Renaming files with Moving Pictures (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
February 2, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
I think most of us have at some time had the idea of renaming all movies with nice looking filenames. The idea is simple but the solution took me nearly 2 years. I tried several file renamers found on the web, but none really satisfied me. The main problem was that you have to search and approve all movies again, even if you have them already in the Moving Pictures database. The provided interfaces weren't good and too elaborate to use.

The approach to use the Moving Pictures database which already contains all required information was the most obvious solution to me. Therefore I had some faith in jmcentire's apps that worked to some point.

kyleh0000 picked up the idea and created his own app which unfortunately did not work for me.

Since version 1.1.0 Moving Pictures has the ability to rename files. So we don't need third party tools anymore.
Issue 230 - moving-pictures - Rename movies according to their database-entry - Project Hosting on Google Code

In your Moving Pictures Movie Manager click on 'Advanced Tools'->Rename to rename one or more movie files. Simply select the movies in the list prior to rename.


The rename pattern is specified in About->'Advanced Settings'. You can put there for example:
${movie.title} (${movie.year}) [${movie.imdb_id}]${moviepart}

This will produce a file as follows that can easily be reimported in Moving Pictures or used with XBMC or WDTV.
2012 (2009) [tt1190080].mkv


Before Moving Pictures starts renaming any files you get a confirmation dialog with a preview of the changes and some additional options in the top right corner.


Renaming also supports directories and even secondary files like .nfo or .srt, etc. The original filename is saved in the MP database and you can undo any changes later.

I hope you find this useful.



  • File_Renamer.png
    341.1 KB
  • File_Renamer_Settings.png
    47 KB
  • File_Renamer_Confirmation.png
    86.1 KB


Retired Team Member
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  • June 27, 2008
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    Here is a handy script also to help out with the info above

    If you do not have all your movies in a folder of there own then you might want to run this before the above

    You place this in the folder with all your movies and then double click it and it will create a folder for each file named the same as the file and place it in that folder.

    You will have to extract the file since the site wont allow .bat files


    • createfolder.rar
      153 bytes


    Portal Pro
    April 17, 2007
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    two questions about the rename function:
    is there a way to batch rename files?

    and when renaming multiple disk files like *** cd1.avi it wants to change them to part 1 instead of cd1, is there a way make it rename cd1 instead?

    thanks for any help.


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    United States of America United States of America
    Hold shift or control down when selecting movies in the Movie Manager to do a bulk rename. If you want to alter the rename pattern you can adjust it under Advanced Settings, accessible via the About tab. Rename settings are near the bottom. There are actually three patterns, one for files, one for the multipart section of a filename (i.e. "CD1" vs. "Part 1") and one for directories.

    Hope this helps.


    MP Donator
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  • September 8, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    AW: Renaming files with Moving Pictures

    Is it possible to add a feature: "Delete Secondary Files". I want to have only the Movie in a Folder. If MP has detected a movie, these files are no longer needed.


    New Member
    June 5, 2011
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    N00b here, had a good look around but can't seem to find a list of fields/tags I can use in a rename pattern. Presumably the 'file detail' fields like video resolution are also available? My best shot was ${file[0].video_resolution} but that wasn't recognised. Anyone got a full list?


    MP Donator
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  • February 26, 2010
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    Recently used this command for the first time. Had all my movies renamed as per the above example and re-imported all. Most were auto-approved, but still many which didn't even come up with a possible match, including movies named 'Deep Blue Sea (1999) [tt0149261]' and 'Big Fish (2003) [tt0319061]'. One would think that if the imdb-id is included there shouldn't be any dispute as to what movie is meant? Is there another setting I'm overlooking?


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Recently used this command for the first time. Had all my movies renamed as per the above example and re-imported all. Most were auto-approved, but still many which didn't even come up with a possible match, including movies named 'Deep Blue Sea (1999) [tt0149261]' and 'Big Fish (2003) [tt0319061]'. One would think that if the imdb-id is included there shouldn't be any dispute as to what movie is meant? Is there another setting I'm overlooking?

    MovPic config -> About -> Advanced Settings

    Only Auto Approve from Primary Data Source = True​

    If that is already set to 'true' and it didn't work, then you can adjust the following setting:

    Data Provider Request Limit = 1 (a value of -1 might yield better results in some cases)​

    However if all your movies have an IMDb tt-ID like that and you use a scraper that can work with that, such as default IMDb or IMDb+ scraper-scripts, then the easiest way is to simply disable all the other scraper-scripts, so you are left with just one.

    The other option is to adjust the approval slider all the way to the right to 'reckless', this will result in almost no manual approval request as well.

    Let me know if you are using IMDb+ scraper, because I made a lot of enhancements to it to limit the amount of manual approvals required in search-node as well with that one.

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