Hi manniainen, great to see you back
I am having trouble getting version to work with MP 1.1.0. I enabled the plugin, restarted tvservice and then started the plugin's web service (all settings are at default settings). But I just get a blank page by browsing to the web address in my browser. netstat tells me that something is listening at port 5050. The wierd part is if I stop the plugin's web service, netstat still says there's a listener at 5050. I have not tried it on my N95 yet as I wanted to get the provisioning file by browsing to the "@getstatus" url which is also not working
I am having trouble getting version to work with MP 1.1.0. I enabled the plugin, restarted tvservice and then started the plugin's web service (all settings are at default settings). But I just get a blank page by browsing to the web address in my browser. netstat tells me that something is listening at port 5050. The wierd part is if I stop the plugin's web service, netstat still says there's a listener at 5050. I have not tried it on my N95 yet as I wanted to get the provisioning file by browsing to the "@getstatus" url which is also not working