Scythe42's fixes for 1.4.0 (3 Viewers)

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  • January 7, 2005
    Scythes answer to this:
    Resizing is aspect ratio safe, the mouse cursor still can move on X or Y axis. Cosmetic issue that is inherent to Windows itself (OSX would never allow such a glitch!).

    You see the same with a ton of video players as well. I was under the impression that users know what this is. I feared not allowing them to move the cursor even more will confuse them. Obviously I was wrong. Will change that.


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  • January 3, 2008
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    What about excluding logos from cache in this build to test possible perfomance issues? Or changes in TextureManager are not reasonable?


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  • June 20, 2009
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    Is it possible to keep the mouse cursor fixed (at the same place on mp windowed) when we hit the boundaries of the desktop ? Actually when we hit the boundaries of the desktop the mouse continue to move.
    Easily possible.

    The "strange" window is probably the resizing feature of windows when the mouse bumps to the screen while dragging a window (you see a small circle around it).

    When you bump the top or bottom a window will maximize. It resets to the old size as soon as you move it from the edge.
    To the left and right it creates some column view. That view will not work with MP, as we keep the aspect ratio of the skin. Again it resets to the old size as soon as you move it from the edge.

    It is called "Snap" -

    Here how to turn this feature of (I find it annoying as it always happens, when I do not want while moving windows around):

    Unfortunately the issue, i've reported in #92 doesn't seems to be fixed here! Log and Screenshot attached!
    Thanks, will check the losgs. This build collects more debug information for me to find out how windows handles the screens and check where MP does not use the correct resolution.

    Just tried this latest build an my laptop (Intel 3000). Startup works, multi-display issue as follows:
    1. started MP on primary screen, OK
    2. go to windowed mode, OK (took long, but OK)
    3. Moved window to secondary screen, OKisch (windows resized to a much smaller size)
    4. Went Fullscreen again, Not OK (original resolution was used, image is now wide than the 2ndary screen)
    Will checks what the logs tell me here.

    What about excluding logos from cache in this build to test possible perfomance issues? Or changes in TextureManager are not reasonable?
    Texture atlas will be gone very soon. Makes no sense to work on it anymore.

    I just retry remote desktop and freeze again lol.
    What is the resolution and colors depth you are using for RDP sessions?

    Did you fiddle with your registry to override the minimum supported resolution because WM_DISPLAYCHANGE does not report it?

    Somehow I doubt your are running a 1920x1080x32 RDP session...

    This PlanceScene stuff people are doing screws up really bad with Windows when you are using resolutions below the one you specified as the minimum supported one.

    Next version I will log the registry key and throw an error, so I see if they screwed up their system...

    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,019] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 32787
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,019] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,019] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Deactivation Request Received
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,020] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnLostFocus()
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,266] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 32787
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,270] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,270] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Screen MP is displayed on changed from \\.\DISPLAY2 to WinDisc
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,490] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 32768)
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,495] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DISPLAYCHANGE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,505] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 32768)
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,634] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DISPLAYCHANGE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,654] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,661] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,661] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Activation Request Received
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,662] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnGotFocus()
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,716] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,834] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint()
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,933] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint()
    [2013-04-23 13:54:46,986] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 7)
    [2013-04-23 13:54:48,255] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 32787
    [2013-04-23 13:54:48,255] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 32787
    [2013-04-23 13:54:48,367] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 7)
    [2013-04-23 13:54:53,064] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:53,064] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Deactivation Request Received
    [2013-04-23 13:54:53,064] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnLostFocus()


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Is it possible to keep the mouse cursor fixed (at the same place on mp windowed) when we hit the boundaries of the desktop ? Actually when we hit the boundaries of the desktop the mouse continue to move.
    Easily possible.

    The "strange" window is probably the resizing feature of windows when the mouse bumps to the screen while dragging a window (you see a small circle around it).

    When you bump the top or bottom a window will maximize. It resets to the old size as soon as you move it from the edge.
    To the left and right it creates some column view. That view will not work with MP, as we keep the aspect ratio of the skin. Again it resets to the old size as soon as you move it from the edge.

    It is called "Snap" -

    Here how to turn this feature of (I find it annoying as it always happens, when I do not want while moving windows around):

    Thanks :) I will retry but i understand these features :) for me that not the issue, i mean i keep holding left mouse button, so effectively, i can see the small circle but like i keep the mouse button on i go out this boundaries zone.

    I will try to make a video to try to explain what i want to explain :) thanks.

    I just retry remote desktop and freeze again lol.
    What is the resolution and colors depth you are using for RDP sessions?

    Did you fiddle with your registry to override the minimum supported resolution because WM_DISPLAYCHANGE does not report it?

    Somehow I doubt your are running a 1920x1080x32 RDP session...

