[Plugin] Streamradio V2 (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 17, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi there,

seems that the plugin hasn't been updated for a while. Are there any plany to support 1.1.0 (beta and hopefully soon coming stable release) in the near future?
I think many MP users already use the 1.1.0 beta of MP, which runs quite well yet I think.
Would be very fine if that could be next thing on the agenda :)
Very nice plugin!



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  • April 11, 2006
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Hi there,

    seems that the plugin hasn't been updated for a while. Are there any plany to support 1.1.0 (beta and hopefully soon coming stable release) in the near future?
    I think many MP users already use the 1.1.0 beta of MP, which runs quite well yet I think.
    Would be very fine if that could be next thing on the agenda :)
    Very nice plugin!


    +1 for MP 1.1 support


    Portal Pro
    February 16, 2008
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    I sure hope this plugin works in 1.1.0 since this is one of my "essential" plugins. I use it daily and would really miss it. Thanks for a absolutely great radio module.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 11, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    I use the plugin with 1.1 (latest svn snapshot) without problems... I had to modify the plugin because some parts where missing (I think because of the removal of tv parts from the client) -> With the dll I uploaded in this post the plugin should work.

    If not post your problems and I'll try to fix them...


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2007
    Sydney, Australia
    Home Country
    Hi. I've just discovered this plugin, I use StreamedMP and found the instructions to move mystreamradio.xml from Blue3 into the StreamedMP folder (worked). I am however using 1.1 with the latest SVN and had to then follow the instructions to update the .dll (worked).

    While the streams work - this is what the plugin looks like in MP.

    Any ideas?



    MP Donator
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  • November 1, 2006
    Cape Town
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    South Africa South Africa
    @polarie - The thumbs are there and display in the streamradio window perfectly - but when I play a station, then the thumb does not display in the media overlay - that little window that shows what is currently playing. What displays for you when you play a station? Are you using visualizations? Those will display for me. But if I turn them off, then just an empty box, no logos and double info on what is playing as you can see in the screenshot.

    Hi Dadeo

    Have you made any progress in fixing this display issue?


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Hey Geov - progress? That might be stretching the term LOL! What I did in aMPed was just display the default streamradio logo (hover image) in the media overlay so at least it shows that a stream is playing not just a blank window, or a flashing one like it does in some skins. I managed to get the scrolling info to display properly with the use of some dummy controls (visibiltiy !player.hasduration since most radio streams don't report a duration).

    I was hoping the issue would get dealt with in MP 1.1. However, I have not seen anything in the change log for 1.1. I am still using 1.0.2 since I have to support it for aMPed users, so I have not tested it in 1.1 yet. Apparently the developers are aware of the problem. As I understand it, the overlay code treats streams as video, though I am not entirely clear why!

    I have posted bug reports up the whazoo and even bugged Chris (Infinityloop) about it. So I don't know what else to do but be patient :D


    MP Donator
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  • November 1, 2006
    Cape Town
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    South Africa South Africa
    Hey Geov - progress? That might be stretching the term LOL! What I did in aMPed was just display the default streamradio logo (hover image) in the media overlay so at least it shows that a stream is playing not just a blank window, or a flashing one like it does in some skins. I managed to get the scrolling info to display properly with the use of some dummy controls (visibiltiy !player.hasduration since most radio streams don't report a duration).

    I was hoping the issue would get dealt with in MP 1.1. However, I have not seen anything in the change log for 1.1. I am still using 1.0.2 since I have to support it for aMPed users, so I have not tested it in 1.1 yet. Apparently the developers are aware of the problem. As I understand it, the overlay code treats streams as video, though I am not entirely clear why!

    I have posted bug reports up the whazoo and even bugged Chris (Infinityloop) about it. So I don't know what else to do but be patient :D

    Then I'll just have to live with this bug until its fixed....thanks for the feedback :D


    Portal Pro
    November 17, 2007
    Hello to all!
    I'd like to have only a few webradio, those in this pls file attached also posted here:


    How can i do it?
    At this time i'm not interested in having all the streams available.
    Many thanks for your work and help!


    • radioitaliane.zip
      30.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    May 8, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Senderlogos und Songinfos

    Hallo Leute, Hallo kroko...

    Nachdem ich dieses Top-Plugin nun schon geraumer Zeit nutze (vielen Dank an den Entwickler) will ich doch noch mal 3 Fragen loswerden.

    Meine Version ist MP 1.0.2 und Streamradio 0.5.2 auf Windows XP MediaCenter Edition

    Es ist ja nun schon im Vorwege immer mal wieder in verschiedenen Sprachen angefragt worden, ob und wie man die Senderlogos des aktuell abgespielten Senders im Vollbildmodus/ bzw. in dem kleinen Kasten unten links (was nach meinem Verständnis ja nur eine verkleinerte Version des Vollbilds ist) angezeigt bekommen kann.
    Geht das tatsächlich nicht oder muss man irgendwelche Visualisierungs-Settings dafür aktivieren, die ich noch nicht gefunden habe?
    Wenn Ihr zu Post 1 schaut und den Screenshot des Entwicklers betrachtet wird jedenfalls der Eindruck erweckt dass es geht!
    Nur wie?

    Wenn ich die Streams in Winamp lade wird als durchlaufende Info des Streams bei fast alles Sendern immer Titel und Interpret angezeigt.
    In der Beschreibung des Entwicklers zum letzen Update wird dies auch als Funktion beschrieben:
    "You can use the visualisation from mp which is configurable in the setup. The title and artist is displayed automaticly every time a change is detected (not on all streams)"
    Welches Setup denn? In dem Plugin-Setup von Streamradio habe ich nichts gefunden?
    Im Mediaportal Setup irgendwie auch nicht...
    Wie oder wo wird das aktiviert bzw. konfiguriert?

    Eintrag im Home Menü...
    Bei mir erscheint "My Streamradio" im Home Menü.
    In vorhergehenden Posts hat kroko auf Anfrage von User JoachimP (28.8.09 Page 14) erwähnt, dass das Plugin eigentlich der MP Sprache angepasst sein sollte und somit bei mir doch eigentlich "Mein Streamradio" stehen müsste.
    Er bot sogar an den Eintrag frei wählbar zu programmieren...
    Spitzen Idee!!!
    Was ist denn daraus geworden?
    Oder habe ich da was falsch verstanden und das ist noch nicht implementiert...
    Wenn nicht, dann hoffe ich das kroko nochmal ein Update nachlegt, ich wäre auch sehr daran interessiert die Bezeichnung frei wählbar zu gestalten (ich hätte nämlich am liebsten "Mein Internetradio" bei mir im Home Menü stehen)

    Falls einer von Euch die ein oder andere Frage beantworten kann wäre ich super dankbar!
    Und nochmals großes Lob an kroko für dieses großartige Plugin, was in meinen Augen ein essentieller Bestandteil des Mediaportals ist...

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