Scythe42's fixes for 1.4.0 (7 Viewers)

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  • June 20, 2009
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    - System Specs used : Intel Core I5, Intel HD3000 graphics used.
    - How many displays : 1
    - Display Sony Bravia HDMI
    - Skin Used : Titan
    - What resolution does each display use : 1920 X 1080
    - Where is the taskkbar positioned of Windows : Bottom of screen with auto hide: Areo Peek turned on.
    [2013-04-25 11:42:11,738] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Display: \\.\DISPLAY1 - IsPrimary: True - BitsPerPixel: 32 - Bounds: 1920x1080 @ 0,0 - WorkingArea: 1920x1080 @ 0,0
    [2013-04-25 11:42:11,738] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Display: \\.\DISPLAY2 - IsPrimary: False - BitsPerPixel: 32 - Bounds: 1024x768 @ 1920,0 - WorkingArea: 1024x768 @ 1920,0
    [2013-04-25 11:42:12,750] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Adapter #0: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 - Driver: igdumd32.dll ( - DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1
    [2013-04-25 11:42:12,750] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Adapter #1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 - Driver: igdumd32.dll ( - DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY2
    That information is not correct. In your setup Windows reports two connected displays. Looks like a bug in the GPU driver as this only happens when your display is turned off. When no HDMI connection is there, it should report a single display with a default resolution of 1024x768.

    Did you change any registry keys related to your display resolutions at any time in the past since you installed Windows? If so, please delete the keys, so Windows can re-create them properly on start up.

    Can you please try to activate the screen selector and choose your 1920x1080 screen and report back if this makes a difference?


    Portal Pro
    June 17, 2011
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I hope this has some relevance and can help some people out, i knew some of the issues i had were down to the audio side causing issues and possibly as a direct result of the AMD audio driver which comes with the AMD driver package. A lot of people have reported audio disconnection issues when turning on and off there avr equipment and using an HDMI output.
    Now ive only tested this a little but the results seem positive so far, yesterday a new AMD driver was released namely 13.4 and so i uninstalled the old version i had and tried this new one and now when i turn off my amp i seem to no longer lose audio output at all and infact mepo audio as an example still plays when the amp is turned back on and my 5.1 settings are still preserved in the windows audio control panel.
    Hope this helps some both with this work and in general as it eliminates another potential problem from the mix, or at least seems to be doing so far with little testing i have done today.
    I should also report at this moment im using stock mepo 1.30.
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    I agree with you that you need step by step procedure :)
    But what can i do when it happen randomly ?
    I will retry to find a way to reproduce @ 100%.
    Thanks for your answer.


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    I hope this has some relevance and can help some people out, i knew some of the issues i had were down to the audio side causing issues and possibly as a direct result of the AMD audio driver which comes with the AMD driver package. A lot of people have reported audio disconnection issues when turning on and off there avr equipment and using an HDMI output.
    That is fcorrect behaviour. When you turn off an AVR the HDMI audio renderer gets removed. An HDMI connected AVR is an external audio renderer. This is not a AMD driver issue, these is the nature of having an external audio renderer, which HDMI always is. It it the same on Nvidia and Intel.

    The problem you are describing is something different. Very likely the HDMI audio device got disabled and did not enable again on a reconnection. That is result of a driver clash between the RealTek drivers coming with Windows and the AMD drivers. This one was always solvable by unpacking the AMD drivers, choose the audio device in the device manager and manually selecting the driver from AMD.

    The problem was caused by both drivers identifing the same chipset and versions, but in fact the drivers are different. Because of that the AMD ones did not overwrite the ones already present on the system. Windows correctly assumed that they are already there.

    Probably AMD bumped their HDMI driver version (based on the same chipset). If RealTek at any point provides a new WHQL driver with a newer version and it gets installed on the system by whatever means, the problem might re-surface.


    Portal Pro
    August 12, 2006
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    Australia Australia
    - System Specs used : Intel Core I5, Intel HD3000 graphics used.
    - How many displays : 1
    - Display Sony Bravia HDMI
    - Skin Used : Titan
    - What resolution does each display use : 1920 X 1080
    - Where is the taskkbar positioned of Windows : Bottom of screen with auto hide: Areo Peek turned on.
    [2013-04-25 11:42:11,738] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Display: \\.\DISPLAY1 - IsPrimary: True - BitsPerPixel: 32 - Bounds: 1920x1080 @ 0,0 - WorkingArea: 1920x1080 @ 0,0
    [2013-04-25 11:42:11,738] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Display: \\.\DISPLAY2 - IsPrimary: False - BitsPerPixel: 32 - Bounds: 1024x768 @ 1920,0 - WorkingArea: 1024x768 @ 1920,0
    [2013-04-25 11:42:12,750] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Adapter #0: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 - Driver: igdumd32.dll ( - DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1
    [2013-04-25 11:42:12,750] [Log	] [MPMain  ] [DEBUG] - Adapter #1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 - Driver: igdumd32.dll ( - DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY2
    That information is not correct. In your setup Windows reports two connected displays. Looks like a bug in the GPU driver as this only happens when your display is turned off. When no HDMI connection is there, it should report a single display with a default resolution of 1024x768.

    Did you change any registry keys related to your display resolutions at any time in the past since you installed Windows? If so, please delete the keys, so Windows can re-create them properly on start up.

    Can you please try to activate the screen selector and choose your 1920x1080 screen and report back if this makes a difference?

    I haven't edited any registry keys. I think it may be because I have a VGA lead also plugged into the same Sony Bravia. I will remove it and try again as I don't currently use the VGA. I had this plugged in as it improved a problem a long time ago in an old version of mediaportal.