    This PlanceScene stuff people are doing screws up really bad with Windows when you are using resolutions below the one you specified as the minimum supported one.

    Next version I will log the registry key and throw an error, so I see if they screwed up their system...

    I connect on RDP with 1920x1080 i will look when @ work the color depth :)
    But i get the same freeze if :
    MP not started
    I'm connecting to RDP session (1920x1080x XX), start MP (windowed or fullscreen) -> play with it.
    Going to my PC -> Open my session (so i'm in real in front of my PC) -> MP is freeze (i can quiclky see X (close button) flash when MP is in windowed (read if i have leave MP in windowed mode when i have close my RDP Session).

    MP is not really freeze because lof is populate, it's the display no change (no possible to alt-enter) and i think the music stop (i have also tested without music)

    It seems happen with recent commit (where you reset D3D device) i will revert it for testing :)

    Also about RDP session, i have try to connect to (1920x1080x XX) and also win8 add an option to connect with your 2 screens (@ work i have 2 screens @ 1920x1080) and i can use it to see my 2 screens from home (even if @ home my second screen is 1680x1050), when i connect from work to home :
    home : 1920x1080 (screen1) and 1680x1050 (screen2), i get from work 1920x1080 (screen1) and 1920x1080 (screen2), RDP tool adapt screen based on my work setting (2 screens @ 1920x1080).

    I will post screenshot maybe that help :)

    So yes i'm connecting to home in RDP Session inn fullscreen mode with 1 or 2 screens setting :)

    Thanks :)

    Don't get me wrong here, i really like your work on it, i just try to explain my finding :)
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France

    Revert to :
    SHA-1: 7c2599801bc7916a8621239744b99ed9637f9227
    * Added logging of screens on startup of MP


    SHA-1: 67dae74a2b05f84b55d393032696aac5bd0e244a
    Fixed MP assuming adapter number equals screen number

    It's ok and switch between windowed/fullscreen is instant. :)


    • Connect_from_work_to_home_RDP.JPG
      95.5 KB
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    @Scythe42 :)

    It's that commit that break RDS support :
    SHA-1: 8e8c14eb500205cf8ef7c1edf709f8c353bc89b7
    * added debug logging of display and adapter information

    I have revert it and do full build and it works in both mode :
    #1 : Start MP from normal and connect to RDS (with only 1 or both screen)
    #2 : Start MP from RDS and connect to PC directly

    Thanks :)

    Hope you can see why :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    It's that commit that break RDS support :
    SHA-1: 8e8c14eb500205cf8ef7c1edf709f8c353bc89b7
    * added debug logging of display and adapter information
    That happens during startup only. Can I please have logs when you try to start MP over an RDP sessions. And please not will 10 different tests inside the logs like the last one. Only reproduce the issue with as few steps as possible.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    It's that commit that break RDS support :
    SHA-1: 8e8c14eb500205cf8ef7c1edf709f8c353bc89b7
    * added debug logging of display and adapter information
    That happens during startup only. Can I please have logs when you try to start MP over an RDP sessions. And please not will 10 different tests inside the logs like the last one. Only reproduce the issue with as few steps as possible.

    Yep and sorry, i didn't tell you that it was in last part of log :
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,019] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 32787
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,019] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,019] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Deactivation Request Received
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,020] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnLostFocus()
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,266] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 32787
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,270] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,270] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Screen MP is displayed on changed from \\.\DISPLAY2 to WinDisc
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,490] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 32768)
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,495] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DISPLAYCHANGE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,505] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 32768)
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,634] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DISPLAYCHANGE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,654] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,661] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,661] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Activation Request Received
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,662] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnGotFocus()
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,716] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,834] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint()
    [2013-04-23 13:54:45,933] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint()
    [2013-04-23 13:54:46,986] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 7)
    [2013-04-23 13:54:48,255] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 32787
    [2013-04-23 13:54:48,255] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 32787
    [2013-04-23 13:54:48,367] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 7)
    [2013-04-23 13:54:53,064] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_ACTIVATE
    [2013-04-23 13:54:53,064] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Deactivation Request Received
    [2013-04-23 13:54:53,064] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnLostFocus()

    Just before that part, it was MP playing music and when i'm connecting to Home, above is the last line of code and mp was freeze :p

    I will create new log in best timing :)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi Scythe :)

    This is log :
    Start from HOME (directly).
    Connect from WORK (RDP 1920x1080x32 fullscreen) -> Time around 15H14
    MP is freeze (i need to kill the task)
    Hope it's ok :)


      10.9 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 25, 2010
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    I just started my Media PC (MP is starts automatically) and MP crashed hard >_>
    I'm running the latest build :) Logs attached ;)
    After starting it again, it worked oO

    To be clear: *.1.log => Error
    *.log => the second try => worked
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