Project Mayhem III Download (Final Vers.2.3 09.06.2008 (5 Viewers)


Portal Pro
December 12, 2005
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Ok, great stuff Harly. Looking forward to the update. So your update will be even better then my mod. People could use my mod untill yours is finished, as a teaser :)

Will the next release be compatible with the TV-engine 3?


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  • May 7, 2004
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    Germany Germany
    Hi all,

    i´m working on the last steps now of the new update of PM III.

    what will come :

    - adding new animationstuff to the skin, sliding, fading, zooming.
    - new Home, Basichome and Pluginscreens
    ...the screens are complete overworked, so that the hovers real working behind the stripeoverlay. For that all hovers are also made new. The reason for this to add a complete new overlayfunktion for music- and TV/Videooverlay. So that the overlaystuff is also working behind the stripeoverlay. (..looks cool ! )
    - Homescreen are also complete overworked, so that the skin can be used with all funktions also with normal Homescreen.
    - adding fading labels to the buttons in the right down corner, wich show you the funktions of the buttons.
    - adding weatheroverlaystuff Basichomescreen with working overlay in the hoverarea:

    Greetings Harley


    Portal Pro
    December 12, 2005
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Damn! I can't wait! Now PMIII will be way ahead of all other skins.

    It would do the skin good to have a higher framerate than the default (by default). I'm running PMIII with the few animations I've added myself at 60FPS now, instead of the default 30fps. This makes is feel less static.
    I guess the framerate is 30fps by default for a reason....but the new animations might be a reason to reconsider the default framerate? Maybe 60fps is to high.

    edit: Do you think it's possible to do some little ajustments to the small "now Playing" overlay that is showing in all screens so all items become visible while browsing music/video's/pictures etc... The bottom ones are often behind the overlay which I can live with, but it's still a small inperfection. Maybe you could make it more transparent and fade the transparency in when the focus is not on items that can be behand the overlay? No big deal, just a suggestion.


    Portal Pro
    February 4, 2005
    Bergen, Norway
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Looks real cool Harley

    Still think you should have won the contest ;)
    And now i am shore!

    But maybe now they the Dev's will see how cool your skin is and put it also standard in the next versions.



    Portal Pro
    October 23, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I guess the framerate is 30fps by default for a reason....but the new animations might be a reason to reconsider the default framerate? Maybe 60fps is to high.

    I've got mine set at 80fps!!

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