    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    #1 : Fullscreen/Windowed introduce a delay (i think it happen after you readd Device D3D reset)
    Device reset re-introduced. Here when switching between fullscreen and windowed we are back to behaviour of 1.3.0. Was requested that way for dealing with multi-display setups where screens have different aspect ratios compared to the skin. Nothing I can do here.

    Ok :)

    #2 : Mouse pointer sometimes is hidden (rarely) clicking or enter into a session make it appear (it's random and hard to reproduce)
    It is reproducible for sure. Need for precise information here. Is this fullscreen, windows, multiple displays?

    I have see that on windowed / fullscreen (with both screen on DEV PC) and on HTPC (only one screen). -> Random

    #3 : Something clicking with mouse or i think it can happen too with remote/keyboard for example on music item in share view but it can happen somewhere else, i need to do a second click to take it in account.
    Mouse Controls and MP. As said fixed as good as possible. What is left can be reproduced for sure. Need more information when this happens. Remote, Keyboard and not related here at all. And it cannot be related to a specific share. Need a better description of it.

    I have see that on windowed / fullscreen (with both screen on DEV PC) and on HTPC (only one screen) and yes for sure it happen with mouse -> Happen often

    #4 : GUI not full smooth sometimes (maybe on first run) after playing a video, it looks better.
    Again need steps to reproduce and what you do not consider smooth. Such stuff cannot be random.

    Hope @HomeY can explain it too, i think he see that too.

    #5 : half screen (freezed) from wakeup from S3 (rarely)
    That is a regression. Need logs when this happens. Please not with a ton of tests. Reproduce and provide logs of it with description of what you did.

    I have see that on HTPC (so to do proper quick test) i need to turn off/on my videoprojector (not sure it like it lol). When i have try last night, MP was in full screen and freezed, i will retry.

    #6 : Remote desktop / Real desktop MP freeze, depend of how you you first start MP (if we start from Real desktop and connect from remote = freeze and if we start from Remote Desktop and connect from Real Desktop = freeze) it seems to happen from recent change (you already know that i have try to find what commit introduce it but in final, i didn't find it).
    That is a result of handling multi-display support. RDP provides a special display called "WinDesc". That has no real properties. Can you please test with TeamViewer if this also happens? Also with VNC and other tools? Need to know more details.

    The problem here is that when you enter a RDP session all displays, graphics adapters and stuff are not the one of system anymore. If I make RDP work properly again some other stuff will get broken.

    I could properly reset MP to the primary screen. That could work. But then you will complain that it resets the position and size after an RDP session. You cannot have both without a special RDP mode at the moment.

    I have try with teamviewer and real desktop (i call it like this that mean when i am directly in front of my system) and RDS.
    I have give you some log, i will retry and give you log too.

    But step are :
    DEV PC : (Real Desktop)
    1 CARD NVIDIA (2 screens connected 1920x1080 and 1680x1050)
    #1 : Start MP (screen1)
    #2 : Connect on RDS (with setting one screen or both screen, it does the same)
    #3 : MP Freeze (need to kill it)

    another cases :
    DEV PC : (Remote Desktop)
    1 CARD NVIDIA (2 screens connected 1920x1080 and 1680x1050)
    #1 : Start MP (screen1)
    #2 : Connect on PC (Real Desktop or Teamviewer)
    #3 : MP Freeze (need to kill it)

    #7 : Loading Plugins (threadsafe issues), i have talk to fforde (moving picture dev) yesterday night but he doesn't seems agree about threadsafe (but maybe i didn't understand correctly).
    If we come to the conclusion that there are more compatibility issues with plugins then this can be removed and added at a later point.

    Here I need description that the plugin does when this happens. Are functions from MP DLLs involved, if so which? As said I am unable to reproduce this one with the same plugins.

    Here it's random, but happen most of the time on TVSeries plugins / Moving Pictures or IMDB+.
    I will supply log :)

    Thanks :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    I agree with you that you need step by step procedure :)
    But what can i do when it happen randomly ?
    I will retry to find a way to reproduce @ 100%.
    Thanks for your answer.
    It does not happen randomly. I am sure of it. Try to find a way where it happens very often, that should help me to reproduce it. When you got something please describe exactly what you did. Preferable after a startup of MP; meaning getting as quickly as possible to the issue.


    Moderator - Spanish Forums
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  • August 4, 2007
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    I know this thread doesn't have to do with Music section, but if I'm right, the installer includes lastest Music Player binaries + files... I've tested the first installer you released, and Music Section was broken (it only played first file inside a playlist, then skip the others and stop). I remember to have read somewhere (may be in Music Player Rework thread), that there were some missing files... Could you take a look and upload a fixed installer?

    I would really like to test these fixes in my daily production system... but I can't because of that.

    Thanks a lot.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    I agree with you that you need step by step procedure :)
    But what can i do when it happen randomly ?
    I will retry to find a way to reproduce @ 100%.
    Thanks for your answer.
    It does not happen randomly. I am sure of it. Try to find a way where it happens very often, that should help me to reproduce it. When you got something please describe exactly what you did. Preferable after a startup of MP; meaning getting as quickly as possible to the issue.

    Sure :) I know that if you can reproduce it better you can fix it :)
    Maybe a teamviewer session can help ?

    Need to go :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    I haven't edited any registry keys. I think it may be because I have a VGA lead also plugged into the same Sony Bravia. I will remove it and try again as I don't currently use the VGA. I had this plugged in as it improved a problem a long time ago in an old version of mediaportal.
    That explains the multiple displays showing up. Two connected displays from a GPU point of view. The individual connections cannot see that it is the same display.

    If the issue still persists or shows other unusual stuff we can work this scenario out as well.
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