PureVisionHD 1080 (113 Viewers)


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  • April 21, 2010
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    Since I borrowed the media logos from this skin I thought I would make an iTunes Logo (mainly for TVSeries). If there already exist one please excuse me I didn't find it tho.



    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi catavolt

    How's it going with the new Purevision HD Blue? Have you had any luck finding someone to make a new BasicHome editor for it yet?


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I seem to recall you fixed the problem with the cursor getting lost when going left or right on the menus. However, it seems to be doing it still.

    I reinstalled a fresh copy of HDBlue 5.1 and checked the BasicHomeButtons files and they looked like


    which looks correct. After running the editor and creating a "Custom" layout however, the files in the main folder (not layouts/Default) had changed to

     <onright />

    The files in layouts/custom were the same, so I went through and manually edited them back to how they should be, but still the marker disappears when going left or right on the menus.

    I've attached my Custom layout if you have time to take a look.


    • custom.zip
      14.8 KB


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I've managed to fix the probem. :) I think it just hadn't copied my Custom files into the main folder after I edited them to fix them. I didn't actually realise until just now that it does this and thought it used them directly from the layouts\custom folder.


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi folks,
    here we go with some information of the upcoming MP 1.3.0 Alpha and the new PureVisionHD skins working with this brandnew and feature-packed new MP version :D
    First of all there is a new "Theme" feature allowing e.g. to define skin themes and then simply change to another skin theme from settingsd GUI.
    For the moment I integrated PVHD Blue as skin theme into PVHD.
    To change the theme, just go to settings:


    ...select skin theme PureVisionHD Blue:


    ..and the theme is loaded much faster then changing a skin ;


    Another new feature is the coloured TV guide (EPG) where you can select to colourize different genres to the colours of your choice:


    If you don´t want genre colouring, just switch it off:

    12-31-54.jpg 12-32-11.jpg

    For the German users I integrated the Clickfinder plugin:


    accessible directly from main TV menu.

    The MyVideos plugin got a radical rework and is now more powerful than any other extra plugin for movie administration ;)
    Here some screenshots of the new features (latest added movies on BasicHome, extended media info incl. logos, new access to actors, directors etc,, userdefined groups, and so on - to much to explain all the new stuff in a few sentences:

    12-52-13.jpg 12-52-21.jpg 12-52-26.jpg 12-52-37.jpg 12-52-53.jpg 12-52-59.jpg 12-53-12.jpg 12-53-52.jpg 12-53-57.jpg 12-55-03.jpg

    And now the bad news: ATM I don´t have a new BasicHome Editor, but the new menus show only installed/enabled plugins which should help a bit.

    Still thinking about to put all PVHD related skins (Horizontal and Metro) also into the PVHD pack so user can switch through all the skins as skin themes (reducing a lot of disk space because the GFX is only stored once).

    Stay tuned :D


    • 12-54-54.jpg
      135.3 KB
    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • June 20, 2008
    Las Vegas, NV
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    United States of America United States of America
    Looking great CataVolt.
    I wonder if there is going to be a provision for importing the Moving Pictures plugin database into the new My Videos plugin? That will be nice for us having a large movie collection. And I hope it will have full IMDB+ support too.


    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi catavolt

    Really looking forward to 1.3 and your updated skins for it :)

    It's a shame but not too bad about the lack of BasicHome Editor, as it's not that hard to edit the BasicHome .xml files. Obviously harder than using the editor and too much for the average non-technical user probably, but having had to look at them for various reasons recently, they're fairly clear :)

    If I could make a suggestion, it would be great to have a "Free Disk Space" readout for the partition used for TV Recordings, either on the Home Screen, the TV Recordings screen or both, using HTPCInfo I guess, unless there's another way that doesn't require that. I know this information can be viewed by going into HTPC Info, but there's a lot of information there that is somewhat overwhelming for the average user, so for them to just be able to easily see how much space they've got for recordings would be nice. There used to be a plugin called "DriveFreeSpace" which did this, but that hasn't been maintained in a long while now.

    I really can't get used to the TV/Video OSD that shows all the buttons I'm afraid (I think it just bugs me as I have no use for any of the buttons and so it's a waste of space and too much clutter, guess that's my OCD!), so if you could consider an optional that looks like the one that appears when pausing, but with the facility to press up to show the programme information, that would be great. :)


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi doveman - with skin themes all is possible ;)
    Maybe just make a skin theme like "Clean OSD" and there we go ;)

    EDIT: DiskFreeSpace had an update on the first page of their thread. Let me think about that one (because you aren´t the only one who likes to have this info on BasicHome/Home screens ;))


    MP Donator
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  • September 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Looking great CataVolt.
    I wonder if there is going to be a provision for importing the Moving Pictures plugin database into the new My Videos plugin? That will be nice for us having a large movie collection.
    + 1


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi folks,
    finally I decided to put ALL PVHD skins into one PureVisionHD 5.2.
    So when downloading the upcoming PureVisionHD 5.2 for MP 1.3.0 Alpha you´ll get PureVisionHD, PureVisionHD Blue, PureVisionHD Horizon and PureVisionHD Metro in one package, and you can change to your favourite skin by just entering the general setting in GUI and select the appripriate skin theme.
    Advantage: The full package occupies only ~ 57 MB in skin folder and only ~ 57 MB in skin cache folder (compared to ~ 200 MB in skin folder and ~ 200 MB in skin cache folder for different skins) ;)
    And switching between themes is much faster as switching between skins ;)
    Hope you´ll be satisfied with this solution :D

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