? I have the latest plugin and have built a new DB. I have attached error logs when using the internal browser and Firefox. I found another strange problem when I am using the internal browser the "A" and the "S" keys do not work on my wireless keyboard. I have a "S" in my netflix account so I cannot use the internal browser. All the other keys work. Strange.I really enjoy the plugin. Keep up the good work.
Dexter season 1 disk 1. I've tried the 2nd season and get the same error.
Yes, I can start the Tv series from Firefox. I've tried other skins and I get the same message. The message shows up where the login should be. I get the white box where the login should be , but it just shows this is not a valid movie. Are there any other logs I can get? If I have time I can try it on my test system.