PowerScheduler++ 1.4.0.x - Stable versions for MediaPortal 1.4 (1 Viewer)


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  • August 7, 2009
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    Austria Austria
    tried to reproduce it but had no problems in the evening, streamed a tv show and also Live TV for more than half an hour (standby was set @ 20min).
    Than i reduced the standby to 2 min. and tried to reproduce the standby but had no luck, than i streamed some music and didnt followed the monitor that exactly and than it happened again but not to my Tablet, this time to my HTPC (i disabled also the shares option, only network traffic option was active) - than i tried to read the logs on the server and the funny thing is that my server goes to standby during i read the logs (ok maybe you can think if he reads something he had a idle time over 2 minutes, but i scrolled and during i scrolled through the logs i saw the standby message didnt had a chance to cancel it)

    Maybe the network activity dont works correctly, that may also be the asnwer why my tablet lost the connection to the server.

    €dit: its an Ampdroid Bug

    4 o clock wake up:
    didnt found something in the logs which explains it, maybe you can find something
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Please activate Debug log level, otherwise I cannot see the relevant information



    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Sorry, I meant "Extensive Logging" which seems not to be enabled, since there are only few log messages from PowerScheduler++



    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    I just openend a new poll thread on wether to realease the current beta version of PowerScheduler++ ( as a new stable version.



    Retired Team Member
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  • March 3, 2012
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    Could you possibly help me with using the 'Run command before standby / after wakeup'?

    I would like to use this to run a taskkill command to kill LCDSmartie just before the HTPC goes into S3 sleep. I have tried many combinations of options but have failed to get it to work.

    The command is:

    taskkill.exe /im LCDSmartie.exe

    What is the best way to get that to run just before the HTPC goes to sleep?

    Many thanks



    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi lisa,

    the command in the PS++ command text box must not have any parameters. The best thing you can do, is to put your "taskkill.exe /im LCDSmartie.exe " into a batch file (e.g. "killsmartie.bat") and put the call to this in the Advanced tab (e.g. "C:\xyz\killsmartie.bat"). When calling the batch, PS++ adds the parameter "suspend" (when running on suspend) or "wakeup" (when running on wakeup). In the batch file you can query the parameter to start the taskkill only on suspend and not on wakeup. See here for examples.



    MP Donator
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  • August 7, 2009
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    Austria Austria
    tried to reproduce it but had no problems in the evening, streamed a tv show and also Live TV for more than half an hour (standby was set @ 20min).
    Than i reduced the standby to 2 min. and tried to reproduce the standby but had no luck, than i streamed some music and didnt followed the monitor that exactly and than it happened again but not to my Tablet, this time to my HTPC (i disabled also the shares option, only network traffic option was active) - than i tried to read the logs on the server and the funny thing is that my server goes to standby during i read the logs (ok maybe you can think if he reads something he had a idle time over 2 minutes, but i scrolled and during i scrolled through the logs i saw the standby message didnt had a chance to cancel it)

    Maybe the network activity dont works correctly, that may also be the asnwer why my tablet lost the connection to the server.

    €dit: its an Ampdroid Bug

    a part of it was an Ampdroid bug but not the whole thing, today i was able to reproduce the other part.
    In the log file it starts here (i activated extensive logging in Powerscheduler, i did it also in the previous logs)
    2012-04-30 09:16:28.937500

    Started the server, started Ampdroid and streamed some TV, everything was fine.
    Powerscheduler didnt goes to standby due to an active stream (i guess the option for the network activity prevented the standby cause i dont had an active share to the server from my tablet).
    Than i stopped the TV Live Stream and moved to an tv show and from now on the Powerscheduler thought that no stream is active anymore, allthought i was streaming the whole time.
    Maybe the problem is that the Networkactivity is not able to detect the activity when its outside the system harddisk?, cause my tv shows are on a second harddrive in the server. But would not explain why the system goes not to standby when i stream TV, cause the Timeshift files are in the Ramdisk (not on the system disk).


    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi regurge,

    here a short comprehension of your tv log:
    08:50:57 SetupTV started
    08:54:58 First  log message from PS++ (Extensive logging enabled)
    08:54:58 PS++ allows standby
    08:55:58 PS++ allows standby
    08:56:58 PS++ allows standby
    08:57:58 PS++ allows standby
    08:58:58 PS++ allows standby
    08:59:28 Timeshifting started
    08:59:58 PS++ Timeshifting prevents standby and power off
    09:00:58 PS++ Timeshifting prevents standby and power off
    09:00:58 PS++ Access to share 'Daten' from client 'CHRIS' by user 'DS' prevents standby
    09:01:22 PS++ got event EndTimeShifting
    09:01:39 StartTimeShifting ORF3 1708
    09:01:42 PS++ got event StartTimeShifting
    09:01:58 PS++ Timeshifting prevents standby and power off
    09:02:09 PS++ got event EndTimeShifting
    09:02:11 StartTimeShifting ORF3 1708
    09:02:22 StartTimeShifting ORF3 1708
    09:02:46 Timeshifting failed, lets try next available card
    09:02:58 PS++ allows standby
    09:03:45 StartTimeShifting PULS 4 Austria 473
    09:03:46 Timeshifting failed, lets try next available card
    09:03:58 PS++ allows standby
    09:04:09 StartTimeShifting PULS 4 Austria 473
    09:04:10 Timeshifting failed, lets try next available card
    09:04:43 StartTimeShifting ProSieben Austria 468
    09:04:44 Timeshifting failed, lets try next available card
    09:04:58 PS++ allows standby
    09:05:58 PS++ allows standby
    09:06:58 PS++ allows standby
    09:07:09 StartTimeShifting PULS 4 Austria 473
    09:07:10 Timeshifting failed, lets try next available card
    09:07:58 PS++ allows standby
    As you can see, there were problems tuning the desired channel so no active timeshifting took place after 09:02:09 and thus PS++ did not prevent standby any longer...


    PS: You have selected a check interval of 60 seconds. This is too long. You should reduce it to 15 seconds.


    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2011
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    EDIT: Sorry, I'm using the beta so I'll post in that thread instead...

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