Scythe42's fixes for 1.4.0 (3 Viewers)

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Portal Pro
August 12, 2006
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Australia Australia
- System Specs used : Intel Core I5, Intel HD3000 graphics used.
- How many displays : 1
- Display Sony Bravia HDMI
- Skin Used : Titan
- What resolution does each display use : 1920 X 1080
- Where is the taskkbar positioned of Windows : Bottom of screen with auto hide: Areo Peek turned on.

Running latest build, I have found if the computer is stated with the display turned off Mediaportal will not show up, just normal desktop shows. Then clicking on Mediaportal on the task bar the mouse becomes unresponsive and Mediaportal will not display. The only way to start Mediaportal is to close Mediaportal using the task manager and then running it again. I didn't have this problem on the original 1.3 release.

Mediaportal starts correctly if the display is on when the computer starts up.

Starting computer with display off: MediaPortal.log
Starting computer with display on: MediaPortalok.log


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France

    I just reproduce RDS issue with new build :

    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,106] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (32787)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,106] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Power settings changed (PBT_POWERSETTINGSCHANGE)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,307] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (32787)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,307] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Power settings changed (PBT_POWERSETTINGSCHANGE)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,320] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,320] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Screen MP is displayed on changed from \\.\DISPLAY1 to WinDisc
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,321] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Bounds of display changed from 1680x1050 @ 1920,30 to 1920x1080 @ 0,0
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,486] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 32768)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,490] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DISPLAYCHANGE
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,497] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 32768)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,500] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DISPLAYCHANGE
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,512] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,700] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint()
    [2013-04-25 09:34:38,925] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    [2013-04-25 09:34:39,739] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - D3D: OnPaint()
    [2013-04-25 09:34:40,592] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 7)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:42,336] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (32787)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:42,336] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Power settings changed (PBT_POWERSETTINGSCHANGE)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:42,336] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST (32787)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:42,336] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [INFO ] - Main: Power settings changed (PBT_POWERSETTINGSCHANGE)
    [2013-04-25 09:34:42,539] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Main: WM_DEVICECHANGE (Event: 7)

    Thanks :)


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
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    France France
    Hi scythe,
    my post can't help you, no logs / no screenshot !!!
    only for say, used with personal build (include Atmolight patch) from your branch at 22/04/13 on HTPC system,
    MP start correctly, TV start-up very speed :)
    i can't test HDMI issue ....
    i cannot tested Minidisplay with original Core (Wife factor), but with atmolight, Minidisplay turning off ! (y)

    the only small issue, is the ZAPing of channel, not great but no log = nothing
    (but i think is show the GUI (OSD / Context menu / ...) is slow to appear, when Movie/TV is in background !)

    Thank you for your effort !(y)


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  • July 25, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    [I just go to my HTPC with your build on it and i have see something strange :
    HTPC was in S3 from yesterday and the wakeup (21H55) didn't work well.
    Log attached + screenshot :)
    Can you compile my branch and test again please? That is a clear regression.

    Can you reproduce this?
    As you see in the logs it worked as I started MP by hand. I restarted the PC now and MP came up without this error, so the short answer is: No I can't reproduce it on demand, sorry :(
    But hopefully the logs help you to find a way that this can't happen again :) So far I'm pretty happy with your work (y)
    I'll add a re-try loop. Looks like the GPU driver when MP was autostarted was not yet fully up and running. Probably some display driver software was autostarted setting D3D temporarily into a softwar only mode for a couple of ms.

    Question is after what time should I assume that we do not have a hardware device available? What do you guys think is a reasonable timeout?

    I would say after one or two seconds :)
    I tried it immidiately again and than it worked
    Arg writing on an iPod is Not so nice xD


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  • June 20, 2009
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    Changing to any other screen (homescreen, pictures etc) results in a mostly blank screen with just the preview window showing.
    Further switching between fullscreen/windowed doesn't fix the glitch.
    Using other skins results in MP hanging completely, or throwing an error box "Can't create D3D device".
    FontEngine wants to render when during the switch the textures are disposed. Naturally this cannot work. Looks like the code for the mini player running is not in like with the rest and keeps trying to render. Should be easy to correct this.


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  • January 7, 2005
    Changing to any other screen (homescreen, pictures etc) results in a mostly blank screen with just the preview window showing.
    Further switching between fullscreen/windowed doesn't fix the glitch.
    Using other skins results in MP hanging completely, or throwing an error box "Can't create D3D device".
    FontEngine wants to render when during the switch the textures are disposed. Naturally this cannot work.

    FontEngine itself has no logic - it acts only as a dummy proxy between C# and D3D. Sounds like render loop on C# side will be trying to render when it shouldn't or the disposed textures aren't removed from FontEngine's lookup table.


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Changing to any other screen (homescreen, pictures etc) results in a mostly blank screen with just the preview window showing.
    Further switching between fullscreen/windowed doesn't fix the glitch.
    Using other skins results in MP hanging completely, or throwing an error box "Can't create D3D device".
    FontEngine wants to render when during the switch the textures are disposed. Naturally this cannot work.

