I first noticed one thing i knew it but i never mentioned it. If you use one language. For instance dutch and you add andorra to your favorites as a country and after that you change to another language and the country name becomes different for instance french andorre then when you go to favorites, countries and click andorra it will not show any channels within andorra because the language is french when i look for andorra ( dutch ). So if you chooose another language favorites countries and categories will not work anymore. Maybe some countries work ( andorra is in english and dutch the same ). If you set the language back to your old language the channels will be shown again. So this is not a bug.
But the above seems to me reasonable. After you set your language you will not change it i asume. Because i cannot regognice that andorra is the same as andorre i cannot make a translation. If every country had his unique numbet i could but unfotunately this is not the fact. So i have to search for all channels with andorra as country defined in the xml. The above is only a problem with saved countries and categories within favorites.
Today i also wanted to try if i could reproduce the problem of you cedric. I saw it works now for you. cedric. Once i had maybe the same problem. When i today started mediaportal ( svn version ) for the first time and went t favorites, channels i had 3 channels which all were not working ( only for 2 second n indicator). But i do not know maybe i were tree channels which were not working ( ram extension ) or maybe i first refreshed. So maybe nothing is wrong but unfortunately i could not reproduce iut afterwards i did not know anymore which channels. So cedric keep alert. If it happens again try to rememer what you did before and what channels. Maybe it has to do something with the weekly refresh so i occurs only once a week aroudn weekend. But i have to say i never experienced it before. I even deleted some channelds within the xml and added some favorites to try if refresh was the problem but i could not reproduce it.
One thing i want to know cedric. Did You just installed version 0.6 before nothing worked or did you already installed it and used it before you had the problem. For now i asume it is rught now and there was no problem. But if it happens again i hope we can reproduce is.
Ive sorted my problem now. It seems the skin files hadnt been extracted to the correct location. Then once i fixed this i still had the above error, which turned out to be down to a messed up wireless network connection that was intermittently working and thus losing a LOT of packets. The consequence of this was that the plugin didnt like it and bugged out using up 100% of the cpu. Perhaps you could take a look into why this happens?
However ive now fixed my network connection and everything is working fine.
Great plugin, but if i am critical i would say its not completely obvious what to do to access channels if you are unfamiliar with the plugin.
i do not know if i can do something about not having connection. I already thought maybe your firewall was blocking and that was causing the trouble but maybe tehere is a way to reproduce it and maybe i could do something about it. But it is not a high priority i asume because if internet is not oke nothing works.
But i am more interested in your opinion about accessing channels. What could be improved do you have examples ?
Is this plugin uncompatibel with the latest SVNs, or am I the only one having problems with it?
Edit: I saw other users reporting problems with playing asx streams in the 'Nightly Builds' subforum, so perhaps my problems are relatet to that, and not this plugin in itself. But apparently this should be fixed with the latest SVN, and I still can't get the streams from this plugin to play with todays SVN.
Yes, this seems to be a problem, since i introduced support for mms audio streams in webradio.
unfortunately there's no indication, if behind a url that starts with mms: there's audio or video.
so in the end, all of them end with BASS player and they can't be played.
So, somehow the plugin should let me know, that it is a video, that is played, or the other way around, GUIRadio should tell that this is an audio file.
i'll put it on my top priority list to fix it.
I'm away now until Wednesday next week.
As a workaround, you may use older svn versions (< SVN 14608), or you choose the "Internal DShow player", instead of BASS, as your default player.
Sorry can someone give me a specific installation description of the WWITV plugin. The description on page 2 seems outdated with the current plugin files I downloaded. And the "Readme.txt" doesn't give me a clear description also.
Thanks in advance..
BTW: I am going to install it in the RC1 release, hope it works!
Description is basically as described on page 2. But I was looking into the wrong folder, 1 is complete useless and the others should be placed in the correct subdirectories of mp.
Ohh, but with me it doesn't seem to work with the RC1 release. Hope a new update will be there soon!