Self Contained Web Server / Interface (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
December 2, 2009
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
I've installed VLC1.3, so the files to be copied don't exist, which doesn't mattter.
in the system configuration i added a PATH variable which points to the vlc program directory. This might be the problem i suppose.

Good Luck




Portal Member
June 4, 2009
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Germany Germany
Hm, there no Version 1.3 The newest Version is 1.0.5 I dont understand you with path. Which path? If you mean path to VLC than i can tell you that this is set.


Portal Member
December 2, 2009
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Sorry, i menat 1.0.3.

PATH: Right Click on "Computer"/Properties/enhanced/environment variables (i'm using a german XP, so these names might be different than in my translation...)

in the upper section the variables for the current user are defined. just add PATH and as value the VLC prog. path. Then VLC is always found, even without knowing the path.

Hopefully i didn't tell any sh... here, but it worked for me that way.



Portal Member
April 17, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
weekly schedules


First thanks for this great tool. I use it (v0.6.0.14beta) on my WHS with installed MP TV-Server (v1.1.0 SVN Disaster Edition) for a few days now. Thus far everything works, but one thing I cannot follow.

Using the web interface there are different database entries in comparison to the "normal" use of schedules doing with MP frontend. E.g. schedule "everytime on this channel", "do not delete":

db-column ...............Webinterface....."frontend"
directory..................recording dir.......blank

=> the web interface schedules only 5 recordings with lowest priority on a fixed tv-card?
Just for me priority and recommended card ain't a matter - but only 5 recordings aren't enough for series. :(

Did I do a wrong configuration?

Thx in advance


New Member
February 14, 2010
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Netherlands Netherlands
So is there fix to above?
I had same problem.
I Have 1.1.0 beta + MySQL. MPWebinterface 0_6_0_14.



I solved this problem by actualy giving the series-field a default value of "1" if I remember correctly in the database design. Only issue I have at this moment is that I get no notifications if there is an recording conflict.


THANKS, now it works :)

I found 'series' field from 'schedule' table in mptvdb using mysql administration.

After installing MP Webinterface Version (installing caused an memory execution error) I got the following failure message "Error: [AnyDAC][Phys][MySQL][LIBMYSQL] Column 'directory' cannot be null" when I try to add a selected program to the recording schedule via MP Webinterface. Using Mediaportal on the same PC causes no problem when adding a recording.. I also see in the MP Webinterface the added recording done via MediaPortal.
Who an help to solve this problem?

I would like to add that before this failure message I got the failure message regarding the no default value for "series" field (Issue 34 on Google Code). I solved that problem via running the suggested SQL statement.

I've installed the Beta TV Server 1.1 on a separate PC (running Vista 32 bits fresh install of today). No other software installed other then needed to run TVServer on this machine.

No need to answer anymore I installed DVB Viewer Pro with DVB Viewer Server and this works at once and provides sufficient functionality (programmer recordings via a web interface and then viewing it afterwards via a network media player.)


Portal Pro
November 1, 2006
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: Self Contained Web Server / Interface

Are there any planned new versions or is the developing ended? I really like this "project"... :)


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • October 6, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi there,

    I have a quick question/problem, that I'm hoping someone can help with.

    Most things are working according to how they should, but I have a small annoying issue with channel sorting. :(

    I installed Webservices, and performed a complex sort based on "Name" - this worked great. :)

    I have then added a new channel to TV Server (performed a scan, then edited the Channel name, and also the channel number), which appears in Webservices, but instead of appearing alphabetically in the channel listings, it appears at the front???

    I have tried changing the complex sort option to ChannelID, saved everything, the channels are then sorted based on Id (great I thought). I then changed back to "Name" hoping this would force a re-sort.

    But unforutnately the new channel still appears at the beginning. I have checked the channl name to ensure there are no spaces/invalid characters.

    Anyone got any ideas?



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