Hey dobyken,
Do me a favor... Go to C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\X10Server\Config folder and see if there are three files. Server.xml, Devices.xml and Rooms.xml. Delete these three files and try the configuration again. I think something happened during creating a device and it corrupted the XML file, thus making it crash whenever you attemp to go into the configuration.
Also, do you remember your entries on the Device page before it crashed?
Adding Rooms and devices worked ok, I think... I'm not really sure what to do there, do I mirror what I have setup in AHP?
That X10_Remote.dll file IS in the correct folder... I can't find any logs to speak of. I should point out that I'm running the Configuration in the MediaPortal Configuration, not in the actual MP program (don't know if that makes a difference)
EDIT: I'd be happy to provide remote connectivity to my HTPC if you wish to snoop around, let me know!
Hmmm... Yes, you should be running the configuration within MP Configuration, not the GUI. And Yes, you should have the devices setup in AHP as well (I know its double work, but the API doesnt provide me access to devices)
Your log files are located in the C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log folder on Vista and Windows 7. Im not sure where they are located on XP...
Ok, I have now attached my Mediaportal.log file (there is no Error.log file), thanks for the point to the folder!
Do my rooms, devices need to be identical in AHP and your configuration, like same names etc? Or just the hardware address (a1 etc).
Hope this helps!