Out Of Memory errors after upgrade to MovPics 1.6 (3 Viewers)


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  • March 10, 2006
    @TheBatfink, I use a simple batch script myself that scans all my DB3 files for basic corruption at SQLite level. If the database is 'ok', an auto-backup is made, and if it is corrupt the last 'ok' version is auto-restored (if available). I used to have a lot of problems with LastMediaHandler database going corrupt at random and in doing so it would introduce stuttering inside MP-TVSeries because of the mass SQL queries that were then going on in the background.

    Now it is also possible for an SQL database to be technically 'ok', but still contain corrupted data to freak the program out that reads the database, for those situations my script can not help, but those should be extremly rare.

    So not sure if it will be of any help to ya, but here it is: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/corrupted-database.120376/#post-1014075


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  • June 11, 2007
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    I'll check that out thanks. I am curious as to see what broke it. In fairness thats probably the first issue I've ever had with MovPics - luckily my server backs up the entire hdd of all pcs nightly so nothing too serious was lost. Setting the watched flags manually on a 1400+ entry database is painful :D


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  • June 11, 2007
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    Interesting.. I was actually going to ask if that was possible as a feature request. I do it already for clients with TVSeries, but didn't know it was possible with MovPics. Will have a root about in the MovPics config for the options. Thanks!


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  • March 10, 2006
    Setting the watched flags manually on a 1400+ entry database is painful :D

    That is what Follw.it (for MovPic) and Trakt.tv (for MP-TVSeries) save me from, if I ever have to do a disaster recovery.

    Keep in mind that a corruption can occur at any moment, and unless you keep each individually nightly backup, your backup can get corrupted as well.

    A backup storage policy I use a lot is:
    • Daily of the week that overwrite themselves.
    • Sunday (or whatever day of the week works for you) backup is copied in a week folder and last 4 versions are kept
    • Every 1st of the month backup is kept as well for a maximum of 4
    • Jan 1st and July 1st backup of the year are kept
    That way, unless a corruption went unnoticed for a very long ass time, I can still go back to a version that is 'clean', without hopefully too much changes lost. It does of course come with a larger requirement on storage to retain all the backups, but I only do it for the DB3 files, the Thumbs folder only needs a recent backup, because if a PNG or JPG got corrupted I just delete it on individual basis and the background scraper system will re-obtain it auto.

    Another trick to keep the mass amount of extra backups small is to use tools such as rsync and others, so that the Jan 1st backup is a full one, but the others are differential ones, where you only backup the 'changes'. Plenty of backup software solutions available (even open sourced ones) that do this process fully automatic. Personally I am a glutten for punishment, so I tend to write my own batch-script solution :)


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  • June 11, 2007
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    I actually use Windows Server to do the backups. It's nice because with LightsOut you can wake PC's and put them back to sleep after the backup. They are incremental too. I backup daily. The last 7 days is kept, then there is one back up for the 3 weeks previous to the 7 days which rotates. Then one backup on a monthly basis going back 6 months that rotates. A single one of my clean installed system and I make on the spot backups that never delete every time I have everything setup in MePo and working well because it was so painful until DJBlu made TV setup so easy :) I love a backup too lol.

    Thats why I'm not seeing it work on MovPics, I only have a trakt account. I will sign up to Follw now!


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Follw.it works for MovPic and MP-TVSeries
    Trakt.tv works for MovPic, MP-TVSeries, MyVideos and a bunch more plugins (all configurable via Trakt plugin config)

    I personally don't like all my info in one spot, so that is why I got movies on follw.it and tv on trakt.tv, but that's just me :)


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  • June 11, 2007
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    Hi, does Trakt.tv interact with movpics db to set the watched flags? Just I only saw a config screen for follw.it so I set that up and sync'd my db.

    I do use trakt.tv to sync tv series flags and was just curious if it was automatically interacting with movpics. I assume that if both are active there won't be any fighting between them if the sync is bi-directional?


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    does Trakt.tv interact with movpics db to set the watched flags?
    Yes, watched flags sync when connected to trakt.tv.

    I do use trakt.tv to sync tv series flags and was just curious if it was automatically interacting with movpics. I assume that if both are active there won't be any fighting between them if the sync is bi-directional?
    There will not be any conflict, in trakt.tv configuration you can control the sort order of the plugin syncs i.e. tvseries then movingpics or vice versa...it wont try to do both at the same time (not that, that would be a problem or anything).

    Just ensure you have 'movingpictures' enabled in trakt.tv configuration or settings gui. fyi The trakt plugin does a lot more than simply sync watched flags ;)

    If you have any other questions/issues feel free to open a thread in the trakt sub-forum.

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