Skype plugin (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
November 18, 2009
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Spain Spain
I hope we can find a solution for video calls, that would be great! Until then, I have to use myprograms


Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    AW: Re: Skype plugin

    I hope we can find a solution for video calls, that would be great! Until then, I have to use myprograms

    Istn't it possible to somehow use it similar to the TMT3 or PowerDVD launschers - using Skypes Output instead of MePos in case of a (video)call and make it fullscreen? Maybe with the common calls for window control (foregrounding, close, maximise, etc.)?


    Portal Pro
    December 11, 2008
    Home Country
    France France
    Direct video not possible

    This is somewhat a sad message...

    After testing and testing and .... no way to get the video from Skype when Skype is not in focus or not visible...
    I tried every windows api call to get to skype but... nothing.

    Earlier I did look at the option Guzzi proposes, but my guess is that it wouldn't be stable enough...
    Some thoughts on this:

    • if MP is configured to be always on top, ths Skype video would be behind it
    • if MP is not on top, Skype video will be in focus, so this would be a problem with keyboard input to MP, on the other hand, my MP installation receives commands from my remote (Hauppauge) even when MP is not in focus...
    Anyway I will look into this again the next few weeks and will keep you posted.



    Portal Pro
    January 28, 2005
    Does this plug-in work with Media Portal 1.0.2?

    I installed it by following the appropriate instructions, but when starting Media Portal, MySkype is not displayed.

    When I try to uninstall it, the following message is displayed: "invalid package!".

    I will try to capture the error, but in the meantime, has anyone else had issues?


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • August 20, 2007
    AW: Direct video not possible

    This is somewhat a sad message...

    After testing and testing and .... no way to get the video from Skype when Skype is not in focus or not visible...
    I tried every windows api call to get to skype but... nothing.

    Earlier I did look at the option Guzzi proposes, but my guess is that it wouldn't be stable enough...
    Some thoughts on this:

    • if MP is configured to be always on top, ths Skype video would be behind it
    • if MP is not on top, Skype video will be in focus, so this would be a problem with keyboard input to MP, on the other hand, my MP installation receives commands from my remote (Hauppauge) even when MP is not in focus...
    Anyway I will look into this again the next few weeks and will keep you posted.


    Thanks anyway, appreciate your work!
    As there was some integration of that stuff in the shortterm past inside TVs, there must be some solution - but maybe not without spending bigger efforts on programming and maybe it's not done with "integration", as suggested. THe integration similar TMT3 always has the problems you mentioned and istn't perfect - idea was just that it might be an easier way to get it up and running - and it's only needed for the time a call/connection is done. There might be other products/frameworks available that offer better or easier integration, but skype is very widely used.
    Anyway, this is an exiting idea to have videoconnections via TV/remote to friends - including latest "HD-connections" skype even offers very nice picture quality. Time will show ... maybe once upon a time they offer a better API for that ...


    Portal Pro
    December 11, 2008
    Home Country
    France France
    As far as I understood the message Skype sent out, they gonna "integrate" video on the hardware level... so for the moment they don't speak of updating the api... too bad.

    I will try to create a temp solution as you mentioned, but... it has to wait right now as I'm very busy with work for the next 2 weeks... so patience my friends...

    I'm running this on MP1.0.2, but the standard installation doesn't work, there is a problem with the package.
    Uninstalling the package from within the MP config screen doesn't work for any package, so neither for Skype4MP...

    I'm sure if you read this thread from the beginning, you will get it working


    BTW: If I get video working, I'm planning on re-writing the whole plugin (including the skin files), as for the moment I'm not too happy about how the plugin screens are presented. I'was thinking more in the line of the TV screen (not fullscreen) where you have the TV picture on the right and the menu on the left, with similar behavior to go to fullscreen videocall... just a thought.

    BTW2: For those of you with a dual screen setup, I got it working... then again... if you have dual screens you can always put Skype on the second screen, so there is no need for it...


    Portal Pro
    January 28, 2005
    Hahaha...thanks for the suggestion. :)

    Unfortunately, I don't have time to read 29 pages right now, so until I get round to it, I'll have to forego Skype use.
    Hopefully, I'll sort this out at some point.


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