Cela fait seulement 2 jours que j'ai découvert Media Portal et j'attend déjà avec impatience ses futurs évolutions.
Je tourne actuellement avec une skystar 2 et une tres vieille Miro Pctv.
Les deux cartes fonctionnent correctement . j'utilise la dernière version de Media Portal
Pour ce qui est de la skytar 2:
- Faire attention à bien avoir la derniere version logicielle de technisat (4.30) car vec la version précedente le scan des transpondeur ne trouvait aucune chaine.
- Ne pas s'inquiéter si lors d'un scan l'application semble se figer : c'est qu'il n'y a pas de signal sur le trtanspondeur.
- l'ajout de la dll softcsa, et lutilisation du répertoire MDplugin fonctionne correctement sur la reception de T*P*S
- A ma grande surprise les radios sattelites ont été automatiquement trié et se retrouve dans la liste des radios
- le basculement entre les chaines analogiques de ma pctv et les chaines numérique ne fonctionne pas systématiquement.
- l'epg semble fonctionner san problème
Par contre je trouve que l'interface de MP¨manque de fluiditée (petit blocage) comparée à celle de MCE. Est ce qu'il existe un myen de corriger ce problème ?
Je vais continuer mes test ce WE en espérent que ça continu dans ce sens.
When I tested MP 2.5 some months ago using TVE3.5, I found that "scan for channels" failed to find any channels when I selected a DVB-T2 tuner (a TBS 6284) :(, but succeeded when I used a DVB-T tuner (a Pinnacle 2000i) :). Obviously the Pinnacle found only those channels broadcast in DVB-T MUXes (in the UK we have both DVB-T MUXes and...
When I tested MP 2.5 some months ago using TVE3.5, I found that "scan for channels" failed to find any channels when I selected a...
Hi all
Running TV Server as part of a full upgrade to MP2 2.5 setup
After some problems with retuning (solved -...
Thank you for the info and especially for your time. I've ordered a HDHomerun Flex Duo 2. I'm using a mini PC for TV, it's too small to fit any card from TBS. Hopefully the HDHomerun will work, and last longer than the previous HDHomerun I had (HDHomerun Extend HDTC-2US) which was hot to the touch and died after a couple years.
Thank you for the info and especially for your time. I've ordered a HDHomerun Flex Duo 2. I'm using a mini PC for TV, it's too...
I've been successfully using MediaPortal1 and TV Server 1.17 on Win7 for years, using first a HDHomerun tuner, when that died, a...
It took a while but loading the three updates and waiting, (I wandered off doing other things), while the Win 7 searched for updates eventually brought about 170 available updates. I picked the latest, largest and Cumulative ones and everything burst into action enough to re-install MediaPortal 1.33 which is running very well. I let...
It took a while but loading the three updates and waiting, (I wandered off doing other things), while the Win 7 searched for...
Running MP1 - 1.39 for long while, no issues.
10th April [same time as 2024-KB5037036 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework...
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Database changed
MariaDB [mptvdb]> SELECT * FROM Server;
| idServer | isMaster | hostName | rtspPort |
I solved it myself, by modifying the host IP-address in the server table of the database,
MariaDB [(none)]> use mptvdb;
Hello everyone,
I'm going to need help from the community to resolve a TV server crash issue.
I encountered a problem with my...