Media Portal really needs this with a slick interface. There are a lot of free Vidcast now, DLTV Command N, and Podcast like Twit that would be cool to just add to MP
I have used MediaPortal many times off and on but haven't stuck with it due to the fact that I have been using my computer to watch and subscribe to Video Podcasts like DL.TV CommandN.TV TWIT Diggnation Deadtroll Openalph Hak5 etc.... I am sure there are many other people out there that would love to see Video Podcast subscribing intergrated or at least an add-on/extension made that would allow mediaportal to download and play video podcasts. If there is already a solution please let us/me know so that I can use it, or at least check it out.
Why don't use Juice, it automates the dowloads of video and audio casts to a specific folder. You can, this way, watch Rocketboom and listen to diggnation easilly.
Because in some countries we are limited in dowloaded and uploaded volume I don't use juice or others tools for RSS. I download only what I want o watch.
I'm interested by a good RSS (text, audio, video) reader integrated in media portal. Not only a pluggin. RSS in strong enough to be intergrated. We are talking about the media of tomorrow. RSS is a pure technologie for medias.
The only changes I see are: Updated Marcel Groothuis version of the plugin to now support Media Portal 2.5
I can't say anything about the functionality of this plugin, I don't use TV Part, but if there are any changes that can be simply transferred, then I can try.
But I can't give any guarantees.
The only changes I see are: Updated Marcel Groothuis version of the plugin to now support Media Portal 2.5
I can't say anything...
I am a long-time user of MediaPortal to watch TV. I use the Media Portal TV Server as a backend, and Kodi (previously known as...
Q1.) How do I tell what version of Media Portal 2 is installed? I installed Media Portal about a year ago and have not used it yet because of illness.
Q2.) If there is a newer version, what is the best way to upgrade?
Q1.) How do I tell what version of Media Portal 2 is installed? I installed Media Portal about a year ago and have not used it yet...
Q1.) How do I tell what version of Media Portal 2 is installed? I installed Media Portal about a year ago and have not used it yet...
Just those I attached.
I messed about with task priorities MP/TV-Server/SQL-Server and the issue changed to the skin.. I would do something, but it would be 10's of seconds before the action happened. Doing an Alt-Tab would flush the actions. Too weird lol!!
So, with some flak from the family, I had to give in. I just did a...
Just those I attached.
I messed about with task priorities MP/TV-Server/SQL-Server and the issue changed to the skin.. I would do...
So, this one has me quite stumped.
Have tried ) and a few things - driver updates, kicking the box, threatening it with a static...
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Database changed
MariaDB [mptvdb]> SELECT * FROM Server;
| idServer | isMaster | hostName | rtspPort |
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Hello everyone,
I'm going to need help from the community to resolve a TV server crash issue.
I encountered a problem with my...