Renaming files with Moving Pictures (2 Viewers)


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  • March 10, 2006
    Inside MovPic config at the advanced settings you have two sections for rename, one for individual files and one for multi-parts... did you perhaps put your changes into the wrong one?


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  • August 31, 2010
    San Luis Obispo, CA
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    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks for the reply. So I took a picture of what the settings look like so I could ask an intelligent questions.

    I liked the pattern that I found in the mediaportal site so I used the following:
    ${movie.title} (${movie.year}) [${movie.imdb_id}] ${moviepart}

    This is what I pasted into the File Rename Pattern and the Directory Rename Pattern

    Here is what I see:
    File Renamer
    File Rename Pattern
    Directory Rename Pattern
    Multi-Part Rename Pattern

    For the Multi-Part it says at the bottom

    When using the file renamer functionality, this filename pattern will be appended to the regular pattern for movies made up of multiple files.

    I didn't put anything in here except what was in there by default (Part #)

    I didn't think that when I asked the renamer to rename my movie 127 hours that it would add the Part# since there is only 1 part.

    Hope you can help my confusion.



    • moving picture renamer 2.JPG
      moving picture renamer 2.JPG
      97.7 KB
    Last edited:


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    I actually never used the system myself yet (always something else pops up) on my production box, but I've ran some tests a while back.

    If memory serves me you simply use "${movie.title} (${movie.year}) [${movie.imdb_id}]" for the File Rename Pattern and Directory pattern.

    The multi-part stuff is then *ADDED* to that when a multi-part movie is detected. But because you had '${moviepart}' as part of the single file pattern as well is why you got (Part #) added to even single files.

    It has been a while though, so perhaps it changed, but doesn't the wiki explain this in more detail?


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  • August 31, 2010
    San Luis Obispo, CA
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    Thanks RoChess!

    You nailed it on the head! I tried looking in the mediaportal wiki and it pointed me to the moving picture wiki, but it didn't speak to using the renamer in either of these places. Maybe my search missed it within the wiki?

    I took out the '${moviepart}' and then it work like it should. Leaving out the part when there was just one file and adding either "part 1" or "part 2" at the end of the file. The # sign was replaced by the part number (1,2,3,etc.)

    When I get a bit of time maybe I'll edit the wiki.

    Thanks for the help


    Portal Pro
    June 17, 2011
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    i use moving pics and never even realised this feature existed lol, many thanks for this as its saved me a lot of work (y)


    New Member
    September 14, 2015
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    I am using KrojamSoft BatchRenameFiles Tool as it is a powerful tool, that allows you to quickly rename all the files in a specified directory. You can remove spaces, replace spaces with underscore, Uppercase/lowercase filename, add a prefix/suffix, remove/replace strings and also catalog files by adding an incremental number to the file name.With BatchRenameFiles Tool, you can quickly and easily change the name, attributes of files/folders. It can sort file names by name, date, time. Supported preview mode of all changes before making them.


    Dorian Markich


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  • December 19, 2011
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    i have nearly a same problem when i rename a multipart video. e.g the hobbit: when i have "the hobbit part 1.mkv" and "the hobbit part 2.mkv", mp will rename the nfo file to "the hobbit part 1.mkv".

    is there something i can avoid this? that mp will take the movie name for renaiming the nfo-file?


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    @skorz, use the alternative multipart indicators otherwise such as CD1/CD2, that way you avoid issues with movies actually having "Part 1" in their official title.

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