Somehow the plugins screen only works with your remote after you hovered with your mouse over the menu.
Also, somehow it isn't possible anymore to customize the hierarchy , and what items are shown, in the plugins screen. But thats not skin related i guess.
indeed it isn't. it is related to the new home-control that is in SVN. also notice that the the screen in addition to the basic home screen is NOT the myplugins screen but the normal home screen like in the other skins.
anyways: to make it work without hovering it with the mouse first you have to open the myhome.xml in you PMIII directory and on the top you'll see this:
you have to change it into this:
save it, start MP again and it will work like it's meant to do.
The reason is that the menucontrol itself has changed. defaultcontrol means, this is the the first thing the focus lies on when you enter a screen. id 2 isn't there anymore in the new control, so the focus lies "nowhere" from where you can't switch to the menu-control anymore with keyboard / remote. the plugin-list's id is 50, so with changing like mentioned above you'll be directly in the menu when entering the homescreen again.