plugin for the website (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006

i know the old version before in january i started developing this plugin had the problems of removing favorite countries ( every time i removed a country i got a new entry ). Although i think the old plugin had never the intention you could add countries to your favorites. So i removed it when i started to develop because no one ever noticed it.

But at the moment with the new favorites system i cannot reproduce your problem. Could it be an skin issue ? i tried the stable version and svn version several times ( dleting/adding ) and all my countries were deleted and i could add new one. I did it with the default skins and what version of mediaportal did you use the svn version ? and did you also use the svn version of the plugin ?.

I am curious to know if you could tell me how you did it at the moment i cannot reproduce it and not fix it.


Portal Pro
November 20, 2006
Okotoks, Alberta (foothills of the Rocky Mountains
Home Country
Canada Canada
I tried both and SVN 13914 with both skins. (skins made no difference)

I could not reproduce it on SVN version. On the I could.
However if you have 1 entry in the channel favourites it seems to normalize and you can delete the multiple entries fine. At first glance it seems to work fine after.

I'll keep playing with it and report results.


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
new update

today i released the version with a new favorites system. So enjoy. Ps. In dutch you see kanaal: with : behind kanaal this is because a mistype of the mediaportal language xmls. So i cannot fix that. In other language it is good. But same with categorie ( instead of category ). i do not know who maintains them but maybe someone could fix it who maintains the files.


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
wwitv favorites

Is anyone using the version with the new favorites system yet ? Is it an advantage or do you prefer the old one with only channels but one less click ?


Portal Pro
November 20, 2006
Okotoks, Alberta (foothills of the Rocky Mountains
Home Country
Canada Canada
Hi, globo,

I've been using the favourites for some time now, and other then the issue with the of multiplying some countries in the list it works fine. BTW, I haven't seen this issue in the latest SVN yet. But as my main HTPC in the family room is running the stable version, I have to live with this little issue.

Another finding though about the wwitv website, is that it seems to me that there is some dead-end links.
Some channels that I use in my iTV plug-in with direct links via PLS files that I maintain manually seem to still work fine although they don’t on the wwitv website. I think they have few outdated links. But that is something you can’t do anything about.


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006

I cannot reproduce your error ( double favorites so sorry ). If you have dead links you could send an email to wwitv. They will remove it. Although i have a weird problem someone said he had bad connection for some streams. for instance germany motor tv. I tried it and only once i could get a connection in stable version. in svn version i never got an image.

I had a previous version 2.0.0 ? rc3 on my computer and i started it up by mistake with the newest wwitv stable version. But man i was astonished everything worked so smooth and fast so i do not know what has happened since then but in my opnion it is not better now. This and other reasons is the reason why i propably quit working on the wwitv plugin.

But i would say maybe you have a 2.0.0 version and see it yourself.


Portal Pro
October 28, 2006
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland

I use MP 0.2.2 without SVN and Wwitv 0.6. I've got a problem with the favorites channel.

When I click on a channel, the "waiting circle" in the middle of the window turn 2 seconds, stop, and nothing else. It's the same with all my favourite channels. The favourite country works for me. I don't use the category favorites, so I dont' know if it works.

Standard selection of channnel works.

Very usefull plugin, Thank you



Portal Pro
December 30, 2006


i tried different things ( by favorites -> channels ) and country -> channels and everything worked here. I do not knwo how many channels you tried but could it you played ram/qlt files ? those cannot be played unfortunately with mediaportal.

You could also try to put the wwitv2.xml somewhere else and make a new list of favorites maybe there is something wrong in the xml ?.

And you could seer if there has been written something in the error log of mediaportal.

by the way I tried the stable version ( just as you ).

And are the more people using 0.6 version and do they have the same problems or does it allw ork. Maybe someone could post a reaction if it works or not. I get very very few replies ( only Media_Junkie ) so i do not know if many people already use it.

juan pablo

Portal Member
October 11, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom

I installed the latest version of this mod on the latest stable version of MP. When i start up the plugin i just get the green spinning circle thing and nothing else. Then after several seconds it sometimes stops. I never get anything to load in the plugin at all, and it makes my cpu go 100%.

Any ideas??


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006

i made a fresh install on another machine with stable version and the not-svn version of the plugin and the default skin then i refreshed the channels ( because of clean install i first have to get data ) and i had no problem.

Pablo, do you say the plugin is not working at all with you ? When you click wwitv in mediaportal you get nothing ? only a spinning wheel for 2 seconds ?

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