    FontEngine itself has no logic - it acts only as a dummy proxy between C# and D3D. Sounds like render loop on C# side will be trying to render when it shouldn't or the disposed textures aren't removed from FontEngine's lookup table.
    Sorry, was not precise enough. Just looked at the last line of the exception not where it started. Already fixed in my local branch.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France

    Don't get me wrong, i just report my POV for using your build scythe42 :p

    #1 : Fullscreen/Windowed introduce a delay (i think it happen after you readd Device D3D reset)
    #2 : Mouse pointer sometimes is hidden (rarely) clicking or enter into a session make it appear (it's random and hard to reproduce)
    #3 : Something clicking with mouse or i think it can happen too with remote/keyboard for example on music item in share view but it can happen somewhere else, i need to do a second click to take it in account.
    #4 : GUI not full smooth sometimes (maybe on first run) after playing a video, it looks better.
    #5 : half screen (freezed) from wakeup from S3 (rarely)
    #6 : Remote desktop / Real desktop MP freeze, depend of how you you first start MP (if we start from Real desktop and connect from remote = freeze and if we start from Remote Desktop and connect from Real Desktop = freeze) it seems to happen from recent change (you already know that i have try to find what commit introduce it but in final, i didn't find it).
    #7 : Loading Plugins (threadsafe issues), i have talk to fforde (moving picture dev) yesterday night but he doesn't seems agree about threadsafe (but maybe i didn't understand correctly).

    That looks negative point but that just to try to help to see if all works good:)

    Thanks for all works on this :)


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    #3 : Something clicking with mouse or i think it can happen too with remote/keyboard for example on music item in share view but it can happen somewhere else, i need to do a second click to take it in account.
    True - having the same difficulty to click on whatever item (button, thumb in thumbviews etc.) - nearly all the time I have to click at least twice to envoke the proper action - seems mouse pointer looses focus to fast ;)


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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    #1 : Fullscreen/Windowed introduce a delay (i think it happen after you readd Device D3D reset)
    Device reset re-introduced. Here when switching between fullscreen and windowed we are back to behaviour of 1.3.0. Was requested that way for dealing with multi-display setups where screens have different aspect ratios compared to the skin. Nothing I can do here.

    #2 : Mouse pointer sometimes is hidden (rarely) clicking or enter into a session make it appear (it's random and hard to reproduce)
    It is reproducible for sure. Need for precise information here. Is this fullscreen, windows, multiple displays?

    #3 : Something clicking with mouse or i think it can happen too with remote/keyboard for example on music item in share view but it can happen somewhere else, i need to do a second click to take it in account.
    Mouse Controls and MP. As said fixed as good as possible. What is left can be reproduced for sure. Need more information when this happens. Remote, Keyboard and not related here at all. And it cannot be related to a specific share. Need a better description of it.

    #4 : GUI not full smooth sometimes (maybe on first run) after playing a video, it looks better.
    Again need steps to reproduce and what you do not consider smooth. Such stuff cannot be random.

    #5 : half screen (freezed) from wakeup from S3 (rarely)
    That is a regression. Need logs when this happens. Please not with a ton of tests. Reproduce and provide logs of it with description of what you did.

    #6 : Remote desktop / Real desktop MP freeze, depend of how you you first start MP (if we start from Real desktop and connect from remote = freeze and if we start from Remote Desktop and connect from Real Desktop = freeze) it seems to happen from recent change (you already know that i have try to find what commit introduce it but in final, i didn't find it).
    That is a result of handling multi-display support. RDP provides a special display called "WinDesc". That has no real properties. Can you please test with TeamViewer if this also happens? Also with VNC and other tools? Need to know more details.

    The problem here is that when you enter a RDP session all displays, graphics adapters and stuff are not the one of system anymore. If I make RDP work properly again some other stuff will get broken.

    I could properly reset MP to the primary screen. That could work. But then you will complain that it resets the position and size after an RDP session. You cannot have both without a special RDP mode at the moment.

    #7 : Loading Plugins (threadsafe issues), i have talk to fforde (moving picture dev) yesterday night but he doesn't seems agree about threadsafe (but maybe i didn't understand correctly).
    If we come to the conclusion that there are more compatibility issues with plugins then this can be removed and added at a later point.

    Here I need description that the plugin does when this happens. Are functions from MP DLLs involved, if so which? As said I am unable to reproduce this one with the same plugins.

    #3 : Something clicking with mouse or i think it can happen too with remote/keyboard for example on music item in share view but it can happen somewhere else, i need to do a second click to take it in account.
    True - having the same difficulty to click on whatever item (button, thumb in thumbviews etc.) - nearly all the time I have to click at least twice to envoke the proper action - seems mouse pointer looses focus to fast ;)
    Detailed description how to reproduce please. If it nearly happens all the time it should be clearly reproducible.
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